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How to get Lahore

Historical Places



The people of Lahore, when they want to emphasize the uniqueness of their town say "Lahore is Lahore"` The traditionally capital of the Punjab for a thousand years, it had been the cultural center of Northern India extending from Peshawar to New Delhi. This preeminent position it holds in Pakistan as well. Lahore is the city of poets, litterateurs, artists and the center of film industry. It has the largest number of educational institutions in the country and some of the finest gardens in the sub-continent.

Lahore is most popular with the tourists because of its character its fine monuments of the Moghul period and the British rule, its shopping centers and tree-lined boulevards, as well as for the gaiety of its people.

The city as we know it today reached its peak of glory during the Moghul rulers, especially in the reign of Akbar the Great, who made it his capital. His son, Jehangir, is buried in its outskirts and his mausoleum is one of the places frequented by tourists and Laborites alike. Close by is the mausoleum of the famous Moghul Empress, Nur Jehan, who is known for introducing the rose plant and for initiating several cultural movements in the sub-continent.

Akbar the Great held his court in Lahore for 14 years from 1584 to 1598 and built the Lahore For as well as the city walls which had 12 gates. Some of these still survive. Jehangir and Shah Jehan, the builders of the Taj Mahal in Agra and the Shalamar Gardens in Srinagar and Lahore built palaces and tombs. The last great Moghul Emperor, Aurangzeb (1638 - 1707) built Lahore's most famous monument, the great Badshahi Mosque. At that time the river Ravi, which now lies a few miles away from Lahore, touched the ramparts of the Fort and the Mosque. A stream still flows there and is known as the "Old River '.

Like all famous cities. Lahore has had its ups and downs The Sikhs ruled it in the 18th and 19th centuries and though it was their capital. They had a habit of damaging the Muslim monuments and took little interest in gardens. It is said that they took enough marble from the Moghul monuments of Lahore to build the Golden Temple at Amritsar twice over. Most of the gems that decorated the palaces and the forts were also taken out.

British too were responsible for the desecration of many of Lahore's tombs and monuments. At one stage the Attorney General maintained an office at the Shah Chiragh Mosque. dak bungalows were built for the weekends at Shalamar Gardens. Anarkali's tomb was used as an office and later consecrated as a place of worship called St Andrew's Church.

It can also be conjectured that Lahore was an industrial center in the Moghul period. The famous guns which lie in front of the Central Museum and other places were moulded in the foundries of Lahore. Their perfection shows that the industry was quite advanced.

Within the walled city you may come across old Havelis or the spacious houses of the rich, which give you an inkling of the style of the rich and notables in the Moghul reign. Efforts are being made to preserve some of the buildings, along with their environments, but a great deal needs to be done to maintain them for posterity.

The British during their reign (1849-1947) compensated Lahore. by harmoniously combining Mughal, Gothic and Victorian styles of architecture.

Victorian heritage is only next to Mughal monuments. The GPO and YMCA buildings built to commemorate the golden jubilee of Queen Victoria - an event marked by the construction of clock towers and monuments all over India.

They built some important buildings like the High Court, the Government College, the Museums, The National College of Art, Montgomery Hall, Tollinton Market, the Punjab University (Old Campus) and the Provincial Assembly. At one end of The Mall stands the University - perhaps the largest center of education in Asia. The city has built a new Campus in the quieter environments on the Canal Bank, but the Old University buildings are still functioning. Students from all over Pakistan come here to receive education. Their activities completely over shadow other aspects of the cultural life.

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