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JAxe Skins

The following table lists all the image files needed by a JAxe skin, detailing their size and positioning in the JAxe window.
Please consider that every file can either have jpg or gif extension, and in case of gif file transparency is supported.

File NameDim.Pos.Description
background320x240(0,0)Background of the window
aboutnormal16x16(0,0)About button
aboutover16x16(0,0)About button (mouse over)
aboutpressed16x16(0,0)About button (mouse pressed)
closenormal16x16(304,0)Close button
closeover16x16(304,0)Close button (mouse over)
closepressed16x16(304,0)Close button (mouse pressed)
splitnormal48x48(256,16)Split button
splitover48x48(256,16)Split button (mouse over)
splitpressed48x48(256,16)Split button (mouse pressed)
joinnormal48x48(202,16)Join button
joinover48x48(202,16)Join button (mouse over)
joinpressed48x48(202,16)Join button (mouse pressed)
comparenormal48x48(148,16)Compare button
compareover48x48(148,16)Compare button (mouse over)
comparepressed48x48(148,16)Compare button (mouse pressed)
crcnormal48x48(94,16)Checksum button
crcover48x48(94,16)Checksum button (mouse over)
crcpressed48x48(94,16)Checksum button (mouse pressed)
skinnormal48x96(256,72)Skin button
skinover48x96(256,72)Skin button (mouse over)
skinpressed48x96(256,72)Skin button (mouse pressed)
dragnormal64x64(16,16)Drag button
dragover64x64(16,16)Drag button (mouse over)
dragpressed64x64(16,16)Drag button (mouse pressed)
cancelnormal96x48(112,96)Cancel button (visible only during join/split operations)
cancelover96x48(112,96)Cancel button (mouse over)
cancelpressed96x48(112,96)Cancel button (mouse pressed)
See below
Left part of progress bar
See below
Right part of progress bar
See below
Cursor of progress bar

The about, close, drag, join, split, compare, checksum and skin buttons are normally visible; the cancel button is visible only when some join/split operation is in progress (in this case, all other buttons are hidden).
The progress bar is always visible; the bar shows a left part taken from the progressleft file and proportional to the current progress, and its remaining right part is taken from the progressright file; the cursor is always centered on the boundary between the left and right part of the progress bar.

You can always use the files from JAxe default skin as a reference: you can download them in a zipped archive from here, or uncompress the content of the jar file by typing:
jar xfv JAxe.jar
and then refer to the files in the DefaultSkin directory.

Show your stuff!

If you wish to share your creation with the other users of JAxe by making it available through this website, we encourage you to send your skin by email to [email protected].
Thank you for your active support!!!

JAxe - Copyright (C) 2002 - 2005 L. Ferracci
Contact: [email protected]

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