Fan Fiction Archive
Fan Fiction
I am now accepting submissions to the Archive I will accept any good Fics G - NC17 .

For the Adult section I perfer Het stories but will post any really good Slash stories.

If you do submit a story please add
Attn: IMFFA, that way I know archive it is for since I run two others, and a brief description of the story if you can't think of one I can come up with one But I personally like Archives that give you a brief Description of the story so at least you know what your getting into thank now start Submiting
Adult NC-17 Archive
General Stories
by sangga
�Sauntering, by clinical definition, is an aimless wandering, without destination.� Darien�s having a very unusual reaction to the counteragent

Darien's Christmas Carol

by Tigerrigersimba
a retelling of Dickens Christmas Carol with the crew of the Invisible man

A Breath of Will

by pipsqueak
An older, darker Darien looks back on the choices he's made...

by pipsqueak
The infamous shipyard scene from TPoC from QSM Darien's POV

Life on the Edge
by pipsqueak
The infamous shipyard scene from Phase-3 Claire's POV. Companion to "

Keepin' My Keeper
by Carol M
What do you do when your Keeper shows up drunk at your door in the middle of the night? Darien's about to find out.

Scaffolding and Soft Blankets
by Carol M
Scene filler for Three Phases of Claire. What happened after Darien and Claire got off the scaffolding?

by Carol M
Darien has to say goodbye to some old friends

Claire's Problem
by Banshee
To bad the past never stays in the past.  Part of Claire's has caught up with her and now is has a little bit of a problem.

Pain: A POV
Darien Pt. 1     Bobby Pt. 2     Claire Pt.3
by Banshee
Claire's thoughts on what is happening when Darien is brought in hurt.

The Child
by FawkesyChic & IMFREAK
Someone from Dariens past comes back into his life.

Practice Makes Perfect
by CritterKeeper
What to do when you have Extra CounterAgent

Screw the Wiseman
by dafnap
Darien realizes what happened at the end of Brother�s Keeper

Thoughts on a Friend

by Loui
Hobbes thinks back on the Risk Darien took for him.

Itsy Bitsy
by Kate C.
Darien has a run in with a few of his Phobias

Once Again
by Danii
10 years after Ralph Jessica runs into Darien

Once Upon a Winter's Night
by Rebecca Helton
Darien asks Claire to a Christmas party.

by Batya, The_Mad_Fangirl
Darien makes Claire take a break to show her something beautiful.

Cold Comfort
by WorkerCaste
Epiloge of Money for Nothing

Mermaid, Survived By
by The_Mad_Fangirl
At the funeral of Allanora

by FrenchPea
Darien works off a little extra energy

One Last Little Christmas Present
by CritterKeeper
Christmas at Dariens and whats in the last gift?
Note to the Readers: This should go without saying, but please remember the authors below are not getting paid for their contributions or for the stories they write. The only thing they seek is feedback from readers like you. So please if you've enjoyed reading the stories below e-mail the authors and let them know. Thank you
I have tried to contact all the authors. If I have a story of yours and you do not to have  it archived here, than please feel free to contact me and I will remove it imediately. If you have comments or stories to submit than please e-mail me
Authors E-Mail Addresses
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