A Crack in Love
chapter 2
by Gini 

"That doesn't explain much." Kurama sighed. "Don't tell me you are angry again Hiei." Hiei stood there, reluctant what to do.

"Please....stay." Kurama held Hiei's hand.

"I....can't." said Hiei. Kurama looked at him for a while, deciding he was serious. He mumbled, "Very well. You may go then."

But he wouldn't let go of Hiei's hand. Their eyes locked into a deep trance. After a while, Hiei sighed; his katana dropped onto the floor. He closed his eyes as Kurama slowly pulled him and led him to the bed where they could share the cold night.

Kurama gently pushed him down and touched his cheek and his neck and he bent down to kiss his face. Hiei reached the hand on his neck and grabbed it. He opened his eyes and kissed the palm of Kurama's hand before nestled his face to it. Kurama looked at him deeply in the eyes. What was that he saw in those crimson eyes? Was it pain? Or hurt?

Hiei glanced at the other side, carefully averted the question stare from Kurama's eyes. Kurama used his index finger to slowly turn Hiei's face over. Their lips found each other and locked into a tender kiss.

Hiei shifted his body under Kurama's as the kiss deepened, increased the tingling feelings in his mind. Maybe......maybe just for tonight.....Kurama can make me forget about Setsuyo.


After the conversation with Kurama, Setsuyo sneaked into her brother's room since Kavelu's light was still on.

"Oniijan, have you talked to Hiei yet?"

"Yes I did. I really don't think it's a right thing to do." Kavelu said guiltily.

"What did you say to him?" Setsuyo asked, uninterested if it was a right thing to do or not.

Kavelu sighed. "I told him the best choice would be to leave Kurama for good."

Setsuyo smiled. "Now, that's my brother."

"Now, Kurama will be mine!" She said to herself.

Kavelu shook his head.


Hiei was in a good mood. Of course, after last night....who wouldn't? He sort of whistled as he strode down the road, deciding to pay his twin a visit. He stopped right at outside of the Genkai temple when he heard somebody said, "I wonder what's Kurama doing staying so close to Setsuyo." The speaker was Yuusuke.

"You think you are jealous or something?" Keiko said irritably, ready to give him a punch.

"No....Of course not." Yuusuke smiled himself silly.

"Don't you dare," She threatened. Then her expression softened. "What do you think, Yukina-chan?"

"I don't know. I hope not. I mean....I thought he liked....someone else....." Yukina said slowly.

"I thought so too," Kuwabara cut in, "I thought he was in love with that shrimp."

"Did you ask Kurama though?" Keiko asked Yuusuke.

"About this? Yeah. He said he liked her.......and that was all he said to me."

"Oh-Oh...I think we've got a triangle relationship over here." Kuwabara said.

"That's not it. I think Kavelu......" Yuusuke began but then dropped his sentence.

"What about him?" Yukina asked.

"I think he likes Hiei." Everybody gasped softly.

"Man....this is getting complicated," Kuwabara exclaimed.

"In what why???" asked Keiko.

"Well.....just the way he looked at Hiei.....it seemed to me that he wanted to tell him something....but he never did. I am not sure. I could be wrong though."

"Hmm.... I think I have noticed it too..." Keiko said thoughtfully.

"Well....I think this whole thing is too funny and too coincidental..." Kuawbara stood up and saw the shadow at the door, unmoving. "Oh-oh."

Everybody turned and saw Hiei, whose eyes were big with surprise, hurt, pain, and confusion.

"Onnijan!" Yukina called.

It would be too late to back away now. The best thing to do is to pretend he doesn't care, Hiei thought as he slowly walked in as everybody sank into an uncomfortable silence.

"Is it true what you guys were talking about?" Hiei asked coolly.

"We....err...we were just joking around Hiei." Yuusuke said.

"I am serious." Hiei replied.

Yuusuke sighed before replying. "It's partly true."

Hiei nodded as he sit down like a balloon out of air.

They all exchanged side glances.

Keiko stood up and walked to Hiei and sit beside him. "Hiei. Don't worry. I am sure everything will be fine."



"Hey Shrimp....I am sure you will beat Setsuyo." Kuwabara said softly. Hiei looked up to him with strange expression.

"Thank you." He said. Kuwabara blushed with embarrassment.


Setsuyo was helping Kurama changing his bed sheet.

"Really, Setsuyo. I can do this myself." Kurama said softly.

"Iie. I am bored anyway." Setsuyo replied with a smile.

"Hey, what..." Setsuyo's feet was tangled in one of the sheet and was going to fall down.

"Careful!" Kurama called, extended his arms to catch her.

Both of them ended up falling onto the bed with Setsuyo on top of Kurama.

Setsuyo looked down at him, blushing. For a moment there, they didn't speak.

"Kurama, do you think I am beautiful?" Setsuyo whispered.

Kurama shifted uncomfortably.


Setsuyo inched her face closer.

"Do you know how long I have been dreaming of this moment?" She touched his face carefully and played his red hair in her fingers.

"You do?" Kurama stammered.

"I like you, Kurama. A lot." She said huskily and getting closer than ever.

"Setsuyo, I am really flattered. You can get of....." Before he could even finish the sentence, a pair of lips closed on his own. Setsuyo kissed him tenderly at first, and then hungrily and deeply.


