Images Cubed - Free 3D Images

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Welcome to Images Cubed. Whether your casually turning on your computer at home or getting ready for a long day of work, 3d wallpaper can ease you through the day with something different than just a plain desktop. These images are for for personal use only, they are not to be commercially distributed or used on any website without permission.

NEWS: I regretfully inform you that I will have to take down some of the lesser viewed images to make way for the new onslaught of images that have been made. They will be off the website until I get a real domain. Until then I hope you all enjoy the new images that I've been compiling for a while. There are 6 new images in the Objects, Nature and Sci-Fi Galleries. Enjoy.

Contact: [email protected] to report broken links and/or feedback. (I always welcome feedback)

Last Updated: 8/18/05

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