HP Graphing Calculator
PC Connectivity Kit

by E.Carta

Warning: This is *NOT* a Hewlett-Packard official page. The information content in this page is subject to change.

This is what you will find in the blue box:

The Software.

System requirements: Win95, Win98 or WinNT.

The software is free. You can download the last version at http://www.hpcomm.org.

A mirror of Eric Rechlin's hpcalc.org is also included into the CD-ROM.

View the TREE.

The Cable.

The cable has a HP38/49G 10-pin connector[F] on one side, and a RS232-DB9[F] on the other.

It's lenght is approx. 1.5mt. No DB25 adapter is supplied.

This cable can be used to connect to any PC the following hp calculators:

Back to the schematic.

Written by E.Carta, [email protected], Telecommunications Engineering Student at the University of Pisa (Italy).
URL: http://www.geocities.ws/hpcables/f1897.htm
Last Revised: Feb 27, 2000