From the Editor
Same Old -- Same Old???

Issue #25 (April, 2001)
From The Editor
Updates & News
Vintage Blues
Rockin' at the Rave
A Year in Covers
Charlie Ryan
Bop 'n' Roll Party
The Litterbox Scoop
Fabulous Foods
Cyber Corral
The Rear End
Da' Credits
Advertise with Us!
Contribute your Talents
Communicate Old-school...
Past Issues of Holler

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Tracing back the history of this little publication, some may not know that Holler has been around for a couple years now. Holler was originally conceived by Mary and Ken Mottet. It was envisioned and designed as something to fill the gap left for Chicago readers in the rockabilly scene when Screamin' decided to call it quits. After putting the publication out for an entire year, Mary Mottet decided to pass the torch (fire side out) and give someone else a crack at it. She searched for someone daring enough to take on the responsibility of cranking out an issue EVERY MONTH and making it available for FREE to everyone at the Big C, on the first Thursday of every month. Well, who decided to take her up on that challenge? You got it -- those cute and crazy cover gals -- Barb Clifford and, well, me.

After a trial by fire when the torch was passed, Holler has survived another year. Barb and I made it through the commitment for the year and now... WE QUIT!!! No, just joking. After all the toil and trouble of the past year, we couldn't be happier with the way things have been going. We're constantly trying to improve the content and quality of Holler and thank everyone that has helped us in any way over the last year. As you can see at the bottom of my article, there are quite of few of you that have come through for us and now is the time for us to show our thanks and recognition for your help and support over the last 12 months. At the same time, we want to encourage everyone to keep putting that pen to paper and those fingers tapping at the keyboard. We need your opinions and ears and eyes to let us know about the cool stuff going on in town that we might not know about. We need you to let us know if there's a cool bar that's in danger of being closed, where the best jukebox is located, a great Tiki bar you went to, little known record shops... You name it, we need to know about it. Who has passed away and what did they contribute to the music world? We depend on readers (and writers) to help supply us with all of these things. We try hard to achieve coverage on many different topics, but we would love for you to help us fill in the gaps.

As a side note, here are a few upcoming events to be on the lookout for:

  • A Pin-up exposition is going to be held at the Holiday Inn O'Hare in Rosemont, Illinois on April 7-8. It is called the Vintage and Modern Pinup show or VAMP for short. Their web site is and the phone number listed is 425-821-1760. Its 18 and over only and costs $10 per day to get in at the door.
  • On April 8, there are a bunch of other antique shows going on in the Chicago area: Antiques and Collectibles Market (McHenry County Fairgrounds - Woodstock), Kendall County Antiques and Flea Market (County Fairgrounds - Yorkville), Lake County Antique Show (Lake County Fairgrounds-Grayslake), Antiques and Collectibles Market (American Legion-LaGrange).
  • On April 15th the DuPage Antique/Collectible Market (DuPage County Fairgrounds - Wheaton).

Finally, like I said, I'd like to thank all contributors for their help so far. If you don't see your name below, and you've helped out in the last year, my apologies. Sometimes it is hard to cover all bases!!!

Contributors: Garret Jensen, Ken & Mary Mottet, Ellen Stenard, James Ventrella, Rob Crowe, Margaret McCarthy, Gigi, Gabrielle Sutton, Julia Baresch, Theresa Drda, Paul Nichols, Bridgett Smith, Shannon Finch, Todd Kempowski, Phil Rainey, Del Villareal, Jim and Lisa Dutcher, Mike Medina, Lynne G in KC, Dave Sisson, Nick Bush, Mark Linday, Doug Freedman, Alison Rose, Eddie Sulik Jr., Betty Tao, Chrissy Clifford

Models: Aiken, Margaret McCarthy, Mo Carroll, Romana Hobeck, Nick Bush, Brooke Rubke, Ellen Stenard, Antje Kastner, Alison Rose, Barb Clifford, Susan Funk, That unknown guy from Barnyard Boogie!! (2 covers were model-less...) for anyone that's counting!!

All contents Copyright � Holler, 2000 - 2001
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