Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones


Cast and Characters





Ewan MacGregor as Obi -Wan Kenobi
After returning from a border dispute on the world of Ansion, Obi-Wan and Anakin were called by the Supreme Chancellor to protect the life of Senator Padmé Amidala. Though Obi-Wan carried a less-than-favorable impression of politics, he nonetheless took the assignment very seriously. Obi-Wan incorrectly believed that he could train Anakin as skillfully as the revered Yoda. He would later admit that he was wrong. His arrogance had grave consequences for the galaxy.


Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala

When her terms ended, Amidala was constitutionally obligated to step down as Queen, though the public would have easily backed an amendment allowing her to serve longer. Though she had every right to retire and concentrate on her personal life, Amidala continued to be passionate about public service. At the request of the new Naboo monarch, Queen Jamillia, Amidala served as Senator of Naboo, taking the position once occupied by Palpatine. In a galaxy undergoing tumultuous changes, her outspoken nature shone as a beacon of reason and rationality in an increasingly fragmented Senate.



Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker
Anakin is assigned to protect Padmé Amidala, who is now Senator of Naboo, from assassination attempts possibly, linked to Separatists threatening the Republic. It is the first time Anakin and Padmé have seen each other in a decade. This is a challenge to Anakin. Had he been schooled in the Jedi ways from infancy, he would have a tighter rein on his emotions. Instead, his mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Padmé and thoughts of his mother. He has not mastered the detachment so necessary to the Jedi order. He is assigned to escort Senator Amidala to Naboo, where she will be sequestered from further attacks while the Jedi investigated the situation.



Christopher Lee as Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus

It was a great blow to the Jedi order when Count Dooku voluntarily renounced his commission. A strong-minded man, Dooku's ideas were often out of step with those of the Jedi Council. Dooku was a political idealist. He felt that the Jedi weakened them by serving an institution as corrupt as the Republic. In an alarmingly short time, Dooku rallied thousands of systems to his cause, building a growing Separatist movement that threatened to split the Republic. But the Jedi didn't realize Dooku's secret. Behind a veneer of elegant charisma and well-tabled political arguments, Dooku had been corrupted by the power of the dark side. After his departure from the Jedi order, Dooku was seduced to the dark side by Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. By Sith tradition, Dooku adopted the name Darth Tyranus and added deceit and treachery to his already formidable array of weapons. In both guises, Dooku began recruiting agents for what would eventually amount to the death of the Old Republic. As Tyranus, he contacted the notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett to become the template for a hidden clone army on Kamino. As Dooku, he appealed to the greed of the galaxy's most powerful commerce barons to consolidate their forces to challenge the Republic. Deep within the mighty spires of Geonosis, Dooku chaired a meeting of the minds to formally create the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Separatist Senators alongside representatives from the Commerce Guild, the Trade Federation, the Corporate Alliance, the Intergalactic Banking Clan and the Techno Union pooled their resources together to form the largest military force in the galaxy. The Separatists were ready for war.



Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu
A respected Jedi en par with the venerable Yoda, Mace Windu was a senior member of the Jedi High Council. His wisdom and experience were legendary, and his words carried great weight. In the later years of the Republic, Windu spent most of his time in the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. He regularly conferred with Yoda and the ten other members of the Council, contemplating the very nature of the Force and the affairs of the Jedi Knights. Windu was well schooled in Jedi philosophy and history. He knew of the ancient prophecy of the chosen one who will return balance to the Force. =Windu, a diplomat by nature, believed in the power of words over action. But as the galaxy found itself increasingly fragmented by the rise of a powerful secessionist movement spearheaded by a former Jedi, he grew to realize that the time for negotiation had passed.




Frank Oz as Yoda
In the waning days of the Republic, Yoda was a respected senior member of the Jedi Council. Serving alongside such luminaries as Mace Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi, Yoda was present during the turbulent events that would eventually unravel the centuries-old Republic and seal the fate of the Jedi order. Yoda served an important role in the Jedi Council. When young Padawans began their first foray into Jedi training, they did so under Yoda's guidance. Many of the Republic's greatest Jedi trained under Yoda when they were children. Once the Jedi hopefuls grew older, approaching their teenage years, they would then be paired to an elder Jedi Knight or Master to continue training one-on-one.




