~Magical Creations~


Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems.

Photoshop files have default file extension as .PSD, which stands for "Photoshop Document." A PSD file stores an image with support for most imaging options available in Photoshop. These include layers with masks, transparency, text, alpha channels and spot colors, clipping paths, and duotone settings. This is in contrast to many other file formats (e.g. .JPG or .GIF) that restrict content to provide streamlined, predictable functionality. A PSD file has a maximum height and width of 30,000 pixels, and a length limit of 3 Gigabytes. Photoshop files sometimes have the file extension .PSB, which stands for "Photoshop Big" (also known as "large document format"). A PSB file extends the PSD file format, increasing the maximum height and width to 300,000 pixels and the length limit to around 4 Exabytes. The dimension limit was apparently chosen arbitrarily by Adobe, not based on computer arithmetic constraints (it is not close to a power of two, as is 30,000) but for ease of software testing. PSD and PSB formats are documented.



Move Tool (V):
This tool is used to move selected area of an image and to move layer. You can move a image or a part of image to another image by dragging with Move Tool. In order to move a selected area, click on the selection hold it down, then drag it to the desired location.

Rectangular Marquee Tool (M):
We use this tool make selection on any image in rectangular shape. If you want to constrain the selection to perfect square shape, just hold the �shift� key while selecting.

Lasso Tool (L) :
It is used to create freehand selections. To make a selection, click on the Lasso tool , then click on where you want to start your selection and draw your desired selection while holding your mouse�s left button. To complete your selection, just release the button. Or go to the begging point.

Magic Wand Tool (W):
This tool select area based color range, wherever you click. In the Options Bar at the top, you can change the tolerance to make your selections more/less precise. Because Tolerance is responsible for the sensitivity of the tool.

Crop Tool (C):
The Crop Tool works similarly to the Rectangular Marquee tool . The difference is you make any size of your image by this tool by putting image size on the option bar.. In the Option bar, you can define the target image�s size. Just fill in the Width, Height and its Resolution fields. The Crop Tool enables you to cut out a specific area by discarding or deleting everything outside the selection.

Slice Tool (K):
This is used mostly used for create slices and website designing.It�s kind of an advanced tool. The Slice Tool lets you to cut images into smaller pieces which fit together. This tool is under the same group with the Crop Tool.

Healing Brush Tool (J):
This is very useful Tool..It can repair scratches and specs on images. First choose your cursor size, then holding the �Alt� key, select nice/clean area of your image. Let go of the Alt key and paint over the damaged area. It copies the info from the first area to the second.

Brush Tool (B):
It�s a very useful tool to create brush strokes to make make your own Photoshop brushes to create your custom art. Basically it is used for painting purposes.. It paints on your image, in whatever color and size you select.

Clone Stamp Tool (S):
This tool is very similar to the Healing Brush Tool ..To select the area you want to clone, hold �ALT� and click the area, where you want the clone to be.This tool is used to create or replace the copy an area of an image.

History Brush Tool (H):
The History Brush tool paints with the information from whatever History state is selected.This tool is used to give an image a painting effect.The History Brush tool paints a copy of the selected state or snapshot into the existing image.

Eraser Tool (E):
The Eraser tool erases pixels and restores parts of an image to a previously saved state. ..if you are on background, it will erase the image on transparent layer.. Basically it is used to Erase mistakes on the selected layer.

Gradient Tool (G):
This tool is used to mixed colors you can say it �blending of color�. It creates straight-line, radial, angle, reflected, and diamond shape blends between different colors.The gradient tools create straight-line, radial, angle, reflected, and diamond blends between colors.

Blur Tool(R):
This tool makes object blurry and it blurs hard edges in an image.

Burn Tool (O):
It is used for darkens areas in an image.

Dodge Tool (O):
The Dodge tool lightens areas in an image.

Path Selection Tool (A):
We use this tool when working with paths. It�s related to the Pen Tool.

Type Tool (T):
This tool makes type or text. You have to click a single point, and start typing..There�s a lot of options for the Type Tool.

Pen Tool (P):
It�s for creating paths, which can be used in a few different ways, to create clipping paths, or to create selections.

Notes Tool (N):
This tool is used to add small little note boxes to an image.

Eyedropper Tool (I):
Its used to select a specific color from the image.

