A Crack in Love
chapter 1
by Gini 


Kurama, Hiei, Yuusuke, Kuwabara, Koenma, Yukina, Botan, Keiko.

New Characters:

Kavelu: Koenma's cousin; about Kurama's age.

Setsuyo: Kavelu's twin sister, younger; Koenma's cousin.

Pazeru: The head of Darknight Castle. Fairly powerful.

"CLAIM" All the characters are not mine. They belong to Yu Yu Hakusho.

This is a sequel to Hiei and Kurama in Romeo and Juliet. Hope you guys will like it. ^_^

*warning* yoai....

PS: This fantic is dedicated for all the people on YYH ML...but it is especially for Sylvia-chan who supported me and nagged me to write....^_^ Thank you!


A Crack In Love

A crack within love

Happens when there is a doubt.

For if there is not enough trust,

Love will begin to rust.

The only way to win,

Is to break the haunted spell within.

Thus the crack will seal and meet,

And the love will lastly be free.


Hiei had never had to share anything in his life. If there was anything he got, it belonged to him; to him alone, not to anyone else. And if there was anybody who wanted it, he or she had to fight him for it.

He looked over to the others near the lake. They came to this beautiful wild park for picnic, and Hiei came along. Not because he wanted to, but because he wanted to make sure that nasty girl wouldn't touch his fox.

Who in the world had this gut to get near to his fox? It was her. Setsuyo. The name lit up the fire in his heart boiling his blood. That girl and her bigger brother were cousins of Koenma's. Two weeks ago Koenma announced that his cousins would be here to visit the Ningenkai. Who would know that both the brother and the sister would look so.......astonishing. Kavelu, Setsuyo's brother with short sandy brown hair and a lean thin face was full of gentleness. And his sister, Setsuyo was nothing words could describe. She had long dark jet black wavy hair pulled up in a pony tail. Her cream coloured skin looked so smooth and young, making every single woman on this planet die with envy. Both of them had light-green eyes, and both of them were about Yuusuke's height.

Hiei had refused to even near her when she was around and it seemed to be an advantage to her. Especially now that Kavelu and Setsuyo were both living in Kurama's house. And it's all that stupid moron's fault. Hiei meant Koenma. He was the one who arranged all.

Right now Hiei was sitting under a tree, just to avoid the crow. Still, he couldn't tear his eyes off his fox. Kurama and Setsuyo were both sitting down very far away while Yuusuke, Keiko, Kuwabara and Yukina were trying to figure out how to BBQ the meat, but unsuccessfully. And Kavelu was just sitting there on the other side of Setsuyo, smiling. Then Hiei widened his eyes. He just saw that Setsuyo fed Kurama a cherry. Yuck! He looked away. How pathetic. Another fool falling for Kurama. But Hiei smiled to himself. He knew Kurama would never like any of them but him. Kurama said he would never let him feel lonely ever again. That was a promise. No matter how good looking that Setsuyo was, she could never win Kurama's heart........or could she?

Suddenly, he saw Kurama's eyes were looking at his direction. His green eyes shinning with happiness as he winked at him, calling him to come over. Hiei sighed. Might as well go over there to keep an eye that stupid girl, he thought as he hopped down and arrived in front of Kurama and Setsuyo in a fast speed.

"Hello Hiei-chan! I am so glad you can join with us!" Setsuyo said cheerfully.

Hiei didn't even bother to look at her. He sit beside Kurama closely.

"Did you have a nice time sitting there by yourself?" Kurama turned to face him and whispered tenderly.

"Hn." was the only replied Hiei gave to Kurama, but deep down inside, Hiei was glad that Kurama still cared for him.

"Here Hiei-chan, try some of this pie." Setsuyo cut a piece of pie and handed to him.

Hiei looked at it. Why is she so nice? Is this poisoned? He turned to look at Kurama who nodded with a smile.

"Try it. It's really good. Setsuyo made it herself."

Hiei swallowed hard. "Erm. Maybe later."

"Hahaha... You were like me when I first tried Setsuyo's pie." Kavelu laughed. Hiei glared at him.

"I wonder how come you are still alive..."

