Selina Tries a Loaded Gun, a story by Caitlin

Selina had been working as an apprentice to Tom junior for a few weeks and was loving it more and more. The estate, to her eyes, was everything she had ever wanted. A close knit community, freedom to express oneself and most important … she felt useful. Selina had sought and received her father’s blessing for Tom to punish her as was the local custom, and knew that no matter how painful and distressing it might be she was better for it. Her knowledge of country matters was improving all the time, she was even learning to carry a loaded gun, though that lesson was hard to learn. She knew that, after three days, her bottom bore not a trace of that particular beating because she had checked on a daily basis. For a day or two after that lesson she had found herself stiff legged and every time she stood or sat her buttocks reminded her how a switch could concentrate the mind.

Since her “shooting lesson” as Selina thought of her switching, she had been working with Tom on the estate accounts. Tom had brought the current years books over to the office her father had given her. Now six days later she had shared breakfast with her father and hugged him on his way out and come to her office. She was glancing over the tenant farm accounts and remembering her bet with Tom, a bet she should not have made and he should not have accepted. Selina was a bright girl and well educated for a 16 year old girl in 1946, and the mathematics of the accounts was a breeze for her. Tom had been full of praise for her accounting, but expressed himself a little concerned about the way she sometimes mixed names up. He explained that letters sent in error would expose confidential material to the wrong party, would embarrass others and call the good name of the estate into question. He said by the very nature of the country lifestyle she might meet any of the main characters in the village and it really would not do to mix them up. Tom said if Selina was just the Master’s daughter it would not be important, but if she seriously intended to manage her own inheritance such knowledge was crucial.

Yesterday Tom said that their seventh day should be more recreational and had asked her if she would like to walk the estate with him and try and bag the troublesome fox. He had smiled at her enthusiasm, which remained high even when he reminded her of the rules she would be working to. Selina did not want another switching but she was so eager to learn she would willingly risk it. As they were finishing the previous evening she had said “I bet by tomorrow I have got all of these people fixed in my mind.” Tom had smiled.

“You do, do you Selly?” he had teased, “What do you bet?” Selina had stopped, thought briefly, understood money would not be a good idea. Her father would disapprove, Tom could not afford as much as she could, and it would show a lack of respect. She had a brief thought and said “You’ve tanned my backside two or three times, how about we bet that against an afternoon’s clay shooting?” She had been shown the rudiments of shooting but knew her aim needed improving.

“Selly, Selly” he reproved, “I don’t think your dad would approve, and anyway I would not expect you to master all these names in much less than a month. After a month I’d be thinking of taking a strap to you for laziness, but lazy we both know you are not.” This was very true, Selina was a perfectionist and pushed herself always, but she knew she needed incentives, a spur, competition.

She explained to Tom, who listened attentively like the good friend he was. Selina reminded him that she had willingly apprenticed herself and was more than happy to prove herself, and accept the consequences if she failed. She urged him to consider her own nature, her need to compete. Tom eventually agreed to a progress test the following day, that he would not strap her for not yet achieving her own perceived high standard, but he would tan her backside if she had boasted. When pressed about how she would be punished Tom had merely said she would have to wait and see. When the knock came on the door she closed the books, pushed them to the middle of the table and rose to open the door, smiling when Tom came in. He really was a handsome young man, respectful and polite even as he corrected her, his easy authority made him a natural leader. Selina realised Tom was becoming more and more important to her, she wanted his approval, held no resentment that he had beaten her.

“Well Selly,” he began, “are you sure you want to attempt this test?” It was obvious both of them knew the answer, because even as she nodded Tom drew an envelope from his case and put a three A4 pages face down on the desk. She saw Tom’s neat script and spaces for answers. You have till 10 o’clock, I need to attend to the bull with the vet, I know you won’t cheat, see you then.”

Selina nodded and pulled the papers towards herself. She read the first question; “You meet Ralph Watson in the market and he informs you that the gaffer was looking to rip out a hedge and combine two fields…”

She smiled, knew that the gaffer was Ralph’s boss the tenant of one tied farm. She also knew a letter had been formally sent pointing out that because of the slope of the fields the risk of erosion would be too great if the fields were combined. Happily she began to write, delighting in her knowledge of her father’s business, the tenants, the local characters. On the second page she came across something she could not answer, felt her heart sink, shrugged and wrote in “Cannot answer, have I been shown this?” On page three she thought she might be a little muddled between a vet and a yard foreman. She knew it was important because of a feud that precluded a good working relationship, but she could not remember which of two local vets it was. It never entered her head to check the account books.