Ian McDiarmid as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine / Darth Sidious
A decade after his nomination, Palpatine's Chancellery was faced with the challenge of a popular Separatist movement led by the charismatic leader, Count Dooku. Many in the galaxy feared that the conflict would escalate to full-scale warfare, but Palpatine was adamant that the crisis could be resolved by negotiation. The Separatists didn't agree. Upon the discovery of a secret army of droids, it became apparent that the Separatists were on the verge of declaring war against the Republic. To counter this, the Republic needed a military, and Palpatine required the authority to activate the Republic's newly forged army of clones. To that end, Senators loyal to Palpatine motioned that the Chancellor be given emergency powers to deal with the Separatist threat. With spoken regrets, Palpatine accepted the new mantle of power. He promised to return his absolute authority to the Senate after emergency subsided. What no one realized was that the galaxy would undergo further upheaval, and that a state of crisis would ensure Palpatine's authority for decades.

Behind a curtain of secrecy lurked Darth Sidious, a mysterious Sith Lord and puppet-master of the tumultuous events that brought an end to the Republic. The Sith order had been extinct for a millennium, yet somehow survived. In the waning years of the Republic, the Sith order returned, but Sidious was content to hide in the shadows. None of the Jedi knew for sure of Sidious' existence, or of his true identity






Also starring


(In order of appearance):




Veronica Segura as Cordé

Despite no longer being Queen of Naboo, Senator Padmé Amidala was still tended to by a loyal cadre of handmaidens that served as bodyguards and decoys during the galaxy's tumultuous times of uncertainty. Cordé died in the line of duty when would-be assassin Zam Wesell attacked the Naboo Royal Cruiser on its arrival on Coruscant. Cordé was posing as Senator Amidala, while the actual Padmé hid as a starfighter pilot, flying escort for the craft. Cordé died on that fog-shrouded platform, apologizing to Padmé with her dying breath.



Kenny Baker as R2-D2
Artoo would be reunited with Anakin a decade later. The little droid continued to loyalty serve Amidala, who was no longer Queen, but now Senator of Naboo. The droid acted as a little bodyguard, using his scanners to seek out any danger that might befall Padmé. His laser field sensors failed to detect a deadly kouhun attack against a sleeping Padmé, but Anakin's heightened Jedi awareness did. He was able to kill the poisonous creatures, but the Jedi weren't able to determine who wanted Padmé dead. Amidala left for Naboo, to hide while the Jedi investigated. Artoo stayed by her side as she voyaged to Tatooine, where he was reunited with C-3PO, who again became Anakin's property. They all went to Geonosis, and as Padmé and Anakin wandered into a dangerous Geonosian droid factory, Artoo and Threepio followed. Artoo again came to the rescue, using his anti-grav boosters to fly to Amidala's aid and his computer interface to stop a deadly downpour of molten metal from killing the Senator. He even helped reassemble C-3PO after a decapitating tangle with droid factory machinery.




Jay Laga'aia as Captain Typho

The vigilant Captain Typho was Senator Amidala's head of security. Typho was the nephew of Captain Panaka, who had served Amidala when she was Queen. Striving for stronger security measures, Typho adopted several of his uncle's unfailing practices, including the use of disguised decoy "handmaidens" to protect the Senator.

Typho was an unquestionably resilient officer, willing to defer to Jedi authorities when the situation became too grim. On the day of the important Military Creation Act vote, a sudden and explosive strike against the Naboo Royal Cruiser killed seven in his command, including the Senator's decoy, Cordé. After that uncomfortably close call, a pair of Jedi protectors were assigned to watch over Padmé, but even that wasn't enough. The assassin struck again, nearly killing Padmé with a pair of poisonous kouhuns.

After that second attempt, Padmé was secretly transported off the capital to Naboo. Typho and handmaiden Dormé remained behind.

Typho is a stern bodyguard with a grim visage marked with a leather eye-patch. He is an able pilot, capable of flying a Naboo N-1 starfighter as a security escort.







Silas Carson as Ki-Adi-Mundi

Ki-Adi-Mundi was an alien representative who sat on the Jedi Council. A humanoid being, Ki's most distinguishing physical feature was an enlarged conical cranium that contained a binary brain.

When Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn reported a Sith attack during the events surrounding the Battle of Naboo, Ki-Adi-Mundi expressed shock at the notion. "Impossible," he remarked, "the Sith have been extinct for a millennium."

For its failure to detect the Sith menace in time, the Jedi first suffered the loss of one its greatest masters, Qui-Gon Jinn. Ki-Adi-Mundi voyaged to Naboo to attend Jinn's somber funeral, and was also present at the jubilant celebration that marked the liberation of Naboo. A decade later, Ki-Adi-Mundi continued to serve aboard the Council. He was present during one of the gravest crises ever to face the Jedi order.





David Bowers as Mas Amedda

Mas Amedda was the Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate during Chancellor Valorum's term, a position he held a decade into Chancellor Palpatine's rule. Amedda's booming voice often called for order when the partisan nature of the Republic's government degenerated into pointless bickering.



Rose Byrne as Dorme’

After Padmé Amidala stepped down from her position of Queen of Naboo, and transitioned to Senatorial representative, she kept some of the trappings of her former office. A cadre of loyal "handmaidens" tended to her, serving as bodyguards and trusted confidants during trying times. Dormé was the most devoted of her aides, and held a deep concern for the Senator's safety. Watching quietly at all times, Dormé noticed the growing affection between Padmé and Anakin Skywalker prior to their departure from the capital.





Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks
Jar Jar eventually became a Senior Representative for Naboo, serving alongside Padmé Amidala in the Galactic Senate. While his compassion spoke volumes of the quality of his character, his inherent gullibility and trusting nature were easily exploited by the less scrupulous in the field of politics. For many, Jar Jar was but a joke, the subject of derision, but in the corrupt inner confines of Senate, his lanky frame stood as a rare example of non-corrupt politician interested only in the greater good of the Republic and his people.

Jar Jar was a member of the Loyalist Committee, a panel of Senators concerned with countering the increasing threat of a Separatist movement spreading throughout the galaxy. He and Padmé worked hard, favoring negotiation and peaceful resolution over the growing popularity of the Military Creation Act. While Padmé was away from Coruscant, it was Jar Jar who took her place in the Senate.

After several botched assassination attempts on Senator Amidala forced her to flee the capital, Jar Jar again served in her stead. The Gungan politician was there, in Palpatine's office, when it became apparent that desperate measures would be required to stop a Separatist force determined to start a war with the Republic.

Jar Jar took the initiative and proposed the motion granting emergency powers to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine -- a move that would have profound impact on the Galactic Republic.






Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa

Senator Bail Organa was the First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, a hero of the Clone Wars, and the head of the Royal Family of Alderaan. An influential politician, he was a loyal Senator who commanded the ear of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself. A member of the Loyalist Committee, Bail Organa was deeply concerned with the stability of the Republic during the Separatist crisis. He realized that drastic measures were required if the Separatists continued to push the galaxy to the brink of war. While he recognized the need for the Senate to take ownership of the newly discovered Kamino clone army, he knew it was a political impossibility. Though it was not his recommendation, he stood by and watched as Palpatine was granted emergency powers to save the Republic from this dire threat.




Leeanna Walsman as Zam Wesell

Exotic and enigmatic, Zam Wesell kept her true visage hidden beneath a fabric veil and a screen of deadly deception. A swift assassin and tireless bounty hunter, Wesell used a variety of advanced gear and accessories in tracking her prey. Her legendary capture rate attests to her unerring marksmanship and unflagging dedication to her duty.



Temuera Morrison as Jango Fett

In the final years of the Republic, Jango Fett was regarded as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. A proficient marksman and unarmed combatant, Fett was covered in a sleek armored suit that concealed his scarred visage and strangely tattooed forearms. His combat gear featured an arsenal of weaponry, including retractable wrist blades, a snare, dual blaster pistols and other more exotic tools of the trade. In combat, Jango used his harnessed jetpack to gain the advantage of speed and height over his enemies. The backpack also carried a nasty surprise -- an explosive rocket could be launched from it. For interstellar travel, Jango traveled aboard his well-worn starship, Slave I. In exchange for a sizable fee, Jango would become the template of a clone army. Fett agreed, but with an unusual stipulation in his contract. In addition to his fee, he would be awarded an unaltered clone of himself. Unlike his other duplicates, this clone would not undergo growth acceleration or docility tampering. It would be a pure replica of Jango. The Kaminoans provided Fett with private accommodations in their hermetic Tipoca City, and Jango dropped out of the bounty hunting limelight. He concentrated on teaching his son, the unaltered clone he named Boba, the ropes of survival and combat while the Kaminoans extracted genetic material to build thousands of clone soldiers.