"What?" Kavelu and Setsuyo both said at once. Kurama elbowed Hiei's side.

"Nothing." Hiei murmured.

"Hey, there is something in the woods! Come Hiei.... ." Kurama exclaimed like a child, and in a blink of an eye, Kurama was gone.

What? Hn. He has been practising of being fast. Smiling to himself, Hiei was gone too, leaving Setsuyo and Kavelu alone.

"Hm. I am surprised it's not snowing here. It's already December but the sun is still hanging above." Kavelu said as he looked up in the sun.

Setsuyo sighed heavily. "This is going to take a lot of work."

"You mean to win Kurama's heart?" Kavelu asked.

"Yeah. I mean there are tons of girls around him, and he still hasn't had a girlfriend yet. He must be very careful when looking for a girl." Setsuyo looked worriedly at her brother.

"Hum.... I think there is something between Kurama and Hiei." Kavelu said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" Setsuyo asked worrily.

"I am not very sure. It's just the way they look at each other and the way they are always together."

"WHAT! But Kurama has been treating me very nicely ever since I came here. I thought for sure he is interested in me." Setsuyo was almost screaming.

"I didn't say that Kurama doesn't like you. Anyway, see it yourself next time then."

Setsuyo laughed out loud. "I won't lose to that hair ball. You just watch. I always win what I want. Even this one."

Kavelu smiled. "Good luck."


Where is he? How can I lose him?? Hiei thought as he jumping through from tree to tree. He stopped when he thought he sensed something.

No. False alarm. Hiei sighed and jumped down from the tree. Suddenly somebody pinned him to the tree bark.

"Looking for something?" It was Kurama.

"Yeah, in fact, I am looking for a fox."

Kurama smirked. "I think I know who you are looking for."

"Oh yeah?" Hiei said and trembled a little when Kurama's finger was tracing down from his cheek to his neck and down........

"Hn-hun." Kurama looked at him with playful in his eyes as he inched ever so close to Hiei's face.

"Will you tell me then?" Hiei whispered as he got engulfed by those eyes.

"......later....." Kurama bent down and the two of them locked in a deep passionate kiss.

Hiei broke the kiss first. "Wait a second, I thought you said there's something in the woods." Kurama smiled. "It's nothing."

"You tricked ...mmm...." Kurama closed Hiei's mouth by covering it with his own and gave him another warm kiss.

After since like an eternity both of them broke away to breath. Hiei rested his head on Kurama's chest. The wind blew the falling leaves onto them, but they didn't care........because they had each other to keep warm.



"Can I ask you a question?"


"What do you want for Christmas?"

"What in the hell is that?"

"It's a holiday in this Ningenkai. People celebrate it by giving their loved ones presents. You know, the things they want." Kurama explained as he stroke lightly on Hiei's hair.

"Stupid. When is that?"

"It's on December 25. About 2 weeks away." Kurama stopped before continuing, "so what do you want the most?"


"What do you mean nothing? Come on. Everybody has a dream of wanting something. You must have one too." Kurama said softly.

"What do you want?" Hiei asked back.

"I want to get you everything you want."

"That's not what I..."

"Come on Hiei. What do you want?"

The youkai thought for awhile before looked Kurama in the eye and answered quietly, "I want to spend the Christmas night with you....alone......"

Kurama smiled, his eyes glittering under the sunlight.

"And that's what you are going to get." He hugged the Koorime even tighter. "Just you and me, on the Christmas night."


"Yuusuke-chan!" Setsuyo called sweetly.

"Ohayo Setsuyo-chan! What brought you here?" Yuusuke greeted happily since Keiko wasn't here in the Genkai temple.

"Oh. I made some cookies, and thought you and Kuwabara-chan might want some."

"Oh. How nice of you! Come in with me. It's getting cold out here." Setsuyo nodded and followed Yuusuke in.

"You know, your brother and Kuwabara were helping Yukina out at the back. You want me to call him for you?" Yuusuke said, pouring hot tea for her.

"No. It's okay." Setsuyo smiled as she took a sip at the tea.

"Um... I know it's strange to ask, but is there something between Kurama-chan and Hiei-chan?" Setsuyo asked slowly.

"Err.... yeah. They are very good friends. Close too."