Hand Tool (T): It�s for moving entire image within its window.

Zoom Tool (Z):
Its Used to zoom in and out of the image for better viewing as our requirements.

Color Picker:
Its for Set Background and foreground color on layer or use color by brush.

Benefits of Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop Actions are a set of recorded steps which can be replayed in the actions palette. It is one of the wonders of Adobe Photoshop that is oftentimes not noticed by some. Actions can help save time by doing repeated tasks. It is truly a blessing to users for it can perform great functions that give wonderful results. It may convert photos to black and white, resize them, create different effects, combine sophisticated techniques and many others. You can have many tasks in one action which can truly help you save time.

But aside from saving time, there are other advantages and benefits in using Photoshop Actions. For those who don�t believe in the magic of Photoshop Actions, we will give you some benefits of using it that will make you love them.

These are just some of the magic in Adobe Photoshop that would make editing images easy for us.

  1. Simple to use.

  2. This is indeed an advantage for beginners. Since you do not possess the expertise to create great photos, you can use actions. It is easy to learn using actions. You do not need coaching in order to do it. Aside from that, you�ll be glad to see how appealing your photos will look like despite your lack of Photoshop skills.

  3. Learn more of Photoshop through actions.

  4. This is more advantageous for beginners for as you see each action work, you�ll learn more about how Photoshop works. You can even explore and combine the different steps in an action. For sure, your knowledge and skills will be sharpened with what you will discover. If you use actions made by others, do not merely use it but also try to look into the steps and study what he used in creating it. This way, you will know which tool and effect is used to give a good result. This could also help you to make your own Photoshop Action.

  5. Save you from repeating steps.

  6. If you have about a hundred photos to edit, isn�t it tiring? It is really arduous to edit so many photos. So, instead of repeating the same steps from photo one to the last, you can just record your steps in Actions and it will do the same to the rest. Now, you won�t get tired with the boring work of repeated editing.

  7. Allows you to enhance photos in one click.

  8. As you opt to use an action, you can now apply it to your photos with just one click. Just click play and the changes will immediately apply. Isn�t it remarkable that you can make astonishing photos with just a little time? Actions can really help you a lot and would even encourage you to work more.

  9. Apply various effects easily.

  10. You might have browsed the web and found great Photoshop Actions. Download these creative actions and make elegant imagery as a result of combined techniques in just one action. You have saved yourself from editing and applying some effects. Actions have it all done.

  11. Speeds up the editing process.

  12. Instead of sitting in front of your computer for a long time just to edit a bunch of photos, you�ll have more time to relax. Actions will do the job for you by speeding up the once tiring editing job.

  13. Saves time.

  14. Of course, a simplified job will certainly help you save a lot of time. You can have more time in doing other tasks and you could even nap or take snacks for awhile. You�ll surely save a lot of time with actions. This will even save you from staring long time at your computer screens doing the thing over and over again.

  15. Work like an expert.

  16. After seeing your output, you�ll feel like an expert for it will certainly look like the work of an expert. You�ll get a result the same as the samples you see as an aftermath of a Photoshop Action created by a designer. You can amazingly come up with a work with combined techniques, tones and effects. So, even if you are not really that good in photo manipulation, it will seem like you really are with the magical touch of actions.

  17. Get consistent results.

  18. Since the steps are recorded and merely played for every photo that you would like to edit, the results will surely be consistent. Unlike doing it manually for every photo, there will surely be differences for every image since you cannot perfectly do it to each and every picture. Actions will give you better results.

  19. Have fun while working.

  20. If editing photos is a tiresome job for you, it wouldn�t be now because you won�t undergo the same wearisome editing. You will even enjoy doing the job now especially that it will give you great outputs. When you download Photoshop Actions and use them, you�ll be pleased to the wonderful results. Editing will no longer be a hassle for you but a fun task.



The first Photoshop CS was commercially released in October 2003. Photoshop CS increased user control with a reworked file browser augmenting search versatility, sorting and sharing capabilities and the Histogram Palette which monitors changes in the image as they are made to the document. Match Color was also introduced in CS, which reads color data to achieve a uniform expression throughout a series of pictures.


