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Paper Lanterns, Japanese and Chinese Paper Lantern Lights
Paper lanterns, japanese paper lantern lights and chinese paper lantern decoration wedding ideas, tips and instructions on hanging paper lanterns. 

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Paper Lantern Wedding Decorations Ideas & Tips
To create a memorable atmosphere for your wedding or party consider paper lanterns. Paper lanterns are the most stunning decoration to achieve a serene ambience. Whether using them indoors or in the garden, the paper lantern cast a soft glow that is truly mesmerizing!

Paper Lantern Sizes
When choosing the size of the paper lanterns, consider the placement of the lanterns and the height of the room or tent. It is best to choose several different sized paper lanterns to create dimension and depth. Also hang them at varied heights for the optimum appearance.


color_lanterns.jpg (13485 bytes)White Paper Lantern Lights with Color Bulbs & Colored Paper Lantern Tips
White paper lanterns is the color of choice for weddings and receptions because of its versatility and elegance. White paper lanterns create an elegant atmosphere when they are both lit and not lit. They can also be transformed into a colorful spectacle to coordinate with your wedding colors in the evening. To add a touch of color or festivity to your party, low watt colored light bulbs in white paper lanterns look better than using colored paper lanterns. The picture above are of white paper lanterns with colored light bulbs. It is also much more versatile for you can change the bulbs to create different looks instead of purchasing more paper lanterns.


pconst.JPG (18132 bytes)Paper Lantern Instructions and how they Work
Most paper lanterns are made up of horizontal or random ribs of either bamboo or metal which create the shape of the lantern. There is a hole at the top and bottom which include a metal eyelet to insert the expanding fixture.



pconst1.JPG (9160 bytes)The expanding fixture is what keeps the lantern "taught" and hold its shape. The expanding fixture is larger than the paper lantern and should be slightly bent when installed.



pconst2.JPG (12460 bytes)The paper lantern pulls open much like an accordion.


pconst3.JPG (12130 bytes)The expanding fixture is inserted into the paper shade and into the eyelets to expand and securely hold the paper lantern. If using an electrical light set, the electrical wire is woven into the "C" shaped wire at the top of the expanding fixture. Position the light bulb to hang directly in the center of the paper lantern.

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