Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace-Characters


Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

A maverick Jedi master. One of the greatest living Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon Jinn is a master swordsman and a seasoned warrior. He is also keenly attuned to the living force. Qui-Gon senses the extraordinary potential of young Anakin Skywalker, and brings him before the Jedi Council to be tested. Qui-Gon is a mentor for the young knights. He is involved in a lot of lightsaber fighting. He does a lot of philosophizing and tries to teach Anakin a code of ethics. Qui-Gon is a very good friend to Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon is 6'5", he has longish slightly graying hair and a short slightly graying beard. He looks older and serious a commanding presence. Qui-Gon wears a light brown/beige color robe. The sleeves are big and loose and the top section comes down to about mid-thigh. He wears his boots over the pants.


Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Obi-Wan serves as Padawan, or apprentice, to Qui-Gon Jinn. Though well trained in the Jedi arts, Obi-wan is young and inexperienced only after many experiences is he able to truly connect with the Force and realize his potential as a Jedi Knight. As a young Jedi who has just completed his training, Obi-Wan makes a solemn pledge to train young Anakin Skywalker in the ways of the Force.


Natalie Portman as Queen Padme' Amidala

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Young elected Queen of Naboo; mother of princess Leia and Luke Skywalker. There is more to her than meets the eye. Anakin Skywalker thinks she's an angel. Amidala is tough, smart, caring, and beautiful. Amidala, proves to be an adventurous spirit and a great heroine to her people when her planet faced its greatest threat. She is 14 years old and although she is very strong, it is apparent she is very young.



Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

The Force is strong with nine-year old Anakin Skywalker. Though he lives the life of a slave, he dreams of great adventures-and Anakin's dreams almost always come true. A disheveled nine-year-old with blue eyes, Anakin Skywalker is an earnest and hardworking boy who lives in a desert city on Tatooine. A natural mechanic, he has a keen intuition with equipment and machinery. He can sense what makes an engine work. Living in a very humble home, Anakin dreams of becoming a starpilot and longs for a world of adventure. Hopeful and optimistic, this young boy little suspects the destiny and fearful challenges that await him.


Ian McDiarmid as Senator Palpatine

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Naboo's representative in the Galactic Senate on the capital world of Coruscant. The legendary Galactic Senate gathers representatives from planets throughout the Republic. Senator Palpatine takes a leading place in this elite community, and his voice carries special influence in discussions that will shape the future of the galaxy. Appearances can be deceiving - a saying never more true than in the case of Palpatine. He appears to be quiet and unassuming, a colorless man lacking in ambition and guile, who remained apart from the corruption infecting the government. However, Palpatine is the consummate actor in the galactic political arena. Palpatine tricks various factions into supporting him for the position of Senate Chancellor.


Anthony Daniels as C-3PO (voice only)

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

C-3PO a servant droid built by Anakin Skywalker. C-3PO is incomplete he is still missing his outer panels.


Kenny Baker as R2-D2

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

R2-D2 A royal fix-it droid on Queen Amidalas' Royal Transport.


Pernilla August as Shmi Skywalker

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The mother of Anakin Skywalker lives in humble circumstances in a Tatooine desert city as a slave. Shmi strives to raise Anakin well despite the difficult situation around them.


Frank Oz as Yoda

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Senior member of the Jedi Council. The Jedi Master Yoda is shrouded in mystery. Yoda faithfully serves the Galactic Republic as one of the 12 members of the Jedi Council.




Ray Park as Darth Maul

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

An agile, double-edge light saber-wielding Lord of the Sith. The Sith were believed extinct, but Darth Maul is proof that they're back-and deadlier than ever. Trained by the evil Lord Sidious and bearing the full power of the dark side, Maul is the ultimate Jedi enemy. His skills as a warrior seem to exceed even those of the great Qui-Gon Jinn (and Maul is just the apprentice). Darth Maul has his face painted black with a red fire pattern on it, and small 1" ivory colored horns are protruding from his skull. He wears low cut black boots, black trousers, black gloves and a black robe that he often wears with the hood up. He carries an orange/red double-ended lightsaber that can extend one end only if required. He is energetic, fierce and unpredictable. He is fast and he uses the dark side and LIKES it.


Darth Sidious

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Mysterious hooded figure of evil; he sets in motion the military conflict between the Trade Federation and Naboo. Darth Sidious appears mostly as a holo-projection, but who is Darth Sidious? A Sith Lord, a mysterious presence that seems to be able to control the Trade Federation and manipulate the Galactic Senate, Darth Sidious is the evil force behind the invasion of Naboo and the vicious attacks of Lord Maul. As he conspires and manipulates, he keeps his presence -- and his true intentions -- well hidden.


Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Jar Jar Binks is Jinn and Kenobi's comic sidekick; a member of the frog-like Naboo natives the Gungan. Exiled from his home in Otoh Gunga, dragged along on a perilous mission with two reckless Jedi Knights, and caught up in interplanetary warfare, it's no wonder Jar Jar asks, "Why mesa always da one?" Jar Jar is 'a wonderful sidekick. He's discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn, and becomes a part of the Jedi' entourage. He's red with a big long nose, huge feet and hands, tall, lanky and stupid, very lizard like. He bumbles around, always making mistakes. Jar Jar speaks very strangely, almost like a country bumpkin. He has lines such as "We's agunna crash!" and "Ders stilla monstairs outtathere! Yoos jedi aint so big!". Jar Jar pronounces his name as "JaJa Binkss".


Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu

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Senior human member of the Jedi Council. Wisdom and experience were equally as important as abilities in the Force among the Jedi Council members. For this reason, Mace Windu is especially honored and revered throughout the Galactic Republic.



Jabba The Hutt as Himself

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Slimy, fat, giant worm-your basic Tatooine crime lord.


Hugh Quarshie as Captain Panaka

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Captain Panaka is the head of the Queen's security detail that pilots the Queen's Royal Transport.


Terrence Stamp as Chancellor Valorum

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Chancellor Valorum is leader of the Galactic Senate.



Brian Blessed as Boss Nass

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Boss Nass drool-prone leader of the Gungans, a half human, and half lizard alien race - and ruled an underwater kingdom. Boss Nass lives in a swamp and rides a dinosaur called a 'Kadoo'.


Andrew Secombe as Watto

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Tatooine merchant who owns the Skywalker slaves. Watto is a caterpillar-like creature with wings. He 'flits' around, or more specifically, he flies rather than floats. Watto isn't one of the nicest critters on Tatooine and that although Watto is not one of the major characters, he is a big reason why the Star Wars Universe is the way we know it.


Ralph Brown as Ric Olie

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Ric Olie sits at the helm of an exotic spacecraft in the thick of danger. An expert in his field, Ric will pass on important skills to young Anakin Skywalker during the course of the adventures ahead.


Lewis MacLeod as Sebulba

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Sebulba is big and elongates into different shapes he is hated by everybody, but he is a "likeable baddie. Sebulba is an insect-like alien. He looks like a stout praying mantis with long mantis-like arms, two elbows in each he has a squarish shaped head and long sharp teeth. His mouth hangs high on the front of his face, and he has beady little eyes. He is grayish-brown in color.


Oliver Ford Davies as Sio Bibble

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Sio Bibble is a confidante/ambassador for the Queen.



Silas Carson as Nute Gunray

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Nute Gunray is a Nimoudian who is a Federation diplomat. He confers with Darth Maul, has a "partner in crime" called Rune Haako, Nute Gunray along with Rune Haako, is the only link between the Trade Federation and Darth Sidious. Nute Gunray sits on a walking robotic throne.


Jerome Blake as Rune Haako

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

Rune Haako is a Nimoudian who is a Federation diplomat. He confers with Darth Maul, has a "partner in crime" called Nute Gunray, Rune Haako along with Nute Gunray, is the only link between the Trade Federation and Darth Sidious.



Keira Knightly as Sabe (The Queens Decoy)

Christina Da Silva as Rabe

Friday Wilson as Eirtae

Candice Orwell as Yane

Sofia Coppola as Sache

(C)LUCASFILM All Rights Reserved.

The Queen's handmaidens.



OOM-9 (Battledroid Commander)

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Warwick Davis as Wald

Wald is a younger character who is Anakins friend.



Oliver as Walpole Seek

Seek is a Rodian child (same species as Greedo in Episode IV). He is an acquaintance of Anakin.



Dhruv Chanchani as Kitster

Kitster will be a child-friend of Anakins.



Margaret Towner-Thompson as Jira

Jira is a also friend of Anakins.



Adrian Dunbar as Bail Organa

Bail Organa who was Princess Leia's adoptive Father. He has very few lines in the film, but that his role will increase in Episodes II and III.



Mark Coulier as Aks Moe

Aks Moe a Galactic Senator from Malastare.



John Fensom as Protocol Droid TC-3



Celia Imrie as Bravo 5



Madison Lloyd as Princess Ellie


Greg Proops and Scott Capurro as the Pod Race Announcers



Captain Tarpals



Ody Mantrell





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