Ahmed Best as Achk Med-Beq

Known confidant of Lt. Dannl Faytonni, Achk Med-Beq wore the uniform of a Republic official while visiting a popular gambling club in the Coruscant's glittering entertainment district. He was seen conversing with Twi'leks Nabrina Smoo and Ayy Vida when a pair of Jedi showed up in pursuit of a changeling assassin.





Ayy Vida

The Coruscant nightclub scene is a co-meddling of many different alien cultures. Representatives from species throughout the Republic and from different walks of life congregate, unified in their desires and actions. Ayy Vida is just one of many beautiful female Twi'leks that can be found in the entertainment district. Her mottled stripes set her apart from the more uniformly pigmented examples of her species. Vida is a known acquaintance of such nightclub patrons as Achk Med-Beq, and the purple Twi'lek, Nabrina Smoo.



Katie Lucas as a Nightclub Dancer

(Georges daughter)

A Coruscant nightclub patron, known to be seen with Achk Med-Beq



Matt Doran as Elan Sleazebaggano

The shadowy depths of Coruscant are full of many unsavory characters. A slimy narcotics peddler who frequents some of the entertainment district's nightclubs and gambling bars, Elan Sleazebaggano looked to make a quick credit by selling his illicit wares. After attempting to sell death sticks to a Jedi Knight, Sleazebaggano reportedly went home that night and completely rethought his life.







Anthony Daniels as Lieutenant Danni Faytonni

Don't let a uniform fool you, should you find yourself in the depths of the Coruscant entertainment district. Sure, there may be officials from the upper levels "slumming" it among the barflies at a Coruscant nightclub, but that Republic official or Senate Guard may in fact be a con artist looking to separate you from your pocketbook. Though at first glance, Lt. Dannl Faytonni seems to wear the uniform well, nothing should be taken for granted.




Nyrat Agira

The lively social playing field of Coruscant nightspots can be a sentient-watcher's ideal locale, as beings from all walks of life converge for all manner of reasons. For some, such gambling clubs represent a plateau, as they climb up from their lower haunts at a shot of either winning wealth or love. Others lower themselves from the upper strata of society to slum it with the colorful locals, tossing aside socially mandated inhibitions and gathering a story or two. Still others are there to transact seamy business best left unexplored.



Tas Kee

The upper echelons of Coruscant's political and business world rarely venture to the shadowy lower levels, but there, entirely different plays for power take place. Sheltered from the eyes of the law, enterprising criminals can be found not only in the glittering entertainment district, but also in the quaintest of eateries and in the crowded refugee ports.


Hassani Shapi as Eeth Koth

Eeth Koth was a member of the Jedi High Council in the final years of the order. From within the polished towers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Council governed the actions of the Jedi Knights. Koth one was one of the 12 Jedi present when Qui-Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker as the chosen one to the Council. Koth was a humanoid male whose face was etched with simple tattoos. A crown of vestigial horns sprouted from his skull.




Khan Bonfils as Saesee Tiin

The imposing Saesee Tiin was a member of the Jedi Council during the final years of the Republic. He served that noble assemblage during the commotion of the Sith's return surrounding the events of the Battle of Naboo. Tiin voyaged to Naboo to attend the funeral of fallen Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, and the jubilant celebration that marked the liberation of that outlying world. Ten years after this event, Tiin was still an active member of the Jedi order. Tiin is a powerfully built humanoid male, with large hands and two down-sweeping horns surrounding his grim face.



Mary Oyaya as Luminara Unduli

Luminara Unduli served the Jedi order in the final years of the Galactic Republic. An exotic female humanoid, Luminara was a trusted advisor to the Jedi Council and the Republic government. When crises demanded it, she and her faithful Padawan learner, Barriss Offee, would rush into the thick of conflict, where their incredible talents with the lightsaber blade served them well.