"How close?" Setsuyo asked quickly, but noticed her rudeness. "Er.. I mean they look like they are more than just simply close." She explained.

Yuusuke smiled as he poured more tea into her cup.

"They are more close than.."

"HI!!!!!! Setsuyo-chan!!!!! When did you get here?" Keiko exclaimed.

Setsuyo smiled. "Just a few minutes ago." Kavelu appeared at the same time with Yukina.

"You know, we were just talking about watching a movie. Do you want to come?" Keiko asked excitedly. Setsuyo looked at her brother, who nodded.

"Sure. Is Kurama-chan coming?" She asked carefully.

"I don't think so. He said he had something else to do today." Yukina answered for Keiko.

"Well, let's go then." Kavelu said with a smile.


Kurama was waiting for Hiei to show up in their secret place - Tear's Lake. He looked down to the water, so transparent and peaceful that he could see ever detail of the sky and tree reflection.

Why do I feel so strange toward Setsuyo, Kurama thought to himself. And I couldn't even resist her......And not to mention that Hiei was beginning to doubt their love because of Setsuyo. Kurama sighed.

I wonder if Setsuyo feels the same way I am feeling. She is awfully familiar. It was as if I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't quite place where and when.....

"I think it would be a good idea not to let Setsuyo and Kavelu know our relationship," Kurama said to the youkai beside him. They were walking in the woods. Ever since Setsuyo and Kavelu came to them, Kurama had less time to spend with Hiei. Today seemed to be a fine day to spend just a few hours alone with Hiei.

"Why fox?" Hiei asked surprisingly.

"Well....I just think they are not ready to take the truth yet," Kurama looked down and smiled.

"Hiei?" Kurama called when he got no reply from the youkai.

"Is it because you like Setsuyo and don't want her to know?" Hiei asked quietly, but Kurama looked at him with a bit of shock.

"Why did you say that? You know it isn't."

"Maybe, but I want to hear it from you."

Kurama sighed. "I do like her Hiei. She reminds me of someone I used to know. But until I know who that is, I want to keep our relationship as a secret."

"I don't know. Does that mean we should keep a distance when we are around them?"

"I am afraid so."


"Come on Hiei, you are not the jealous type." Kurama said.

Hiei remained silence for awhile. "Well, maybe I am," he turned to him and then said slowly, "maybe I have always been."

Nevertheless, Hiei had agreed to Kurama's plan. It was the only thing he couldn't do......to refuse his beloved one.

Again, he had also agreed Kurama to attend this stupid party.

"My parents are on vacation to Mexico...so I have the house to myself." Kurama had said to all of them.

How he wished he could be just alone by himself....maybe have with Kurama beside him.....

"Oyi Kurama! Have you been protecting my little cousin over here?" Koenma said as he stepped into Kurama's house."

"Ne Cousin Koenma, Kurama is the best! He has been treating me with care." Setsuyo approached them with a dish in her hands.

"Kurama-chan! Here, eat this dish I have cooked....just for you." Setsuyo smiled. "Ah...arigato Setsuyo-chan." Kurama blushed a little as he saw Koenma's eyebrow rose.

"Iie... call me Setsuyo will be enough." Setsuyo said shyly as she batted her eyes at Kurama.

"Err.... okay, Setsuyo."

Suddenly, soft music rose and everybody started to dance. Yuusuke and Keiko, Kuwabara and Yukina, and even Koenma and Botan were up and started dancing.

Hiei walked to Kurama and began, "Kurama....can we tal..." But somebody interrupted his sentence.

"Kurama-chan! Would you dance with me?" Setsuyo grabbed Kurama's arm and pulling him to the centre of the dancing circle.

"Um...Sure." Kurama eyed Hiei an acknowledgement, and went off to dance.

Hiei looked at them. Setsuyo put her head on Kurama's shoulder and her arms around his neck. Kurama held her waist.......they looked like a couple.

Then...he saw a flash from Setsuyo's eyes. It was for him. A triumph flash of smile.

Hiei was sitting by himself on the doorstep outside of Kurama's house. No.....it can't be. Setsuyo didn't really want to battle me for Kurama. Hiei thought to himself. But those eyes! He couldn't have mistaken.

