Parish of the Holy Spirit

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Parish Workshops

The Strategic Planning Committee of the Parish of the Holy Spirit is sponsoring a number of Workshops in our Parish as the needs are identified.

Our first workshop for Treasurers and Wardens was held at St. Michael's in Arnold's Cove on November 19, 2005. The purpose of the Warden's component was to discuss the duties of Wardens as they pertain to the Constitution, as well as offer suggestions on ways to improve communication between the wardens and the minister. The purpose of the Treasurers component was to discuss the responsibility of Treasurers, explain the financial structure of the Diocese, and be an information session for them. This workshop was well attended by the wardens and treasurers of our Parish, and it proved to be a very informative and helpful session for them.

Workshop Leaders Wardens and Treasurers
  The Rev'd Rowena Wareham, The Rev'd Lloyd Collett, Mr. Calvin Lockyer, Mrs. Blanche Upshall
    Mr. Elridge Thorne, Parish Treasurer; Mrs. Glenys Upshall, Parish Communication Officer; Wardens & Treasurers

Our second workshop for Pastoral Visitation was held at St. Andrew's in Little Harbour on March 4, 2006. The purpose of this workshop was to present guidelines for pastoral visiting to those present who are considering becoming Pastoral Visitors. It presented information on issues of confidentaliy, spirituality, prayer, skills of a visitor and personality types. The day's activities concluded with participants putting into action all they had learned by role playing some of the possible scenarios one might encounter while visiting. This workshop was also well attended and was a great success. It will be followed up by special commissioning services throughout our Parish for those interested in making a commitment to become Pastoral Visitors.

Unit One Unit Two Unit Three
L-R: Edith Thorne, Blanche Upshall, Judy Reid, Eva Bennett, Irene Newhook, The Rev'd Sheila White, Ada Dicks, Betty Brown Kneeling: Rita Lockyer
L-R: Front Row: Donna Trowbridge, Linda Toope, Margaret Fagan, Helen Hoskins, Betty Peach Second Row: Stella Combden, Delilah Snook, The Rev'd Rowena Wareham, Barbara Hollett, The Rev'd Lloyd Collett Third row: Calvin Lockyer, Grace Hiscock, The Rev'd Darroch Fagan, Glenys Upshall, Robert Snook, Malcolm (Mac) Piercey
Front Row: Sarah Sharpe, Loretta Lambert, Marie Lambert Second Row: Andrew Peddle, The Rev'd Nelson Chatman, Albert Drover

Rev'd Sheila Leading Workshop On Prayer
Rev'd Sheila Leading the Prayer Workshop
Our third workshop with a focus on Prayer was held on Wednesday, October 11, 2006, in St. Andrew's Church Hall, Little Harbour East. The workshop was led by our Rector,The Rev'd Sheila White, with sixteen participants present. Everyone sat around in a relaxed atmosphere and raised any concerns he/she felt with praying. The Rev'd Nelson Chatman, Associate Priest, was present and both he and Rev'd Sheila related his/her own experiences when first asked to pray for someone. This gave everyone the feeling that God will help us when we come before Him in prayer. Rev'd Sheila distributed some very helpful materials to each one with suggestions on how to practise praying and some samples of prayers that can be used in various circumstances. Everyone left the Hall having heard and learned much to help ease their fear of praying in public. Thanks to everyone for sharing their thoughts and experiences!

Click on underlined links above for more detailed information on each workshop.

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