The Litterbox Scoop
Subject: James Ventrella

Issue #25 (April, 2001)
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How did you find this scene?
I found the acting deplorable, but the costumes spectacular.

What is your dream car, hot rod or motorcycle?
Of course I agree that Rod is pretty hot, but a 54' Chrysler will do in a pinch.

What's the last band you saw and where?
The amazing Milt Treinier and his wonderful band. They radiate pure joy.

Who were your favorite bands in high school?
I ended up listening to whatever my sister brought home from the record store, which, excluding Journey, was not very good, sorry Joanne! Sinatra also got a lot of airplay in my house.

What hair products do you use?
Nothing that Deke Dickersen uses!

Do you play an instrument? If, so, which one? If not, which would you play if you could?
I've tried to play a bunch of them over the years. As of today, I'm stinking it up on the Saxophone and drums. Every time my Mom hears me play she says, "That was pretty good Jimmy, now try it again!"

Do you dance? If so what style and how did you learn?
I didn't want to cheat myself out of holding a gal' on the dance floor. so my folks, who would cut the rug with friends at our house parties, showed me the ropes. The rest I stole from Jake Steele.

Do you cuff or roll? And how high?
If you were in the Melrose Park club the "Jester's A.C.", you cuffed.

What are the best things about the Chicago scene?
Gabrielle Sutton's home cooking, hands down.

Favorite originator of rock n' roll?
There are so many amazing talents. . .but one thing that sure changed music as we know it had to be the chance meeting of The Saddlemaen and The Treniers playing across the street from one another in New Jersey.

What place would you most like to visit that you've never been to?
The Shim Sham Club, The Three Duces, The Tip Top Tap, and so many other places that are long gone.

Boxers or briefs?
Some questions should remain unanswered.

What are you most proud of?
That I'm sure I can tell the difference between a "Bopper" and a "Jiver" without doubt.

What's your favorite drink?
Anything that anyone so generously offers to me!

Ever been to a foreign country? which one(s)?
Yes! Columbia, South Carolina.

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