Selina finished early and went to her stove and made a pot of tea and some sandwiches for Tom. He arrived a few minutes early, red faced with cold but obviously pleased. “That bloody bull was lucky, it tore it’s foreskin but no real harm done … I see you’ve finished Selly,” he sat down and reached for a sandwich, “oh and thanks just what I need.” She sat in one of the guest chairs and read though the account books as Tom checked her work, trying to find where she had gone wrong. She easily found the vet’s name but the other eluded her. Tom broke into her studies, “Excellent work Selly, you have really worked on this. You have got most of the locals pegged, you have actually put some thoughts down I didn’t expect. You know people, you’re perceptive, must be because your dad always trusted you, shared with you.”

Selina was pleased, really pleased with herself but she replied, “I didn’t win the bet though did I? I don’t expect any favours you know.” Tom had smiled, sobered and nodded.

“I know you don’t I wouldn’t insult you by offering you a way out, you will be punished for boasting,” he smiled again, “just enough to keep you honest though.” Mollified Selina nodded and asked Tom to explain the one she had really missed. It was an obscure reference but Tom showed her two entries that would have pointed to the correct conclusion. Selina looked, nodded and acknowledged her error, admitted it had been a fair test. Tom reminded her far she had come in such a short time and said, “I would like you to accept one thing, you are learning faster than anyone could expect, so this afternoon I’d like you to come clay shooting, I really think you deserve a treat. Remember though it can be a two edged sword, you know my rules about loaded weapons?” he finished seriously.

Even the last warning couldn’t dampen the smile of joy on Selina’s face. She thanked Tom sincerely and continued smiling in anticipation even as Tom brought up the subject of her boasting and her bet. Her eyes widened when Tom opened his case and withdrew a school plimsol, one obviously well used with a brown crepe sole. “You have straps and canes in your cupboard for punishment, this I think won’t sting like them but it should serve to educate you. Six of the best we called it at school. ” He smiled and continued, “This is not a punishment but would you prefer to be formally dealt with, it is, after all not a reward.”

Selina nodded and stood up, “I prefer it to remain a formal relationship when you need to correct me, Sir,” she said, slightly apprehensive now the time had arrived, trying to present a calm exterior. Tom stood too and nodded approval.

“Very well Miss Selina,” he said and pointed at the rough wooden chest against the west wall, “bend over and put your hands flat on the chest.”  Feeling nervous but strangely excited Selina did as she had been ordered. She was not really sure whether she should, but having been told all punishments were to be on bare flesh, she pushed down her rough work trousers and panties in one swift movement and flicked her skirt onto her back, even as she bent from the waist. As the cool air swirled over her bottom Selina felt mixed emotions, would it hurt? Would she earn Tom’s approval, mainly though she knew she would never make the same mistakes again, once was enough for her high standards.

Tom, for his part noticed again how the country life had hardened Selina, all the excess tissue had been burned off Selina, her lean body, chunky muscular legs, her tight buttocks all looked good to him. He smiled, knowing this was not a serious punishment, glad to enjoy warming his friend’s bottom without the stress of punishment. He moved to her left even as he gathered the plimsol into a firm grip in his right hand. The way Seline’s buttocks clenched and relaxed as he put the cool sole against her cheeks was exciting to say the least. Still smiling he lifted the slipper and with an almost casual grace swung it against the top of Seline’s right cheek, watching the slipper flatten the tight flesh. With a steady beat he smacked Seline’s left cheek, then lower on her right, then her left, lower still on her right, finally on her left buttock. Tom watched Seline’s bottom slowly turn pink, enjoyed the solid thwack of the slipper, the hiss from Seline, the way her bottom wriggled, and yes he admitted he enjoyed his mastery over her, her gift of submission.

