A Crack in Love
chapter 3
by Gini 

Everybody was in the room partying again. Hiei sneaked into Kurama's room and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. He sit down on Kurama's desk and began to write a goodbye letter. Just when he was going to drop first letter, somebody came up.

"I never thought you could write!" Setsuyo exclaimed.

"Hn. I have a brain too." Hiei replied coldly.

Setsuyo sighed happily. "It's a pity how Kurama has to be stuck with you all the time."

"Yeah, I can imagine how he has to be stuck with YOU."

"You needn't to be excited. You know, Kurama's kiss is so sweet. Too bad you probably can't taste it anymore." Setsuyo smiled.

Hiei could feel his blood boiling in his vain.

"I don't give a fucking shit." Hiei said through his teeth.

"You don't have to. You can't be paired up with Kurama. You think a fur ball head with bad attitude will be loved by someone as handsome and as intelligent as Kurama? Give me a break!" Setsuyo said coldly.

Closing his eyes, Hiei kept silence.

"I bet you don't even know what Kurama likes to eat. Well, do you? I don't think so." She got closer to him and said, "but I do. I know his every movement, every detail about him. If you can't know those little detail things, how can you give him happiness?" Setsuyo laughed. "No wonder he will come to me instead of you. Too bad, too bad." She said and then walked to the door.

"Oh, by the way, you'd think that my brother likes you. You are wrong. He pities you." With that, she left the room.

Hiei sank down to his chair. There was a big storm in his head; thundering, lightening....and raining with sadness. He put the paper and pen in his pocket.

I have to show him one last time.


Downstairs, the music was playing out loud. In the study room, Kurama was talking with Koenma.

"What's the thing you want to ask me? Kurama?" Koenma said with a smile.

"Yes. I...err.... this might sound strange to you, but the very first time I saw Setsuyo....I....." Kurama stopped, unable to finish.

"You......fell in love with her?" Koenma finished for him.

"No....I mean I like her......and at first I thought it was love....but it couldn't be because....I have someone else on my mind."

"What did you feel then?"

"I felt as though she was my sister Koenma." Kurama replied.

Koenma looked at him, amused.

"What? You think it's ridiculous, don't you?"

"She is or rather was, indeed, your sister, Kurama."


"Kurama, do you mind dance with me?" Setsuyo said to Kurama, who just came out of the study room, with a charming smile.

"Sure." Kurama said, still dazed with what Koenma had told him.

I had a sister? Kurama smiled. He suddenly felt warmth as he held Setsuyo tighter.

Hiei rushed down and saw that everybody was slow dancing. He saw Kurama and Setsuyo dancing closely. Setsuyo gave him a triumph wink. His anger rose again.

"Kavelu, will you dance with me?" Hiei asked.

Kavelu looked at him with astonishment. "Why not?"

Hiei embraced Kavelu as Kavelu did the same. They swung around the dance floor and finally arrived beside Kurama and Setsuyo.

"What is he doing?" Yukina whispered to Kuwabara.

"The hell I know....I bet Hiei likes Kavelu instead of Kurama."

"Onnijan is not that kind of person." Yukina murmured as she watched.

Why hasn't he seen us? Hiei wondered. Suddenly, he had an idea. Please God, this the last time I will do this.

"Wait here for a few seconds okay? I am going to change the song." Kavelu nodded with a smile.

Hiei went to the CD player and found the song he was looking for. He put that CD into the player and turned up the volume. Then he hurried back to Kavelu's arms.

The song began:

Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You

If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
And with you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you

*Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
You'll only change my whole life through
Nothing's gonna change my love for you

If the road ahead is not so easy
Our love will lead a way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you

Kurama's eyes snapped open from his happy trance. That song! It was Hiei's and his song!! Their love song!!!!!! Kurama span around and caught the sight of Hiei in Kavelu's embrace.

He was blushed with anger. How could he! How could he play this song and dancing with the other guy!!

"What's wrong Kurama?" Setsuyo asked. But Kurama didn't answer her. Instead, he went straight to Hiei and Kavelu.

"Excuse me. But Hiei and I have to talk." Kurama said icily.

"Sure." Kavelu said.

On the other side of the room, Yuusuke said, "Oh-oh. I think something is up."

"I have bad feelings." Keiko said thoughtfully.


Kurama dragged Hiei by the arm and angrily threw him into the study room and shut the door behind him. His green eyes shot out enraged fire as he stared at Hiei's expressionless face.

"What do you want fox?" Hiei asked flatly, but deep inside, his heart beat was jumping around like mad.

"What's all that stuff? Why are you acting like this? DAMNED IT HIEI! TELL ME!!!!" Kurama grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard.

Hiei brushed off his hands. "Well, what do you expect when you are DROOLING all over Setsuyo?" Hiei said irritably.

"I didn't drool over her. And who are you tosay!> You are the one who is flirting with Kavelu!"

