Chapter Eleven

Angela spent most of her day shopping. She hadn't taken any clothes with her when she spontaneously left Atlantic City and every day since then she'd been getting by on crap from Wal-Mart. She threw some good money around buying herself some great designer outfits that would last her for the next two weeks, and hopefully by then she would have found herself someplace to live.

It was about seven o'clock when she heard a knock on her door. She ran over and answered it. "Hey," she said, giving Taylor a tight hug before he came in. "Come on in." He walked in and looked around.

"Well this is nice," he said. "How much does this room cost?"

"Taylor, that's rude," she told him. He closed the door behind him and walked deeper into the suite. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to order something for dinner?" He shrugged. "I wanted to go out, but look at me. I'm in no shape to be going out to dinner."

"Why don't you just fix yourself?" he asked. "Does it not work on you?" She gave him a look. "What?"

"Taylor, look at me," she said. "The only place that I'm still hurt is on my face. Does it look like I'm able to kiss my own face?"

"Oh�so it doesn't work any other way?" She shook her head.

"No. It's got to be direct lip to skin contact otherwise it does nothing." She sat down in a large comfortable chair. "So how was work today? Was everybody happy you're back?"

"Yeah, we got a lot done today. They actually did a lot without me, but there's really only so much you can do when I sing lead on almost all of the songs." She nodded. "And of course I had to explain what exactly was going on between us last night to Zac. He insists that we're destined to be together, but I told him we're just friends." He plopped down in the chair with her and put his arm around her. "He doesn't seem to understand that."

"Well you have to look at it from his perspective. You're always talking about me, we're always hanging on each other�"

"But that was just because I couldn't see you and I wanted to know where you were," he said.

"So? He doesn't know that. We look like we're a couple, obviously he's going to think we are," she told him. She slid her hand down his arm and laced her fingers with his. "So are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Good, because I'm starving." She grabbed the phone and ordered something for the both of them. When it arrived they ate at the table in the dining area of the suite. It was the first time they'd had a meal where Angela was eating and it was slightly weird. Taylor wasn't eating very much and Angela noticed immediately. "What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking."

"Yeah, I know."

"You weren't listening, were you?" She shook her head.

"No," she said. "I just know the look." He looked relieved. "So what were you thinking about?"

"I don't want to say," he told her. "And don't you dare go looking for it." She gave him a look.

"Taylor, I've told you that I won't read anything you don't want me to," she told him. "I don't abuse my abilities. I'm not that kind of person." He sighed and sat back, ignoring his food. "Taylor, eat."

"I'm not hungry anymore."

"Ugh, fine," she said. "Be that way."

"Do you want to know what I'm thinking?" he snapped.

"Yes! It's obviously bothering you. It's just me, Taylor. You tell me everything, I don't understand why now is any different!"

"You're here," he said. "It's not your soul or whatever the hell it was that you were when you saw me. It's you, your body. I can see you! It's a different feeling."

"Well I'm sorry," she said. "If I could do that again I would. You're just going to have to get used to me like this. I'm still getting used to it! I'm used to being so open and everything because I know you can't see me, but I can't be so blatant anymore." He looked away. "So are you going to tell me?"

"It's just," he started, looking back at her, "I remember you telling me that I was going to meet my future wife soon."

"Yeah," Angela said. "You've already met her, I can see it in you."

"When did I meet her?"

"I don't know," Angela said, shaking her head. "Very recently. Less than a month ago." He paused. "Do you know who it is?" He shook his head. "Oh, come on, you can't have met that many girls since then."

"Actually," he said. "I haven't met any."

"Any?" she asked, confused. "You haven't met a single new girl in the past month?"

"Well all I've done for the past month and a half is studio work; we've got the same people in there all the time and there hasn't been anybody new," Taylor said. "Maybe you were wrong."

"No, I'm not wrong," Angela said. "I can see it in you as plain as my hand in front of my face. There isn't anybody, any one person you've met recently?" He looked at her.


"Well what?" she asked.

"I've met you." Angela scoffed, shaking her head.

"I don't count," she said.

