Junkers Production List
- Sources and Links -
Production Lists  Number System  Sources and Links   Production Summaries

The Junkers Production Lists were compiled from various sources througho�t the years. Of course these lists do not claim for any complete or errorless approach. However I believe, that they may be usefull for someone interested in Aviation History. Any further information upon Junkers Production Lists and Production Details is highly welcome.

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for additional questions or comments:
Production List Forum

Sources, used to create these Production Lists:

Combat Claims and Causualities by Tony Wood, excellent Kursk loss list!
Slagveld Sloedam with crashlist of Allied and German Aircraft in Zeeland
Dutch Air War Study Group working on a database with Aircraft Crashes in Netherlands during WWII
Wings of Poland with country register of prewar Poland
SIG Luftwaffe in Norway with valuable loss list of Luftwaffe in Norway
Nederlandse Federatie voor Luchtvaart Archeologie with Dutch recovery list
German Aviation 1919-1945 with several production lists
Luftwaffe over the Bristol area with Luftwaffe loss list
T. Dobrowiecki's Aviation Page with Hungarian registers
Bulgarian Aviation History
Angelika Hofmann's F13 Page with extensive production list
Aviones de la Guerra Civil Espaniol
Ju86 Background infos about South African Ju86
Junkers Ju86 infos about FACH Ju86

A lot of information came from the following discussion groups:
Luftarchiv Forum a German group by Bert Hartmann
Luftwaffe Discussion Group
Luftwaffe Experten Mail Box - LEMB by Peter Evans
Luftwaffe Archives and Records Reference Group
WWII Air War over the North
Norway during WW II
NJG Forum

The Blitz - Then and Now three books
Der deutsche Luftverkehr 1919-1925 by W. Wagner
Der deutsche Luftverkehr 1926-1945 by K. Seiffert with airliner list of Germany
Lufthansa - An Airline and its aircraft by R.E.G. Davies
(j+p) Jet + Prop Magazine 5.99, 1.00, 2.00 published a series about German aircraft in Russia during the 20s
Ju52 - Aircraft and Legende by H. Nowarra with initial Ju52 Production List
Ju90 / Ju290 / Ju390 by Koessler with Ju90/290 production list
Junkers Ju87 Stuka by P. Smith
Nachrichten fuer Luftfahrer with official monthly aviation information and registers
Recherchen zur deutschen Luftfahrtrolle by Ries with nummerical German registers
ICAN Bulletins with official World Register

Before starting with the details, I like to mention a book, which is highly worthfull for those, who are interested in figures of Germany's aviation industry:

German Aircraft Industry and Production 1933-1945
by Ferenc Vajda and Peter Dancey, published by Airlife Publishing, Shrewsburry, England 1998

This great book gives an excellent overview about the German Aircraft Production and Developement Programmes and the developement of the German Aviation Industry in Nazi Germany. A great book, worthfull by its masses of statistical tables. It may be ordered by the known Online Bookshops.

Ferenc Vajda is currently engaged in the research of the Junkers Ju86 Production. You may get in contact with him by Email [email protected], if you are interested in that theme or if you could supply some data for his work.

10th January 2004
The Hugo Junkers Homepage
at http://www.junkers.de.vu
� Horst Zoeller, Germany, July 1996
[email protected]

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