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October 30 - November 1, 2002  at Ahmedabad

Submission of Papers
Copyright & Contact Address Technical Papers Awards
Oral Presentation of Papers Poster Presentation
Technical Papers

The authors of accepted papers are requested to send three copies of their full paper by October 15, 2002 conforming to the following guidelines.

1.    Full papers should be typed neatly on A4 size paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm) preferably using    
2.    Font: Times New Roman; Size: 12; Single line spacing.  
3.    A clear margin of 2 cm on top, 2.5 cm at bottom and 1.5 cm on right and left sides on each  
       page should be kept.
4.    Soft-copy of full text of the article as an MS-Word document file should also be provided on a   
       3.5” floppy diskette/CD-ROM. It is preferable that the abstracts too are submitted in a similar 
       form as e-mail attachments.
5.    The illustrations and photographs must be prepared with good contrast and duly mounted in 
       proper places.
6.    A sample word file template can be downloaded from the Congress website.
7.    Authors are advised to provide their full affiliation and contact address including telephone, fax 
       and e-mail on both abstract and full article.
Length of the full paper should not exceed beyond 10 pages.
9.    A technical paper will be allotted 10 minutes for presentation and 3-4 minutes for discussions 
       while an invited/lead paper may be given 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for 

Download a sample word file template

Oral Presentation of Papers
Accepted papers for oral presentation will be provided about 15 minutes time for both presentation and discussions. Facilities will be provided for presentation using MS-Power Point as well as OHP transparencies.
Poster Presentation

A number of papers have been considered for poster session. Poster session is arranged on all three days and the authors are expected to stand near their posters to explain the visiting delegates. Though poster session is open throughout the day, a specific time slot will be allotted for poster presentation. It will be possible to visit poster gallery during tea and lunch break as well.

The poster papers should adhere to following guidelines

1.    The posters must be bold, visually attractive and appealing to the audience. A display space of  
       size 90 cm x 60 cm will be provided for each paper.
2.    Lettering must be bold (20 points or more) and readable from a distance of a meter.
3.    Script must be selective in salient print, highlighting the objective, methodology, analysis and  
       findings. The author’s names, affiliation and contact details should be added at the bottom of the  

4.    Posters will be organised in broad sections as per the sub themes in consultation with the authors.

Two awards are planned for the authors; one award for the best oral presentation under contributed papers and another award for the best poster presentation.
Copyright and Contact Address

Copyright of the papers accepted for presentation and/or publishing will rest with INCA and the consent to this effect is assumed. The abstract and full text of the papers should be submitted to the Organising Secretary of the Congress at the following address.

Mr. T.P. Srinivasan
Organising Secretary,
XXII INCA International Congress,
Room No.: 4717, SPDD/SIPG/SIIPA,
Space Applications Centre, ISRO,
Ahmedabad – 380 015 India
Tel: +91 79 691 4717/691 4723/691 4759/691 4150
Fax: +91 79 674 9115
Email: [email protected]
           [email protected]


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