Suddenly, a hand put on his shoulder.


"Hn..." Hiei didn't even flinch, though every muscle on his body tensed by his touch.

"You all right? You don't seem to have tons of fun." Kurama chuckled.

"I'm okay. Too noisy inside though." Hiei tried to hide his worries.

"What's wrong? Is something bothering you?" Kurama looked at him with concern.

Just when Hiei was going to open his mouth, somebody called from inside the house.

"Kurama-chan! Do you mind helping me cleaning those things?" It was Setsuyo. She sure knows how to pick a time. Hiei thought hatefully.

"I will be right out." Kurama assured him with a charming smile then hurried in.

"Yeah right." Hiei said bitterly. But a footstep sound came his way. He turned happily around.

"Kura......oh........it's you." He dropped his voice when he saw it was Setsuyo.

"Hello Hiei." Setsuyo said politely...but not warmly.


"You thought I was Kurama didn't you?" Setsuyo said, but she continued when she got no response. "I have heard that you and Kurama-chan are very closed friends." We are not just friends. Hiei thought but he bit his tongue because he had promised Kurama not to say it.....He hated the way she called Kurama's name. It sounded so phoney and disgusting.

"What do you want?" Hiei asked.

"You know very well what I want. We both want the same thing."

"And what in the hell is that?"

"Why, Kurama's love of course." Setsuyo laughed when she saw Hiei looked at her, stunned.

"Ah yes. Kurama. He can be a great lover."

"What makes you think he will like you?" Hiei pouted.

Setsuyo looked at him right in the eye. Hiei suddenly felt cold. "Hiei. I always get what I want. Nobody can get in my way. Not even you. I will definitely win Kurama's heart over."

"Yeah," Hiei chuckled sarcastically, "you can cut his heart and keep it, but his soul will never surrender to you."

"I guess we will just have to see about that." With that sentence, Setsuyo went into the house.

Fuck! How did I ever get myself into this big shit? Hiei sit on the grass like a balloon that had run out of air. How could he even be afraid of a little girl. She would never win.....or would she?

He saw a red rose in the garden and pulled one up. A thorn stabbed his finger causing it to bleed.

"Kurama....will you really....change your heart?"

Far off the distance, a pair of eyes glowed in the dark.


"Your Highness, we have news," two demon came forward and knelt on the ground.

A few feet ahead of the demons, the chair slowly turned, revealing the master. He was slender and tall with pale with long straight white hair falling to his shoulder. His eyes were shinning with red.

"Hmm.... report it to me." His low pitch voice said.

"We've found your target. It appeared that he has some emotional problem."

"Great. We can use that as his weakness."

"But Master Pazeru, he is a S-plus class youkai."

Pazeru laughed. "Then we have to be more careful, don't we. Don't forget, you guys are SS plus....higher than he is. But don't hurt him. I want him alive. Keep an eye on him for I don't want to do anything right the way. You may go now." The demons bowed and went away.

The man stood up and went to the centre of the great hall. He snapped his finger and a black crystal ball rose from the ground. In it appeared Hiei's face with deadly red stare.

"Hiei....soon, you will be mine."


For the next day, Hiei had been avoiding Setsuyo all day, but it ended up that he had been avoiding both Kurama and Setsuyo since they always seemed to be together.

He looked at both of them talking right now, and how Setsuyo was holding Kurama's hand. Hiei turned and leaned his back on behind the tree he used to hide. He sighed. And Kurama doesn't even look like he minds the contact by Setsuyo at all.

"It must be painful." Hiei opened his eyes in shock. Kavelu was standing in front of him looking like a nobleman.

"What is?"

"To have a loved one being won over by someone else."

"Hn. I don't know what you are talking about." Hiei was going to walk away, but Kavelu grabbed his arm. "But you do." Hiei looked at his hand, and looked up. He was planning to kill this bastard who got into his secret, but there was something in his eyes that made him stop.

"Hiei. Setsuyo is a great threat to you. She always wins." Kavelu said as he watched his sister and Kurama. Hiei turned and looked at the direction Kavelu was looking at. Setsuyo put her head on Kurama's shoulder. Hiei's blood began to boil.

