Screw the Wiseman
by dafnap
Disclaimer: Not my characters, please don�t hurt me.

You don�t know I know.

You can�t.

I haven�t brought it up, I haven�t teased you about it. I�ve said nothing. Nada. Zip�

A wise man once said�.fuck that�a wise man didn�t have to deal with becoming

his own dead brother every time he went to sleep. A wise man doesn�t turn invisible

at a whim. Fuck the wise man, he don�t know shit.


I�m getting a little ahead of myself.

You don�t know I know.

When I was done reading Kevin�s letter; when I was done getting angry at him for

leaving this fucking thing in my head; when I was done cursing his name and screaming

at his grave, I was left to wonder, to wonder why, why in the name of all that is holy, do I

have watermelon chapstick on my lips?

I was a shock really. This type of stuff could only have come from a girl. My lips hadn�t

been chapped or anything, so how in the heck did Kevin get watermelon chapstick shit on my lips?

The next time that I got my shot, I smelt it. It was so close. I sniffed, my nose rising in the air,

bumping into your own. You pulled back, you nose all scrunched up in that

What-the-fuck-is-Darien-doing-now Look. Your watermelon chapstick covered

lips scrunched together in a thing, angry line.

That could have only meant one thing�one sweat, tantalizing thing:

You kissed Kevin.

Hot-god-damn, you kissed me.

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