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Welcome to DogCity!

A simple website that has a focus on dogs, or at least there's a focus on three! This is a blog site that aims to tell the story of three dogs named Minnie, Mickey, and Daisy! Their owner, creator of this site, is a huge dog lover and what better way to show that love by making a website about them.

A Blog About Dogs


What kind of person wants to share pictures or stories about their dogs? A dog lover, that's who. Do I have any shame in making a website for my dogs? Well, they do motivate me enough to make a website based and cute enough for them. Plus my dogs are the only thing I can find myself to talk about anyway.

Featured Dog: Daisy

What to Expect from this Site?


Want to know more about Dog City or the dogs? Or do you need to send fanmail to the dogs or have questions to ask? Well, there's a link for that! The creator of this site configured it for both PC and mobile users to view and browse through! I'm not a professional when it comes to dog treatments or healthy choices so read what you see with a grain of salt! Or simply stay for content of cute dogs.

Featured Dog: Mickey



Welcome to Dog City where you can meet some cute doggies, read on food recommendations for dogs, and explore! This is the very first post for Dog City so we happily welcome you!

Featured Dog: Minnie