When the slipper struck her Seline hissed and could not help the involuntary movement of her hips and bottom, her hiss was more an acknowledgment of the sting. As each blow fell side by side, lower and lower Seline realised that she actually found the sting erotic but still painful, she knew her pride would make her strive to avoid such lessons. She felt shame that Tom might be less than happy with her performance, and when he had finished she remained in place longer than was really necessary as if to acknowledge she deserved more of a punishment. Eventually she sighed, reached back to rub her pink buttocks and stood up, pulled down her shirt and tugged her panties and trousers back into place. When she turned to face Tom they both smiled half shyly, as if they both knew that this had been a long way from discipline. Seline smiled and thanked Tom prettily, “Thank you Sir,” she said, “In future ‘I’ll be careful to learn my lessons properly. But Sir, I think it helped me, and if you agree I’d be pleased if you would see your way to set me targets and perhaps conduct progress tests and slipper me if I do not meet your expectations. I will always trust your judgment and fairness, Sir.”

“Hmmm,” he considered, “I like the idea, it’d be a way of warning you without coming to the punishment stage, but you must remember I WILL strap or cane you if I think it necessary. But you, of course, may always refuse and release yourself.” Seline nodded but did not even reply, both knew by now the level of her commitment. Tom smiled and pulled out a fourth piece of paper with six names written on it. He told her that by lunchtime he expected her to investigate each name and write down the relationships between them, by using the estate account books and journals. Seline was immediately intrigued and was reaching for the books even as Tom left, nodding as he reminded her to think about the shooting rules. Her eyes opened wide, she grinned, as the full import of what Tom had asked her to learn became clear. She knew she should be shocked but rather she felt sympathy for each of the players in this countryside drama. When Tom returned carrying the guns he read her notes, smiled and nodded obviously pleased Seline had seen beyond the simple facts.

Tom passed her one of the guns and tried not to make it obvious he was watching carefully as Seline accepted the weapon, broke it and checked the barrels were clear. However when she looked at him he was forced to nod approvingly. Together they walked down the stairs and made their way to the edge of the copse where the local landowners had always practised their shooting. The meadow had heavy bush and scrub along three sides and a heavy earth bank to the front. There was almost no chance of anyone wandering into a gun sight without warning. Tom led her to the timber shed and showed her the shelves holding the clays, the launcher, the primitive stove, and the outer shed that served as a toilet. He reached under his coat and produced something Selina had not realised he had kept, the switch he had used so effectively the week before! Tom reminded her of the general rules then took her outside and listed the specific rules of clay shooting. He pointed out the two trees that had red paint on them, explaining that if one shot beyond 180 degrees, one was at risk of turning the weapon towards their own shooting party. He asked if Seline fully understood the rules, to which she asked for clarification of the painted trees, and Tom explained that later she would be asked to indicate herself where such a limit should be drawn. He stressed how important that awareness of where others might be was so important, as important as knowing not to stray too far forward into that arc. Seline thought about this then said she understood.

For the next two hours Selina was in heaven, Tom showed her how to lead a target, how to release the choke barrel then the other, how to never take her eyes off the target but yet to be aware of where others might be. He had her swing the gun and he shouted stop just before her aim went beyond the painted trees, then he had her swing the gun and freeze where she thought she should. As she practised she got ever closer to the painted trees without going beyond them. She was pleased but she had no idea how impressed Tom was, he was staggered at her natural grace and spatial awareness. Never had he known a pupil so old adapt so quickly. He called a halt to the exercises and offered Selina a hot drink before she tried with a loaded weapon. Selina was so pleased at his offer she swung towards him a bright smile on her face. She stopped dead just as the empty weapon pointed at Tom’s legs, her face fell, her disappointment and self-anger twisting her features. “Damn, I am so sorry,” she exclaimed, I should know better! To her credit Selina didn’t even think of the punishment she might receive, her mind was punishing her far more already. The cold expression on Tom’s face twisted her stomach, she would have done anything to snatch back that single moment.

“You are very good, Miss Selina,” Tom said, not knowing how his words lashed Selina’s soul, “but you need to learn that control is as important as being a good shot.” He indicated the shed, “Into the lean-to if you please,” and followed Seline as she walked head down in shame into the shed. Selina felt her eyes burning with unshed tears as Tom reached for the switch and pointed at Selina. “Turn round miss,” he said with no inflexion, “I want to see your bare bottom.” Her eyes felt so hot as she obeyed, turning, unfastening her trousers, pushing them and her panties down, gathering her shirt in front of herself above her hips. She bent from the waist and stuck her bottom out, not realising that because her bottom was pert there was no need. Tom felt a thrill run through him even as he prepared to be cold and methodical. With no ceremony he lifted the switch and very quickly snapped it sown three times against Selina’s cheeks, watching three white lines appear, the first just turning red as the third landed. He heard a long gasp become a squeal as the full import of the sting registered on Selina and she leapt up.