I have to talk to Kurama. I have to tell him. Hiei thought as he walked slowly to Kurama's house. But he stopped in front of the house. He sighed. He wasn't sure what had come over him. He used to be so confident that Kurama loved only him. But now... Ever since Setsuyo came, their love seemed to have changed.

"Maybe I am just being paranoid," Hiei said to himself. But no. It wasn't just that. Kurama had spent more time with Setsuyo than with him. He knew Kurama didn't love her, but then how could he explain the closeness between them?

"It's time to make fox explain all this. I am tired of playing hide-and-seek with that brat." Hiei jumped on the tree outside of the window of Kurama's room.

Just before he was going to knock, he saw something that he would never want to see in a million years.


"Master Pazeru, you called?" The leader of the demon knelt down on the polished floor.

"Yes. I have decided that I want my Christmas present now."

"As you wish." The demon disappeared.


Kurama gently pushed Setsuyo away.

"Setsuyo, I can't do this." Kurama said. But he was a bit surprised to see Setsuyo had a puzzle look on her face.

Strange, I felt as though I was kissing my own brother, Setsuyo thought as she slowly sit up.

Kurama sit up as well, but just in time to see Hiei's face.

"Hiei!" Kurama jumped down from the bed and raced to the window. He opened the window.

"Wait Hiei!!!! It's not what you think! Come back to me!!"

But Hiei had already run away.


Hiei could feel his tears burning his face. All the anguish and pain rushed up to him and burned him like hell. How could Kurama do this to him? How could he??? But no matter how hard he cried out in his heart and mind, he could not shake off the scene where Kurama and Setsuyo kissing passionately on the bed.

He tripped over a tree branch and fell. He lowered his head and cried until his eyes couldn't drop anymore tears; until his eyes were puffy and hurt; until his heart broken. He lifted up his eyes and saw that there were tears gems everywhere on the ground in front of him. Hiei angrily brushed them away, sending them into every direction.

If Hiei wasn't so stressful, he would have felt the demons coming onto him in 100 miles away. But he was so depressed that he didn't even notice the youki until the demons were just behind him.

"Capture him." The demon with a strip on his shoulder commanded.

Hiei grabbed his katana and unsheathed it.

"You picked the wrong time," Hiei growled.

"Hahhaha, " The leader laughed, "we will see.... get him."

3 demons jumped on him at once. Even though Hiei's speed was unbeatable, they still could detect his every next movement. They had to be the strongest youkai he had ever seen. Hiei fought as hard as he could, but his heart wasn't there. Suddenly a foot kicked over, sending him half mile away. He landed badly near a tree and was almost knocked unconscious.

One of the demons came advanced toward him with a blade. Hiei, whose blood was trickling down from the corner of his mouth, looked up but made no movement to stop the demon. Suddenly the demon got punched away.

"You idiot! This is Master's present! He wants him alive." The leader demon said angrily. The leader than turned to look at him.

Hiei spited out the blood in his mouth. "Fuck the present." Hiei hissed. But before he passed out, he heard a few screams and then he fell into deep darkness.


Hiei woke up finding himself lying in a big chamber.

"So...the little black prince has finally decided to wake up," A female voice said.

Hiei opened his eyes and stared hard toward the direction of the voice. It was Mukuro. He tried to sit up but couldn't.

"Save your strength. You are not even half recovered yet." She clapped her hands and a servant came in with a steaming soup. The servant helped him to sit up and put the soup on his lap.

Hiei looked away.

"I am not hungry."

"Eat it before I ask someone to spoon feed you." Mukuro said with a hint of laughter. Hiei narrowed his eyes, but pick up the spoon and ate the soup.

Mukuro watched him in silence for awhile before walked to him by the bed.

"So what happened?" She asked.

"It's none of your business." Hiei spatted.

Mukuro smiled. "You don't look like someone who wants to commit suicide."

"What do you mean by that?"

She turned to face him. "I was watching you fight. Those demons were not just any ordinary ones we deal with in Makai. I have been detecting them for quite sometime now. They are operating at SS-plus level. That was why you had trouble defeating them."


"It's not you. When that demon was trying to kill you, you made no movement to stop him." She stepped forward and bent her head down to his face's level. "And I saw hopeless in your eyes." She whispered.

Hiei looked away, trying to look tough, but a tear betrayed him by sliding down his cheek.

Mukuro sit down on the bed with him. She sighed. She had never seen Hiei this miserable in her life.

"Come on. You can trust me. I will not tell a soul." Mukuro said softly.

Hiei glanced up and saw the serious expression from her eyes. He sighed heavily and began his story.


"Guess what?" Setsuyo said cheerfully.

"What?" Kavelu answered with boredom as his eyes were still following the words on the book he was reading.

"I kissed Kurama." That hit him.

"You WHAT!?" The book on his hand nearly flew away. His expression was full with surprise.

"Look at you!" Setsuyo laughed. "Yes, I kissed him." She said as she embraced herself.

Kavelu was speechless.

"But," Setsuyo's face fell a little. "somebody saw us."

"Who!? Hiei?"

"Yes. Now I finally won the battle!!" Setsuyo said happily as she sailed out of the room, leaving Kavelu stood here, stunned.

Poor Hiei. He thought as he looked out to the dark night.

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