Imran Khan

Imran Khan is considered to be one of the world's greatest all rounders in the history of modern cricket. His fast bowling is feared by opposing batsmen, while he himself is well-known for his attacking style when batting. In addition, he is a highly prized fielder. With the eighties standing out as by far the most glorious and glamorous cricketing decade of Pakistan cricket the name of Imran Khan towers head and shoulders above contemporaries who teamed up to provide high profile games in those exciting years.
A leader beyond compare, the great Khan as also a captain dodged by local history's most talked of cricketing controversies, dressing room squabbles and thrilling international competitions.

Leaving the cricket scene as one of Pakistan's most successful sportsmen, the man who in spite of his alleged egoism carried the team to a 1992 World Cup victory and many memorable innings, Imran handed over the torch to Wasim Akram, "A man whom I always thought would make the best captain. They tried six others but Wasim was by far the most successful."

In all fairness one has to agree with Imran Khan's declaration that the '80s was by far the best cricketing decade of recent history

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