Images Cubed - Free 3D Images

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How do I set your images as my desktop wallpaper?:
For PC: Right click on the images and select "Set as Wallpaper" or "Set as backround", something along those lines. Some may be too small/big for your screen, so use the stretch option in display properties if this is the case.

For Mac:
1) save the image to your Mac, click and hold your mouse over the image. choose Save Picture.
2) open the Appearance control panel, under the apple menu
3) select the Desktop tab
4) drag the image on top of the control panel
5) click the Set Desktop button
Please Note: Im not much of a mac user, so if you have further questions about this, please click here

What is 3d Art (Computer Generated Art)?: It is a form of art that uses the power of computers to determine how light, objects, etc. would react with its "enviorment". You use 3d meshes (wire framey looking things) and textures wrapped on those meshes. Without getting too technical, when you "render" an image it send out rays from the current point of view and detects what the lights are on an object, the texture, the amount of "rays" allowed to pass through each object. The more fog or clearish stuff in a scene, the longer it will take as opposed to solid objects.

How can you make it free?: As of now I just freelance these images as a personal hobby. Considering how quickly my library is growing, I will probably need to upgrade to a real url soon. Meaning I might need to put in some banners to pay for the monthly fee. It all depends how popular this site gets.

What do you use to make these images?: Right now I use a combination of Bryce 5, Wings 3d, and Adobe Photoshop for post work.

When requesting an image, what would help you make the one I had in mind?: I cannot stress one point enough "BE AS SPECIFIC AS YOU CAN", the more specific you are, the better the image you wanted will come out. Also, some request are better than others, just by requesting it does not GARANTEE that I will make it (though most do), some requests just simply dont work.

Whats with the bad site layout?: Im not exactly a god when it comes to making websites as you can see. This site is mostly geared towards speed and size because the images themselves take up quite alot of bandwith. I am currently working on a new layout, but its coming along very slowly.

Hey, you didnt answer my question! Whats wrong with you?: Its ok, dont panic! Fortunatly I have an e-mail, like every other person on the internet. Just e-mail your question to me at [email protected]

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