"I DON'T FLIRT! You are the one who started all these!"

"What? I started what?"

"Admit it Fox, in the very beginning you went head over heel for that human!"

"Head over heel for whom? This is ridiculous." Kurama fumed.

"What? You don't want to admit it? If you feel so right with her, why don't the two of you go and get married?"

"Hiei... Sure I like her...but it's a different kind of like.."

"Stop explaining fox! I've had enough with this shit!"

"Hiei, Setsuyo is or was my sister."

"Yeah, and the next thing you will tell me I am your brother. You think I am three years old? Am I that stupid in your eyes?"

"I am telling you the truth. But you are right Hiei. You ARE acting like a three year-old."

"Oh..so now I am being immature, is that what you are saying? Yeah,

Mr. Smarty, you are so smart that you can't even figure out this freaking mess that is under your own nose!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Cut that fucking innocent crap out. you know very well what I'm talking about."

"No! I do not know what you are talking about!! And if you keep acting like a fool, I think it's better if we stay away from each other to cool off."

Hiei looked at him for a moment.

"You are right Kurama. I am a fool. I am a fool to believe all the promises you gave me!" With that, Hiei stormed out of the room, leaving Kurama behind, stunned.

"Shimatta!" Now he had done it. He had driven Hiei away with his anger.


Hiei ran in a black blur. He was so mad that he could kill anyone right now. Just who in the hell did Kurama think he was, blaming him for flirting with Kavelu. If it weren't because of him, Hiei would never do this kind of thing.

He broke down and sobbed. He did all this for nothing. Not a single fucking thing!!!!!!! He had disgusted himself. He felt so ashamed. More than he could never imagine.


Kurama was in his room now. He was till thinking about the fight. Hiei had never been like that. How could Hiei and Kavelu go together? He had thought Hiei was an innocent youkai. He was obviously wrong then. His anger hadn't left him. He remembered how everybody stared at him when he came out of the study room.

"Kurama, are you all right?" A voiced asked outside of his door.

"Yeah, Yuusuke. I am all right." Kurama said with frustration.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am fine." He snapped.

"Okay, we are going. See you." Yuusuke said softly.

"Bye." Kurama sighed. What he needs now is a nice sleep. Maybe by tomorrow, everything will back to normal again..........


As the night continued to proceed, Hiei began to calm down. Sitting beside a tree, the cold wind had made him shivered. He pulled his black coat tighter. He had arrived by the lake; the lake Kurama and him often shared. The last time they were here wasn't too long ago:

"Good morning Hiei."

"Kurama." Hiei said softly with no expression on his face, as if he tried to remember his name.

"Where have you been Hiei?" Kurama asked.

Hiei exhaled. He knew this question was coming.

"I have been around."

"That's not good enough Youkai."

"You can ask Kavelu. He has seen me around." Kurama sit up straight abruptly.

"Kavelu? How could he know something that I should have known but didn't?"

"I don't know. Maybe you are too busy with somebody else." Hiei said coldly, not looking him straight in the eye.

Kurama silenced for a minute.

"It's about Setsuyo isn't it? Damn it Hiei! It's about her isn't it?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Hiei, I told you, there is nothing happening between us...."

"YET." Hiei said for him turning to glare at him but then turned away quickly.

Kurama looked at him, stunned.

"Listen, I am not in the mood to talk. So go if you like." Hiei said quietly.

"Hiei...." But there wasn't anymore response. Kurama sighed. He leaned over and kissed Hiei's cheek and stood up and went away.

The unpleasant memory had disappeared. He was still alone. If....if only Kurama is here with him. But a picture of Setsuyo and Kurama appeared in his mind.

Leave him for good. Kavelu's voice echoing in his head.

He remembered Kavelu's early warning which he didn't even bother to hear. Maybe it's the right time to leave Kurama now, it would be much easier; it would be less painful....or would it?

Yes. It would be for the best. Now Kurama really did think him as a dirty youkai. Maybe Setsuyo was right. Bad attitude? Did she really mean that? A drop of tear sliding down his face. His eyes had lost their hope. She was right. Who would like me? Me....a forbidden child. How can I be so stupid to believe that someday I will find true love. What's love? What's friendship? I am such a fool.

Hiei put his hand in the pocket and grabbed the crumpled paper.

He remembered clearly:

::Kurama, promise I will never be alone again.::

::I promise Hiei. You will never be alone ever again.....not ever.::

Tears formed in his eyes as he swallowed hard.

"I..I guess we are just not meant to be, Kurama." He said to himself.

"If you can't know every detail about Kurama, then how can you bring him happiness?" A picture formed in his head with Kurama's emerald eyes twinkling with laughter. Hiei closed his eyes. I can't bring him happiness, and Setusyo was right. Oh God, she was so right. Opening his eyes, he swallowed his sobs and wrote the final letter. But somehow he couldn't find the right words to express himself.