Luminara Unduli's eyes were oblique and widely spaced, with large blue irises that seemed to favor her upper lids. Her nose was broad and flat, and her skin was the color of fruitwood. Her face was triangular in shape and the lower portion was tattooed in small diamond shapes that formed a vertical stripe from her lush, blue-black lower lip to the tip of her round chin. The backs of her hands also bore tattoos, atop each knuckle joint.




Gin as Adi Gallia

Her piercing blue eyes would command a powerful presence regardless of her strength in the Force. Jedi Master Adi Gallia was a member of the order's High Council during the waning days of the Republic. She and the other members of that ruling body would convene in a temple high above the Coruscant landscape, deciding important matters of the Jedi. Gallia served on the Council when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker to be trained.

Gallia was a tall human female with a trim build. She bore an exotic beauty and wore an odd headdress draped with organic tentacles. The Force runs strongly in Gallia's family. A close relative of hers is also a Jedi Knight.



Matt Sloan as Plo Koon

In the waning days of the Republic, the ranks of the Jedi Order were commanded by a High Council of Jedi Masters who convened in a towering temple on Coruscant. Twelve Jedi sat in a circle to contemplate matters of the Force, and dispatch Knights to scattered crises across the galaxy.

One such Jedi Master was Plo Koon, an imposing alien whose face was concealed behind a forked facemask. His well-muscled humanoid form filled out the traditional Jedi robes.

Koon was present on the Council when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker as a prospective Jedi candidate. He also served the Council a decade later when the Jedi faced one of their greatest conflicts.




Michaela Cottrell as Even Piell

The Jedi High Council was isolated from the rest of the bustle of Coruscant, convening in a circular chamber high above the cityscape. One member of this august order was Even Piell, a diminutive Jedi Master who was present when Anakin Skywalker was brought before the Council for training. Even Piell was a small humanoid with pink skin, large drooping ears, a topknot and a scarred face.





Jerome Blake as Oppo Rancisis

The shaggy-haired serpentine Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis sat on the Jedi Council during the waning years of that august order. He was present when maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn brought young Anakin Skywalker before the Council to be trained as a Padawan.





Susie Porter as Hermione Bagwa (Flo)

Robot Waitress that serves Obi-Wan in the diner. The letters on her uniform are Aurabesh, when you translate the letters to English the spell Flo. Maybe you remember Flo was the waitress on the TV show “Alice”, Kiss My Grits!





Ronald Falk as Dexter Jettster

Friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi, works as cook in a diner on Coruscant. Obi-Wan visits Dexter when he is trying to find information about The Kaminoan Saber-Dart, that was used to kill Amidala’s would-be assassin.




Alethea McGrath as Madame Jocasta Nu

Jedi Academic that helps Obi-wan in the Jedi Library when he is trying to find information out about the planet Kamino.





Phoebe Yiamkiati as Mari Amithest

A Jedi Hopeful, Young Padawan being trained by Yoda as are all Padawans at her age.




Jett Lucas as Jedi Padawan

(Georges son)

Intelligent Young Padawan who suggests to Yoda that maybe the reason why Kamino doesn’t appear in the Jedi records is because someone erased it from the records.



Ayesha Dharker as Queen Jamillia

After Queen Amidala stepped down from her position as Naboo's elected monarch, Queen Jamillia took up the crown. Like her predecessor, she is regal and dignified, though she is not as young as Padmé was during her reign.

Queen Jamillia asked Padmé to continue serving the people of Naboo. Even though she had every right to retire, Padmé agreed and became Naboo's representative in the Galactic Senate. Jamillia was personally concerned for Padmé's safety during the Separatists crisis, and helped conceal her presence on Naboo when the young Senator was hiding from would-be assassins.



Oliver Ford Davies as Sio Bibble

Sio Bibble was the outspoken governor of Naboo. When the Trade Federation brazenly blockaded the trade routes to the small pastoral world, Bibble was among the first to suspect invasion. His suspicions proved correct. Bibble, like the rest of the Naboo citizenry, was taken captive by the mechanized armies of the Trade Federation.

