ANTiSEEN: The H.o.S. Interview
(page 4 of  5)

Uncle Dan:
ANTiSEEN have done many tribute songs about pro wrestlers. Of all those songs, who was the coolest grappler that contacted you upon hearing their respective track and what was the exchange like?

JC: Mick Foley was the coolest about it. Actually all of them were cool about it, Mick just seemed the most impressed, I guess--not impressed enough to mention it in either of his books, but it's not his type of music at all. He called me at CBGB's once to decline on coming out to the show we were doing there. He had just got back from Japan doing the exploding barbed wire match against Funk--I understood.

It turns out you're not the only music legend in the Clayton household--your wife Dana was member of perhaps the greatest doom/death band of all time, Mythic. How did the two of you come to meet and wind up together?

Jeff Clayton: Dana moved to Charlotte to complete the lineup of her second band Demonic Christ. I worked in what was one of the best record stores in the city at the time and every band member in town ended up in there at one time or another. As my first marriage was falling apart, I got to know Dana better and we eventually became inseparable. That's 8 years and two children later. Demonic Christ actually opened for us at one of our Halloween shows, and believe it or not, the bill worked very well with our two fan bases.

I've always believed "scene" was just a form of institutionalized poseurdom. It seems like these days this facet of it all is worse than ever--people more into fashion and cultivating a social identity than the music itself. Do you agree things seem to be going from bad to worse, in this regard? If so, how would you suggest true believers combat all the phoniness?

JC: Yep, things are more ready-made and cookie-cutter than ever. The only way to combat it, in my opinion, is to simply form your own opinions. A wise man once said to me "there are only two kinds of music--music I like, and music I don't like." That was the great Whiskey Rebel that laid that one on me, and I couldn't agree more. Just go with your own taste. Don't worry what catagory things go in.

How much of the lameness of scene do you think comes from "big city" environments? I've noticed a tendency for such bogusness to thrive in those places--though rural "scenes" can be just as pathetic. Why do you think it's that way?

JC: Man, people are basically just idiots everywhere. I stopped trying to figure out why people do what they do a LONG time ago.

Antiseen has always welcomed fans from all walks of life and seemed to have a clear grasp of the fact it's not always about "who was there first" but "who loves it the most." Why do you think so many others struggle to grasp this concept?

JC: They struggle because it's so simple, therefore it's hard to see. I don't give a fuck if some kid born in 1991 discovers us on this new album--he's as much a fan as someone who bought Drastic when it first came out. People can't help when they latch onto things.

As the band has always been anti "scene," is there any degree of discomfort or trepidation being part of the C.o.S.?

JC: A little. We've kinda struggled with that, but as time went on, I dropped out of being involved in any real decision making. I prefer the party atmosphere of the Supershows and seeing it as a big reunion type of thing. I'm not involved with the politics of it anymore.

Beyond the supershow, are there any other ANTiSEEN live shows or tours forthcoming?

JC: The semi-annual Halloween show will be happening this Oct 29th in Charlotte (2004). Just keep checking for upcoming shows. With the new album coming out, we will be trying to hit it a little harder for awhile.

Any cool bands you've heard or done shows with recently people might not know about but should?

JC: Here are some of my favorites: Hammerlock, The Boils, Chrome Horse Diplomats, Limecell, Before I Hang, and Empire Falls. There are probably more, but those are the ones I can think of right now. Before I Hang were the surprise of the 2004 Supershow. You WILL be hearing more from them, I'm sure.

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