"Why not?" he asked. "You said you're not wrong on this, and I can honestly tell you I have not met another girl in the past month and a half. You're the only one."

"Pfft�" Angela said. "I sincerely doubt it's me, and for another thing, I sincerely doubt you've gone the past month and a half without meeting one new girl. I mean, you went out and bought bandages. Were there any girls at the store?"

"I don't know, probably."

"See! It could have been one of them!"

"But you said I'd meet her," Taylor said. "I didn't meet anyone."

"Well your definition of 'meeting' could be different from mine. You didn't have to be introduced to anybody, you just had to cross paths and make eye contact or say hi. Was the cashier a girl?"

"I don't remember�"


"Don't you think it would have made a more lasting impression?" Taylor asked. "I mean it's the chick I'm spending the rest of my life with." Angela shrugged.

"Fate has a weird way of working things out. There are soul mates out there who walk by each other day after day for years before they finally meet," Angela said. "I heard this story one of the other Angels was working on about these two kids who did that; one would walk into a room and the other was just leaving�weird stuff like that."

"You just don't want to believe that it could be you."

"It's not me!"

"How do you know that?" he asked, crossing his arms. She didn't say anything. "See?"

"Whatever," she said, getting up. He got up and tackled her onto the couch, tickling her. "Taylor! Stop it!" she managed to spit out in between laughs. "Taylor!"

"What?" he asked. "I'm not doing anything!" She pushed him off of her and he fell back onto the couch. She sat up, gasping for breath. "Aww, man, Angel, I'm just playing with you. You don't have to break my back."

"I'm sorry," she said. She slid on top of him, putting her head on his chest. He put his arms around her. She listened to his heartbeat, smiling. "You know it's so amazing that the source of all life is a simple rhythm."

"Oh no, you're not going to get all philosophical on me, are you?" he asked.

"It is amazing, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess so." She sat up. "Why are you so adamant that it's not you? Isn't there a chance that it could be you?"

"There is a chance that it could be me," she said. "But not likely."

"Why do you keep saying that?"

"Taylor nothing could ever happen between us!" she said, getting off of the couch. He sat up.

"Why not? It almost did!"

"That was a mistake."

"No it wasn't," he said. "You know it wasn't." She sighed. "Why are you so afraid of this? If it is you then yay, great, we'll be together. If it's not then that's okay too because there's a different plan for us. Everything happens for a reason, you said so yourself."

"But what if it doesn't work out?" she asked.

"But what if it does?" She sighed. He got up and stood in front of her. He leaned in to kiss her and as their lips almost touch she suddenly turned her head. "What?" he asked.

"Your mother," she said, lightly shaking her head.

"My mother?" In his pocket his phone began to ring. "Oh." He took it out and put the phone to his ear while Angela moved away. "Hello?"

"Taylor, where are you?" his mother asked.

"I'm out," he said, and looked at Angela who was facing away, "with a friend."

"A friend? This isn't about that Angel girl I always hear you talking about, now is it?" Taylor groaned.

"Does it matter?" he asked, turning away.

"You missed dinner!"

"I already had dinner," Taylor said. "Don't worry about me. I'll be home later."

"When is later?"

"I don't know, later. Goodbye." He hung up the phone and turned it off just in case she decided to come back, then put it back in his pocket. He turned to Angela and she looked back at him. "I'm sorry." She shrugged.

"It happens."

"Angela?" She looked up at him, surprised to hear him call her by her full name. "I'm in love with you." Her eyes filled up and she threw her arms around him, kissing him, making sure to let their lips connect fully. The force pushed him back onto the couch and she fell on top of him. They continued to kiss forcefully, their lips dancing and their tongues touching. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He began to undo the buttons on her shirt and took it off. He unzipped her pants and she stopped him. "What?"

"Do you have anything?" she asked.

"Oh, shit, no, I don't," he said, shaking his head. She sighed. "Wait, do you see me becoming a father in the next nine months?" Her eyes lit up and she looked straight into his eyes. He waited for her to do something, anything, when suddenly she broke into a big smile.

