About Me





What's in a name? Quite a lot actually. After about 25 years of existing with my name "Marisha" I decided to find out whether it was really a Polish word meaning 'Dawn', as I had been informed since childhood.  So far, I have little proof that it really is a Polish word at all! But what I did find out that quite a few languages use the word "marisha", the most popular meaning of which is "bitterness" in English, Russian and Hebrew and is actually a derivative of the word "mary" which also means the same.  I am not really upset with this meaning since I have a lot of other options in other languages as well. 


In Sanskrit, 'Marisha' seems to an important character in the Vishnu Puran. I'm not very clear who fathered this character, but the mother was definitely an apsara (nymph) called Pramlocha who has the distinction of diverting the attentions of sage Kanda. Some literature say that sage Kanda is the father of Marisha while some literature say that in her flight from the wrath of the sage, Pramlocha fertilised several things on the way with her sweat and one such sweat droplet was looked after by Soma, the Moon, and thus a beautiful daughter was born to him. He named her Marisha and she was the first born of the second human race of mankind. There's literature which says that Marisha is a goddess and the daughter of the Wind and the Moon and there's literature which says that she's the daughter of Pramlocha and a set of sages to whom she was a common wife. Marisha is also mentioned to be the offspring of the trees!! A lot of confusion there regarding the father, I must say!!! But whatever the parentage, she was a mythical character and somewhere I found that her name meant "dew".  Another place I found that Daksha's mother was called Marisha, but since  my investigation into the background of my name is not complete, I do not know whether the lady in question is the daughter of the Moon or not.


Another choice I have regarding my name is in Japanese. Apparently a Buddhist Goddess exists by the name of Marisha.


I also  have a choice regarding my most popularly known nick name, Mari. In old germanic and latin, it means "sea" and in Japanese it means "ball". 


It's the year 2008 and I've been on this planet  for three decades. I'm most commonly found in New Delhi, India. I'm a Civil Engineer with a Masters in Environmental Planning. I was born in Ranchi, brought up in Hyderabad and Delhi, graduated from Nagpur and I'm back in Delhi for the time being. I like to travel and have seen places in Scotland, England, France, Italy, Nepal and Singapore. My favourite place so far is Port Blair, Andaman Island - a part of India yet nearer to the neighbours.

I like do anything and almost everything to keep myself busy. I like to work, not study, sketch, paint, work with handicraft, paint glass, write poems once in a while, play scrabble, photography, generally sleep a lot during the day 'coz I love surfing the net at nights, write a lot of mail, watch TV, read books,   learn to play pool, even learn some kamchalau astrology, try my hand at tarrots or numerology, make a fool of myself, anything... and enjoy it too 'coz life is a celebration. I forgot the most important thing that I keep doing- Wonder what my purpose of being is?? any answers ...? 


And of course, in all that fun, work has to fit in somewhere. Check out my organisation's web page at www.minmec.co.in 




and don't miss watching the ravages of time on my physical being in the past quarter century, especially my "most wanted" pictures :-)




The Shelter of My Soul- My physical self for this lifetime


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