After a while, he reread what he had. "How pathetic, you can't even express well." Hiei said sadly as he crumpled the paper and shoved it into his pocket. He had to think of a chance to give this to Kurama. But did he really want to? He leaned on the bark of a tree and drifted into a sleep.


"You know, it's not very good to have a meeting so early in the morning," Yuusuke stiffed a yawn. Koenma had called all of them to come to this meeting.

"You think I don't have to sleep too? But this is urgent." Koenma said as he stress the last word.

"Hey, where is that shrimp?" Kuwabara asked.

Kurama kept still. Hiei, the name once belonged to his heart, now it sounded so distance.

"I beeped him too, but he didn't respond." Koenma said a bit worry.

"Well, let's get on with the meeting then," Yuusuke said, tried to change the subject.

"Okay, we have new players. They have formed a black crystal tower called 'The darknight'. " said Koenma, keeping a serious face.

"No problem. We can take them down," Yuusuke said confidently.

"I am afraid this time, it won't be so easy. The owner of the tower trains SS-plus demons. Even though you guys have already evolved your powers to S-plus level, it is still not enough to battle him."

"So what do you suggest we do?" Kuwabara asked.

"Right now that owner hasn't made any move. Even if he had, I haven't got anything yet......Be on your guards guys, and I will inform you as soon as I got something."

"Right." All of them said.


Hiei's eyes moved under his eyelids. He felt something coming closer to him. They wasn't anyone he knew.....They were some kind of youkai. He recognized the youki radiated through the air. They were similar to the ones attacked him a few days ago.

"Don't move," the voice said. A cold metal touched his chin.

Hiei slowly opened his eyes and saw a familiar face. Indeed, it was the demon leader he met a couple days ago. He looked around and saw that he was surrounded by demons...there were at least 5 of them.

Great, Hiei said mentally.

"Stand up," the leader commanded. Hiei climbed to his feet slowly, fully aware that the blade was just a few inches away from his throat.

"What do you want?" Hiei said.

"Master Pazeru would like to see you."

Who the fuck is Pazeru? Hiei snarled. "Over my dead body."

"No can do. He wants to see you alive." The leader answered. Hiei laughed but his hand was already on his katana under his coat. His grip tightened.

"Then fight me first!" With that, Hiei leaped onto the tree branch above him and withdrew his katana.

"You are very fast, but not fast enough," the leader commented. "Catch him." Two of the demons jumped up, but Hiei was already on the other tree.

The leader smiled. Hiei stopped when he was alarmed by sound of rope. He spun around and saw a huge net came over. Hiei jumped high, but not high enough. He was caught in the net.

"Hahaha, I told you." the leader laughed. But Hiei didn't admit defeat. He used his katana and cut two demons' hands off.

"AHHHHHH!!" the demons shrieked with pain.

"What the.....grab him!!!!" The leader yelled.

Hiei ran away with the net on top of him. But it was too difficult since the net was so heavy. He tried to cut the net off but couldn't. Suddenly, one demon launched out a blade and it came shooting after him. Hiei ducked but it was too fast. It cut his shoulder. Hiei closed his eyes as he felt the pain shot up. With a flip, he got rid of the net and stabbed the nearest demon. But there was another one behind him and slashed him on the leg.

"You bastard!!!!" Hiei shouted with rage. He slashed his katana like a mad animal. When he finally stopped, he found sticky gray liquid everywhere. This must be those demons' blood!

"Don't let him get away!" He heard the leader demon said. They were still pretty far away. He ran before the other demons arrived.

"Shit, we lost him again," the leader swore as he watched Hiei's back.


Yukina was busy cleaning the temple, suddenly somebody knocked the door.

"I wonder who could it be at this time. Everybody has gone to the meeting with Koenma-sama." Still, she went and opened the door.

"Ah," Yukina gasped when somebody fell forward into her arms.

"Yukina." Hiei whispered.

"Oniijan!" Yukina caught him and supported him.

"What happened? You look terrible!" Yukina exclaimed.

But Hiei wasn't conscious enough to answer her question. He just kept mumbling: "Don't let anyone know I am here....don't tell anybody.....don't...."

Yukina quickly helped his twin into her room. She put him gently on the bed. She sighed as she saw Hiei was asleep. Yukina used her fastest speed to take off all Hiei's clothes. There were two deep cuts; one was on his shoulder, the other one was on his left leg. And both cuts were bleeding badly.

There wasn't any time to be wasted. Yukina immediately put her hands above the wound on Hiei's shoulder and concentrate. Slowly, the cut closed and stopped bleeding. She did the same for the other one.

Yukina wiped off the sweat on her forehead. The wounds still needed sometime to fully recover. She pulled the blanket on her twin and took the clothes.

"I won't tell anybody, Oniijan. Have a good rest."

Yukina went out, closing the door behind her quietly.

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