Parish of the Holy Spirit

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Workshop Three

Betty Brown, Linda Toope, Delilah Snook, Andrew Peddle, Rev'd Nelson

A follow-up workshop for Pastoral Visitors with a focus on Prayer was held on Wednesday, October 11, 2006, at St. Andrew's Hall, Little Harbour East. This workshop was led by The Rev'd Sheila White, Rector of The Parish of the Holy Spirit, who opened the evening with a prayer.

Rev'd Sheila reassured those present that those commissioned as Lay Visitors would not be replacing clergy visits, but will be in addition to them. Our goal is to identify the needs within each of our communities and address them. Christians should involve themselves in Lay Visitation because it is a form of ministry initiated not by man but by our Lord.
Rita Lockyer, Judy Reid, Edith Thorne, Grace Hiscock, Stella Combden
The two great commandments to love God and to love our Neighbor gives us the divine instructions that each of us are asked to obey.

This workshop on prayer was initiated because some of the visitors felt they needed more instruction on this aspect of their visitation should they be asked to pray. Many of them felt uncomfortable with praying in public. Prayer is a two way communication with God. He wants to speak to us when we meet him in prayer. Our prayers need only be simple - just pray for whatever is on our minds and hearts and know that God will answer our prayers.

Rev'd Sheila led everyone in a discussion on prayer and gave each one an opportunity to express his/her concerns.
Helen Hoskins, Barbara Hollett, Betty Peach, Irene Newhook, Connie White
She and The Rev'd Nelson Chatman, Associate Priest in Unit Three, told everyone about their experiences when they first were asked to pray for someone. All present were then shown part of a video by Sandy Millar entitled "Prayer Ministry Training" in which Mr. Millar teaches the practise of praying. Each person received very helpful material on ways to learn to pray as well as some examples of prayers. This very rewarding and worthwhile workshop closed with The Grace.

Everyone left the building feeling much more comfortable with praying. Thanks to Rev'd Sheila, Rev'd Nelson and any others who were so encouraging throughout the discussion.

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