GrayC's Tribute Page

Ours from December 1, 1996 until December 2, 2005

Only Yesterday

Gray C? Sure, I can tell you about Gray C, or Gracin as I called him. It was only yesterday that Diane and I took him in. He was a big gray tabby cat. He had been hanging around the house for a while, and we would feed him occasionally. Then he showed up at our kitchen window and banged on it, insisting that we take him in; after all, winter was coming on, and it was getting cold outside.

It was only yesterday that I had him checked at the vet before we would let him in the house with the other cats. He checked out ok, so he came right in. At first, we thought he was a she, and we called him/her Gracie. Then when we realized she was a he, we changed his/her name to Gray C, or Gracin. We didn't understand what he was saying at first, but we soon realized that Gracin was saying, "I'm a BOY!!!"

He fit in well with the others. As a matter of fact, he became best friends with Sandy, our orange tabby. Sandy was timid and always leery of humans, but took well to other cats. Gracin and Sandy would spend almost all day together, and follow each other around. They'd go upstairs together - one would wait for the other - to "hit the hard food". They'd sleep together on the back of our love seat, one leaning on the other. They'd sit together at the front window and watch outside, side by side.

Why, only yesterday Gracin was rolling on his back, with what seemed like 18 legs scrambling to swat the long stick that Diane would hang over him. Then he'd claw at the large cardboard scratch pad and play with the stick there.

Only yesterday, as I was walking down the stairs, Gracin happily greeted me with a trill, asking to be given a little attention, and then he ran over to his food bowl as if to show how happy he was. He has been so calm, so appreciative and never any trouble. He and Sandy were the best eaters, too. Come feeding time, the two of them would line up next to each other, and patiently wait for their bowls.

It was only yesterday we took in three sibling kittens that turned out to be the terrors of the house. One of them, Blinky, would sometimes go after Gracin, and Gracin was too timid to fight back. Well, that didn't last too long, and Gracin turned things around and would go after Blinky. After all, turnabout is fair play; we could hear Gracin saying as he would bite Blinky's neck, "now you're my 'BEETCH'!!!" (Gracin had a bit of a French accent).

And then only yesterday, Gracin started having trouble breathing. After a lot of pokes and prods and X-rays and such, we found out that Gracin had something called chylothorax. It made fluid build up in his chest, making it hard to breathe. Problem was that no one knew what was causing it, and our only options were to attempt a risky surgery, or treat it with some herbs that were known to help decrease the fluid buildup. Meanwhile, we had to have the fluid drained with a needle by the vet.

Only yesterday morning we had his chest drained, but he still had a lot of trouble breathing at night. We thought he'd be ok until the next morning, and we planned to take him to the vet. We were wrong. SO wrong. Very suddenly, Gracin couldn't breathe at all. We were frantic! We scrambled to bring Gracin to the nearest emergency hospital. My best efforts to give CPR failed, and Gracin died in my arms in the car. I have never cried so hard and for so long in my life. Gracin, how could I have failed you like this? I'm so sorry!

Only yesterday...

What's that? It wasn't yesterday we took him in? Oh, that's right. It was 9 years ago yesterday.

Jeff 12/4/05

It's a Gray Day Today

It's a gray day today.
The sun has gone away.
The heartache's here to stay...
It's a gray day today.

A week ago last night
We began to see the light.
Your breathing wasn't right,
And we began the fight...

Against a foe unknown
Until it's cause was shown
And it became full-blown...
And Now I am alone.

The hand that we were dealt...
The helplessness we felt...
The aching that won't melt...
And now the wondering guilt...

I wish we could have saved you.
Made choices that had made you
Well and home to stay...
Oh, it's a gray day today...
For GrayC's gone away.

Diane 12/4/05
Dear GrayC

The worst thing that could have happened did.. you died.
And it's not just that you died and left us...
It's how you died that will always, always haunt us.

You suffered and struggled to breathe, and you couldn't.
All we could do was try to help you to, but we couldn't.
We were scared and helpless...
But we tried and fought for you, and your precious life.

We failed you GrayC.
We couldn't help you.
We didn't spare you that horrible end,
And you deserved better.

Had we known there was no hope,
Had we known that surgery was the right thing,
Had we known what to do, and how and when to do it...
We would have done it... and maybe you would still be here with us.

But, we didn't know,
We didn't help you.
We didn't save you.

You're gone, and we miss you.
We ache for all the things we couldn't do and didn't do...
And wanted to do, and would have done...
Had we only known the right thing to do.

I'm so sorry.
I love you.
I miss you.
I ache to see you again...
To see you with Sandy... your soul mate and friend.

I ache for Sandy... and his loss.
I will honor you by giving the extra love and attention to Sandy
That I wish we could be giving to you.

I'm so sorry GrayC.
I will never forget you.
I will miss seeing your sweet face...
And petting your soft head.

I will miss seeing you waiting by the kitchen door...
Licking your lips to try and con a little extra food from us.
I will miss the love we shared,
And the love and the bond that you and Sandy had.
I think I will miss that most of all.
I need to see that love... that devotion.
My soul will ache for that.

I ache for you...
I ache for Sandy...
I ache for us all...
I'm so sorry GrayC.

Diane 12/4/05

Out of Sight

Out of sight...
Not out of mind
Because our hearts
Were so entwined.

I look for you...
But you're not here.
Here come the flow
Of endless tears.

Two weeks ago
You went away
And left behind
A heart that aches.

To see and hold you
One more time...
You're out of sight...
Not out of mind.

Diane 12/15/05

GrayC, I may see
You 100 times
In the other cats
That you left behind.

GrayC, they may be
So dear to me...
But it's you that my heart
Does ache to see.

GrayC, how can you be
So far away...
I feel you close to me
Every minute each day.

GrayC, I may be
Ok now and then...
But GrayC, how I long
To see you again...

Diane 12/15/05

kitty chasing butterflies

GrayC's Story

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