"I can see anger in your eyes. As I was saying, she always wins." Kavelu said softly.

"So do I." Hiei said firmly. But Kavelu only smiled. Perhaps it was a pity smile.

"You maybe good at any battle, but this is different. This is a love battle. You....will probably lose. And believe me, it hurts more than physical." Kavelu explained.

"Well, you sounds like you have experienced a lot."

"Just think, Setsuyo has everything she needs in order to steal a man's heart. What do you have?" Hiei tightened his grip as he thought hard.

"What's your suggestion, smart-ass ?" Hiei said angrily, daring him.

"Leave Kurama for good." Hiei's eyes widened in surprise. Then slowly, he looked away.

"Never." Hiei murmured. "Never."


The moonlight shone through Kurama's window. Kurama sit up suddenly from his bed as he felt a presence.


"Fox." Hiei stood away from the shadow. He was trying to hide how much he missed him in his voice.

Kurama smiled. He rushed over and hugged him in his arms. "Where have you been Hiei? I haven't seen you all day." Hiei just put his arms around Kurama even tighter as if he didn't want this moment to end.

"Kurama....we need to talk." Hiei looked up into Kurama's eyes.

But Kurama bent his head down and kissed him tenderly.

"Can it wait?" Kurama whispered between the kisses.

"Hmm..." Hiei was lost in the kiss....but then he suddenly became aware of what he was doing. "Kurama," Hiei stopped kissing and gently pushed him away.

"Yes?" Kurama looked at him with joy.

Do I really want to tell him this? He looks so happy. Hiei thought. He opened his mouth to form the words, but nothing came out.

Suddenly, somebody knocked the door.

"Who is it?" Kurama asked quietly. Hiei could feel that his body's muscles were all tied up.

"It's me, Kurama-chan," Setsuyo called softly.

"One second," Kurama said politely.

"You have to hide Hiei!" Kurama whispered nervously.

"Why?" Hiei asked, hating Setsuyo for every minute of it.

"Because she will find out if she sees you. Now hurry up." Kurama pushed Hiei into the closet.

"It will only be a few minutes." He assured and then closed the closet.

"Setsuyo....what's up," Kurama said as he opened the door.

"Kurama.....I have difficult of falling asleep. So I thought maybe you can help me." She clenched to Kurama's arm and went to sit on his bed.

Hiei was peeking through the gap and he could feel his blood was boiling hot.

"Sure. But I am not sure if I am going to be helpful."

Setsuyo flashed him her one of her charming smiles. "Tell me Kurama-chan. A guy as handsome as you must have lots of girlfriends. Am I not right?"

What kind of fucking question is that? Hiei thought.

"Well... I don't have one."

"What?" Setsuyo was pretending to be shocked. "You don't? That must mean you are very picky." She teased.

Kurama blushed. "No. It's not like that."

"Oh?" Setsuyo smiled shyly. "Do you think you like the kind of girl like me?"

That stupid moron. What is she driving at?

"Definitely." Kurama smiled, but lost it when he saw Setsuyo was getting closer and closer to him.

"Err... Setsuyo..you should go back to bed." Kurama said it uneasily.

"Oh yeah. I should, shouldn't I?" She stood up immediately, as if a bit embarrassed by the event.

"Have a sweet dream." Kurama said as she closed the door.

"Hiei....you can come out now."

No respond.

"Hiei?" Kurama went and opened the closet and found nothing.

Where did he go? He turned around and found Hiei sitting on his bed.

"There you are." But Hiei didn't say anything.

"I am sorry Hiei, to brush you off like that."

"She knows." Hiei said.

"Knows what?"

"About us."

"You told..!"

"No I didn't."

"Oh." Kurama sit down beside Hiei and put his arm around his shoulder and pulled him close.

"She likes you Kurama." Hiei said quietly, not meeting his eyes.

"I guess so."

"What do you mean 'I guess so'? Aren't you going to do something about it?"

"You're jealous."

"No I am not." But Kurama knew better.

Hiei stood up.

"Where are you going?" Kurama asked.

"I am leaving." Hiei murmured, reaching his katana.


chapter 2 >>

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