Pain: Darien's POV
By: Banshee
Spoilers: Not a single one
Warnings:  There are some owwies here, but i don't think I was 'too'
graphic.  Just be advised.
Notes:  All right a little explaining needs to be done.  This is part three
in a number of little snippets I'm calling Pain as I'm sure you will
understand if you ready this.  I don't think I go 'too' graphic, but be
careful there are owwies in this.  The first was from Darien's POV and the
second was from Bobby's.  I can't tell you what number the last posts were
(sorry), but if you want the other two parts just e-mail me and I'll be
happy to send them your way.   As always thanks to my beta.  <Banshee waves
at nightshade> 
** Nightshade Waves right back "Your Welcome =0)**


I can hear the pain and confusion in my own voice.  I would wince at the
sound of it, but I don't have the energy.  There is too much pain.  It
pulses and crashes over my body again and again.  Razor sharp claws dig in
to my head and I know from the echoes of dark laughter, that I must be
getting close to QSM.  There is no need to check my monitor, not that I can
at the moment.

Bad enough that I have been beaten and dumped in this dark hold of a cell
until they return to finish the job, but now the madness is coming.
Despite the pain part of me wishes it had come earlier.  I may have stood a
chance then, would have been able to take some of them down with me.

As it is I was unable to get away let alone do any damage to them.  I'm
nothing more then a tangled mass of pain impulses .  I don't even try to
catalogue and organize what has been done to me this time.  I don't have
to.  The men that worked me over were very good at their job.  They made
sure I knew exactly what was being done to me.  I remember each crack from
my now broken ribs.  I am aware of each slice where the small silent man
cut me and every place where the larger one hit me.  I remember the flash
of pain and the following ache caused when they broke my right cheek.  My
eyes are almost swollen shut, not that I could seen anything if I could
open them, my vision being nothing more then a blur of light and dark.  I'm
sure I probably have a concussion. 

I hear a sound from the direction of the door and my heart catches in my
throat.  I can't tell if it's them to come back to finish their job or just
my imagination.  Hoping for the best I speak again.

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