"No! We're good," she said and kissed him again.

"Oh my God," Taylor said, breathing hard. Beside him, Angela was fixing her hair, a small smile on her face. They'd wound up in the bed, realizing the couch wasn't such a comfortable place. That was definitely the best experience he'd ever been a part of. Because Angela could read his mind she knew exactly what to do, and it seemed that as they were connected they became the same person, and he experienced what it was like to be her, and temporarily had her abilities. "Did�did you know that was going to happen?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "No idea."

"Ohh man�" She turned to him and kissed him. He smiled a bit as he kissed her back. "I love you," he whispered.

"Mmm, I love you too," she whispered back. "You should probably go home."

"What?" he asked, opening his eyes. "Why?"

"Oh, come on, Taylor, you can't stay here tonight," she said. "I can see your mother freaking out right now, and you turned your phone off so she can't even contact you. I'll go with you." He eyed her carefully.

"Like, to meet everybody?" he asked. She nodded.

"Yeah! It'll be fun. I'll leave and then casually pop up in your room later." She kissed him. "That way you can go into work tomorrow and you won't have to worry about sleeping late here or anything."

"But�I'm comfortable here."

"Of course you are; you're in bed with a hot naked chick."

"Damn straight," he said. "A very hot chick." He sighed and sat up. "All right, we'll go. But I want to take a shower first."

"Okay." He got out of the bed.

"Are you coming with?" he asked, giving her a smile.

"Why would I come with?" she asked.

"Because you smell like sex," he told her. "And I seriously doubt that would make a good impression on my folks when you meet them." She groaned and got out of the bed, following him into the bathroom where the two of them took a long shower together.

The two of them stood in front of Taylor's house about an hour later, both very nervous. Taylor had never really brought home a girl before and Angela had never been in a relationship like this. It was extremely weird, but then again the entire way they got together was weird.

"You ready?" Taylor asked. She nodded. One of the only problems he had with this was that Angela still looked pretty beat up. She'd put on makeup and they came up with a good story, just in case someone asked.

"Do I look okay?" she asked.

"You look beautiful," he said, squeezing her hand.

"No," she said, rolling her eyes. "Can you tell I've been beaten to a bloody pulp?"

"Not really," he said. "And I doubt anybody's going to mention it, at least not while you're around." She nodded. He opened the door and went inside. "Hello?"

"Taylor! Where have you been?" Diana asked, walking into the room. She stopped upon seeing Angela. "Oh. Who is this?"

"Ma, this is Angela," Taylor said. "Angel, this is my mother."

"Hi," Angela said. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Diana said and shook her hand. "Well come on in, dear." Diana put an arm around Angela and led her into the living room. Angela shot a campy thumbs-up to Taylor, who laughed and followed. He sat down next to Angela on the couch. "So, are you Taylor's girlfriend?"

"Yes I am," Angela said, giving Taylor a smile. He put his arm around her.

"Really? That's wonderful. How did you meet?" Angela looked at Taylor. They hadn't discussed how they were going to say they met.

"Well, it was about a month ago," Taylor started. "Uh�we just kind of ran into each other and it was only for a few minutes but we became really good friends after that. It wasn't until recently that we actually started dating." Diana nodded.

"Oh, it's nice that you were friends first," she said. Phew, she bought it, Taylor thought. Angela smiled.

"Angel's here for the summer," Taylor said. "She lives in Atlantic City." Angela nodded.

"Oh, that's such a lovely city," Diana said. "But let me just clear something, is your name Angela or Angel?"

"It's Angela," Angela said. "Taylor's just too lazy to add the extra syllable at the end." Taylor rolled his eyes. Zac walked into the room, causing the attention of everyone in the room.

"Oh, hey Angela," he said, seeing her. Angela waved. "Taylor, there you are, we were looking for you before."

"I was with Angel," Taylor said.

"Oh," Zac said. He noticed Taylor's arm around her and the obviously different aura around the two of them. "Ohh�well, see you later." He turned and left the room, leaving Taylor and Angel to continue talking to Diana.


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