Queen Amidala fled to Coruscant with the help of Jedi ambassadors to secure aid from Senator Palpatine. Bibble stayed behind, to placate the Neimoidian invaders and to represent the besieged people. Nute Gunray delighted in toying with Bibble, taunting him about the dire state of the Naboo populace.

After Naboo was liberated, Bibble attended the parade celebrating the newfound freedom.





Rena Owen as Taun We

A beautiful sylph-like Kaminoan, Taun We is the administrative aide to the Prime Minister of Kamino, Lama Su. When Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived at the rain-swept platforms of Tipoca City, the gentle Taun We greeted him.

Taun We explained that the Kaminoans had long been expecting the arrival of a Jedi envoy, since a Jedi representative, Master Sifo-Dyas, commissioned a clone army a decade earlier. Kenobi bluffed his way into the heart of the cloning operation, and had the naïve Taun We introduce him to the original source of the clones, Jango Fett.




Anthony Phelan as Lama Su

A tall, lithesome alien, Lama Su is the Prime Minister of the storm-shrouded planet Kamino. Commissioned by an enigmatic Jedi Master named Sifo-Dyas, Lama Su developed an impressive clone army of thousands of troops. Far removed from galactic affairs by virtue of Kamino's remote location, and the natural Kaminoan predilection for isolation, Lama Su never questioned the role of the army or its eventual use in the Clone Wars. He simply took great pride in the skills displayed by those in his employ.



Daniel Logan as Boba Fett
Fett has carefully guarded his past, cultivating a curtain of mystery around his origins. He is in truth a clone, an exact genetic replica of his highly skilled "father," Jango Fett. From Jango, Boba learned valuable survival and martial skills, and even as a child he was proficient with a blaster or laser cannon. Fett was raised in isolation in the hermetic cities of Kamino, where he was protected not only from the ceaseless storms, but also the harsher elements of his father's career. Young Boba's life changed when a tenacious Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi, came looking for his father. Sent to apprehend the bounty hunter for the attempted assassination of a Naboo Senator, Kenobi brawled with Jango as the Fetts sought to escape from Kamino. Young Boba helped his father by pinning the Jedi down with explosive laser fire from the Fett starship, Slave I. Fleeing from Kamino, the Fetts journeyed to Geonosis, where Jango's benefactor resided. Boba watched as his father's enemies were sentenced to death, but Jedi prove very hard to kill. A huge battle erupted as Jedi reinforcements stormed Geonosis to free their fellow Jedi. Jango entered the fray, only to be killed by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Boba was shocked to witness his father's swift death, and he quietly cradled Jango's empty helmet as Geonosis erupted into all-out war.




Andy Secombe as Watto

A shrewd and gruff proprietor of a junk shop in Mos Espa, Watto is a crabby, unshaven Toydarian with a love of credits and gambling. Although considered one of the smaller shops of Mos Espa, Watto's junkyard is nonetheless a treasure trove of discarded machinery and spare parts. Watto is a stout, blue-skinned Toydarian, with rapidly flapping wings that keep him hovering at about a meter off the ground. The craggy-toothed merchant not only has a knack for haggling, but also cannot be affected by Jedi mind tricks.




Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
A fussy and worry-prone protocol droid, C-3PO was cobbled together from discarded scrap and salvage by a nine-year old prodigy on the desert planet Tatooine. Young Anakin Skywalker had intended the homemade droid to help his mother, Shmi. With limited resources, the droid that Anakin built was truly remarkable.



Joel Edgerton as Owen Lars

Owen Lars had toiled to make a life for himself on Tatooine since a young age. The son of a moisture farmer, he greatly valued the traditions of discipline and hard work. Owen did not revere Jedi Knights as others in the galaxy once did. Lingering resentment over the actions of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi colored his opinions.




Bonnie Maree Piesse as Beru Whitesun

As a young, shy girl, Beru Whitesun's aspirations did not venture beyond the horizon of Tatooine. She was content to marry Owen Lars and lead the tough life of a moisture farmer. Along with her husband, Beru proudly toiled under harsh conditions, season after season, in a determined effort to extract precious units of water from the parched environment.




Jack Thompson as Clieg Lars

A Modest Farmer bought Shmi Skywalker from Watto, the freed and married her.





