Javed Miandad

THERE isn't a shadow of a doubt that Javed Miandad is one of the brightest sporting stars has produced in the first half century of his independence. Miandad has been blessed with an instinct to enthral and enrapture. He would bat as if his life depended on it and was a fighter to the core. The sight of him squeezing a quick single, teasing the opponent, arguing with the umpire and playing for the crowd are traits that made him a hot favourite.
Javed Miandad was Pakistan's man of crisis and one has lost count of the occasions when he steered Pakistan out of troubled waters. The most glorifying moment of his career came when, with his motivating performance, he played a key role in Pakistan's membrable and unexpected triumph in the 1992 World Cup. Despite a persistent back trouble, he became the backbone of Pakistan's batting with five scores of over fifty.

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