Selina for her part discovered tears of pain do not burn like tears of shame as she hopped from foot to foot clutching her naked buttocks. She had not felt any pain as the three strokes landed, but suddenly a wave of heat had engulfed her. Through her tears she looked at Tom and slowly pulled her clothes back up. Tom busied himself making hot sweet tea as Selina composed herself, handed her a cup and asked, “Well Selly, want to call it a day? Learned enough for now?” His manner made it obvious that he expected Seline to answer as she did … that she was wrong, knew she was wrong but wanted to carry on.

For the rest of the afternoon Selina didn’t put a foot wrong. She fired cartridge after cartridge, her score rose steadily till she was hitting over 95% and she never went past the permitted arc, never stepped in front of the gun. Finally Tom said he was satisfied and asked Seline if she still wanted to walk the estate and try for the fox that was worrying the chickens. For her part Selina was ecstatic with her performance and almost hugged Tom as she accepted the offer. They made the guns safe, cleaned up the area and made their way back to Selina’s private entrance. Seline excused herself and went to use the bathroom handing the gun to Tom. When she came back Tom had the guns and the cleaning equipment laid out on newspaper on her desk. Selina joined him and picked up her gun, broke it and reached for the pull cord to clean the barrel. As she inserted the cord she became aware of Tom ostentatiously looking down the barrels of his gun and realised her gun had been out of her sight. She looked at Tom, looked at her own weapon, realised her fatigue had made her sloppy.

Tom saw that Selina had recognised the lesson and spoke softly, “I know you are tired, I know I half set you up, but I wanted to know if you had really learned the lesson. You have just earned another three but if you wish you know you can refuse.” Selina hardly hesitated as she insisted that she knew how important the lesson was.

“One day I might be tired, exhausted after a long day, but that would hardly be an excuse if I hurt or killed someone. I agree with you Sir, best if I learn now.” She had already removed her coat to use the bathroom so all Selina did was to stand, move round the desk and unfasten her trousers. As they and her panties fell to puddle round her ankles Selina flicked her shirt high again and reached forward to grip the edge of the desk. Her bottom still smarted from earlier but she did not hesitate, she found that obeying Tom became easier and easier every time she submitted to his will. Gritting her teeth Selina stepped back another pace lifting her bottom higher, trying to please Tom by making his task easier. Tom took a few moments to admire the three parallel lines decorating Seline’s bottom, then, slower this time, wanting Selina to appreciate the lesson, he switched Selina’s bottom, the sixth stroke he was careful to strike diagonally across the five the welts he had already made. When he had finished Tom realised that Selina had gasped, wriggled a little but by and large remained still for him, he marvelled that someone who a few weeks previously had never been punished could accept corporal punishment so gracefully.

Selina felt the first red-hot stroke of the switch land, felt the pain, felt the shame of letting Tom down. She felt tears run down her face, but she took the pain inside herself, forced her body to become still again ready to receive the next stroke, hissed and wriggled but again refused to let her body overcome her willpower. Her bottom was on fire but she gratefully received the last stroke and surrendered to her shame. She knew though that she had paid and Tom would not hold anything against her. She reached back and explored the welts decorating her backside, sighed and stood to face Tom, pulling her clothes up as she watched Tom stow the switch inside his coat again. Though she tried not to she could not help rubbing her bottom even as she smiled shyly at Tom.

“You have a free day tomorrow Selly, you still want to come shooting with me? You don’t have to, or you can just walk with me if you like, have a day off.” Selina bridled slightly at this then settled down as she saw the kindness in Tom’s expression. She told Tom she would accept his wisdom if he insisted but that if the trust were mutual she would prefer to carry on with her training. “After all,” she quipped, rubbing her bottom, “It’s only pain, and I DO want to learn.” Tom had chuckled, shook his head and mumbled about her being incorrigible and agreed to meet her at 9 am after he had fulfilled his obligations to his father and the estate. Before he left though he admonished Selina to think long and hard because he was a stickler for rules about loaded guns.

That night Selina examined the marks on her bottom proudly after her shower, knowing that there were fewer lines than six days earlier. She felt she had learned so much this last week, was finally becoming attuned to her new life. As she lay in bed feeling the residual pain in her backside, running a finger along each raised weal she was content, sore but satisfied she thought with a smile as she drifted off.

The End © Caitlin

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