Silas Carson as Nute Gunray

When Count Dooku’s Separatist movement began tearing apart the Republic, many of the galaxy’s largest business concerns were attracted to the idea of galactic reforms that would benefit commerce. Gunray was one of them, though he made his allegiance to the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems contingent on the assassination of Padmé Amidala.

To that end, the bounty hunter Jango Fett recruited Zam Wesell to kill the Senator of Naboo. Though Wesell failed, Amidala was eventually captured by Separatist forces and was to be executed before Gunray. Amidala proved hard to kill, and when the shooting started at the first engagement of the Clone Wars, Gunray again turned coward and fled the conflict.





Alan Ruscoe as Lott Dod

Lott Dod was the Trade Federation representative in the Galactic Senate during the events of the siege of Naboo. A filibustering blowhard of a politician, Dod would use bureaucratic wrangling to further the Federation's aims and hinder the efforts of those who would expose their chicanery.

Despite testimony to the contrary from Naboo's representatives, Dod vehemently denied any wrongdoing on the part of the Trade Federation. He demanded that an independent commission be sent to Naboo to ascertain the veracity of Queen Amidala's claims. This stalling maneuver was seconded by the delegation from Malastare, and Valorum was set to accept the suggestion. Queen Amidala countered by calling for a Vote of No Confidence that removed Valorum from his post.




Shu Mai

The savvy business being knows how to stay afloat in turbulent economic times, and how to spin social hardships into record revenue. Scruples get traded for profits among the leading corporate bodies, and the Commerce Guild is no different. Presidente Shu Mai was present in the Geonosis conference room when Count Dooku proposed that his Confederacy of Independent Systems would be committed to capitalism and free trade.

Shu Mai was prudent enough to identify Dooku’s tactics as treason, and pledged her support only in secret. Though the Commerce Guild didn’t openly back the Separatists, its spider-like combat automata joined the fight against the Republic at the first battle of the Clone Wars.



Wat Tambor

A consummate industrialist, Wat Tambor was the Foreman of the Techno Union, a galactic institution concerned with technological innovation. Tambor was eager to escape from the choking bureaucracy of the Republic Senate, and readily joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He not only committed his army of battle droids to the cause, but also hosted the meeting of the Separatists minds at one of the Techno Union’s droid foundries on Geonosis.

As befitting a technocrat, Wat Tambor is entirely encased in machinery and is even reliant on technology to speak. His deep, resonant voice is strangely mechanical, modulated by a set of dials built into his torso.


San Hill

War is good for business. The Intergalactic Banking Clan was just one of several major bodies of commerce that positioned itself to profit from the growing Clone Wars. San Hill, Chairman of the clan, joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems on Geonosis, but only committed his forces in a non-exclusive arrangement.



Po Nudo

An opposition Senator in the Old Republic, Po Nudo represented the Aqualish people of Ando. He was present at Count Dooku’s treasonous meeting of the minds on Geonosis that saw the formal formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Pernilla August as Shmi Skywalker
Anakin’s mother. No longer a slave
A loving, soft-spoken woman, Shmi Skywalker was sold by Watto to Clieg Lars a moisture farmer on the outskirts of Mos Eisley. Lars freed Shmi and made her his wife. While picking mushrooms early in the morning Shmi is attacked and kidnapped by Sand People (Tusken –Raiders).




Matt Rowan as Orn Free Taa

The obese and indulgent Twi’lek politician Orn Free Taa represented his people in the Galactic Senate during Chancellor Valorum’s rule, as well as ten years into Palpatine’s term as Supreme Chancellor. The corpulent senator was never one to hide his opinions, and voiced them loudly on the many crucial issues that split the Senate. Though he was genuinely concerned with what was best for his homeworld of Ryloth, Orn Free Taa was not above parading his beautiful assistants, Pampy and Supi, as badges of prestige.








Sandi Finlay as Sly Moore

Never far from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s side was his hauntingly pallid aide, Sly Moore. Laconic, with a piercing gaze, Moore occupied a position similar to Sei Taria’s role in Supreme Chancellor Valorum’s administration.





Steven Boyle as Ask Aak

A three-eyed Gran from Malastare, Senator Ask Aak was a member of the Loyalist Committee determined to keep the Republic from fragmenting under the strain of Separatist forces.

Aak was a strong proponent of a Republic military force. He was for the Military Creation Act, and believed the only way to end the civil strife wracking the Republic was to creation an Army of the Republic. When one became available, mysteriously commissioned by the Jedi Council a decade ago, Aak strongly advocated its use.



Ronet Coorr

Senator Ronet Coorr, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Iseno during the early days of the Clone Wars.





Toonbook Tooora

Toonbuck Toora was a hulking Senator from Sy Myrth in the waning days of the Republic. She held the office during Chancellor Valorum's tenure, as well as serving ten years into Palpatine's rule. Toora's interests fell more onto the business end of the political spectrum, and she sided with the engines of commerce during partisan issues that split the Senate.





Stephen Boyle as Passel Argente

Passel Argente is a male humanoid Senator serving the Galactic Republic during that august government's waning years. He served during Chancellor Valorum's final days, and also served well into Chancellor Palpatine's term. As the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance, Argente became indelibly tainted by his wealth and private interests. Just prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Argente committed the forces of Corporate Alliance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Lexi Dio

Senator Lexi Dio, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Uyter during the early days of the Clone Wars.



Tundra Dowmeia

Senator Tundra Dowmeia, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Mon Calamari during the early days of the Clone Wars.




Onaconda Farr

Senator Onaconda Farr, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Rodia during the early days of the Clone Wars.




Ister Paddie

Senator Ister Paddie, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Sermeria during the early days of the Clone Wars.





One of several Quarren politicians in the Galactic Senate representing scattered enclaves from his watery homeworld, Tikkes felt that the established rule of the Republic was due for a change. His controversial views caused him to side with Separatist forces that threatened to split the Republic.





Christopher Truswell

Multiple Character Voices





Bodie ‘Tihoi’ Taylor as Clone Trooper

Clone Troopers make up the Republic fighting force for the Clone Wars (and eventually the stormtroopers). Each fully trained clone soldier represents a considerable investment. Injured or isolated men are retrieved whenever possible. A clone trooper's full combat armour is the basis of an integrated system in which the gunships are vital links. Individual troopers can receive command signals and relay status signals via this system. Troops also share tactical video from their helmet visors, with multi-spectral imaging that penetrates smoke, fog, and the airborne soil of the most explosive battle zones. The airtight and thermally regulated body glove is impervious to germ and chemical agents, and provides protection in space and hostile atmospheres. The armor's heat resistance allows troopers to stride through the searing interfaces of theatre shields like lifeless Battle Droids, as well as deflecting glancing blaster shots and damping direct hits enough to improve survival. The full armor worn by vehicle crews restricts movement (uniform suppliers were given no time before the Battle of Geonosis to design modifications that reduced covering on limbs and torso).




Amy Allen as Aayla Secura

Jedi Padawan




Bultar Swan
A Female Jedi that fights in the arena.





Sarr Labooda
One of the Jedi Knights who fights in the Arena Battle on Geonosis.




Orli Shoshan as Shaak Ti
One of the Jedi Knights who fights in the Arena Battle on Geonosis.




Nalini Krishan as Barriss Offee

Jedi Padawan Learner of Luminara Unduli




Steve John Shepard as Naboo Lieutenant




Zachariah Jensen as Kit Fisto




Alex Knoll as J.K. Burtola




Dipika O’Neill Joti as Depa Billaba




20th Century Fox
Lucasfilm Ltd.
Credits: Director: George Lucas
Screenwriters: George Lucas, Jonathan Hales
Story by: George Lucas
Producer: Rick McCallum
Executive producer: George Lucas
Director of photography: David Tattersall
Production designer: Gavin Bocquet
Music: John Williams
Costume designer: Trisha Biggar
Editor/sound designer: Ben Burtt
Visual effects supervisors: John Knoll, Pablo Helman, Ben Snow, Dennis Muren
Animation director: Rob Coleman
Concept design supervisors: Doug Chiang, Erik Tiemens, Ryan Church



The Phantom Menace | Attack of the Clones | Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: A New Hope
| The Empire Strikes Back | Return of the Jedi

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