Photoshop CS2, released in May 2005, expanded on its predecessor with a new set of tools and features. It included an upgraded Spot Healing Brush, which is mainly used for handling common photographic problems such as blemishes, red-eye, noise, blurring and lens distortion. One of the most significant inclusions in CS2 was the implementation of Smart Objects, which allows users to scale and transform images and vector illustrations without losing image quality, as well as create linked duplicates of embedded graphics so that a single edit updates across multiple iterations.

Adobe responded to feedback from the professional media industry by implementing non-destructive editing as well as the producing and modifying of 32-Bit High Dynamic Range (HDR) images, which are optimal for 3D rendering and advanced compositing. FireWire Previews could also be viewed on a monitor via a direct export feature.


CS3 improves on features from previous versions of Photoshop and introduces new tools. One of the most significant is the streamline interface which allows increased performance, speed, and efficiency. There is also improved support for Camera RAW files which allow users to process images with higher speed and conversion quality. CS3 supports over 150 RAW formats as well as JPEG, TIFF and PDF. Enhancements were made to the Black and White Conversion, Brightness and Contrast Adjustment and Vanishing Point Module tools. The Black and White adjustment option improves control over manual grayscale conversions with a dialog box similar to that of Channel Mixer. There is more control over print options and better management with Adobe Bridge. The Clone Source palette is introduced, adding more options to the clone stamp tool. Other features include the nondestructive Smart Filters, optimizing graphics for mobile devices, Fill Light and Dust Busting tools. Compositing is assisted with Photoshop's new Quick Selection and Refine Edge tools and improved image stitching technology.


CS4 features smoother panning and zooming, allowing faster image editing at a high magnification. The interface is more simplified with its tab-based interface making it cleaner to work with. Photoshop CS4 features a new 3D engine allowing the conversion of gradient maps to 3D objects, adding depth to layers and text, and getting print-quality output with the new ray-tracing rendering engine. It supports common 3D formats; the new Adjustment and Mask Panels; Content-aware scaling (seam carving); Fluid Canvas Rotation and File display options. The Content-aware scaling allows users to intelligently size and scale images, and the Canvas Rotation tool makes it easier to rotate and edit images from any angle. Adobe released Photoshop CS4 Extended, which has the features of Adobe Photoshop CS4, plus capabilities for scientific imaging, 3D, motion graphics, accurate image analysis and high-end film and video users. The faster 3D engine allows users to paint directly on 3D models, wrap 2D images around 3D shapes and animate 3D objects. As the successor to Photoshop CS3, Photoshop CS4 is the first x64 edition of Photoshop on consumer . The color correction tool has also been improved significantly.


A 2D landscape designed in Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended.

CS5 introduces new tools such as the Content-Aware Fill, Refine Edge, Mixer Brush, Bristle Tips and Puppet Warp. The community also had a hand in the additions made to CS5 as 30 new features and improvements were included by request. These include automatic image straightening, the Rule-of-Thirds cropping tool, color pickup and saving an 16-bit image as a JPEG. Another feature includes the Adobe Mini Bridge which allows for efficient file browsing and management.


Adobe Photoshop CS6 brought a suite of tools for video editing. Color and exposure adjustments, as well as layers, are among a few things that are featured in this new editor. Upon completion of editing, the user is presented with a handful of options of exporting into a few popular formats.

CS6 brings the "straighten" tool to Photoshop, where a user simply draws a line anywhere on an image, and the canvas will reorient itself so that the line drawn becomes horizontal, and adjusts the media accordingly. This was created with the intention that users will draw a line parallel to a plane in the image, and reorient the image to that plane to more easily achieve certain perspectives.

CS6 allows background saving, which means that while another document is compiling and archiving itself, it is possible to simultaneously edit an image. CS6 also features a customizable auto-save feature, preventing any work from being lost.


Photoshop CC (14.0) was launched on June 18, 2013. As the next major version after CS6, it is only available as part of a Creative Cloud subscription. Major features in this version include All-new Smart Sharpen, Intelligent Upsampling, and Camera Shake Reduction for reducing blur caused by camera shake. Editable Rounded Rectangles and an update to Adobe Camera Raw (8.0) were also included.

Since the initial launch, Adobe has released two additional feature-bearing updates. The first, version 14.1, was launched on September 9, 2013. The major features in this version were Adobe Generator, a Node.js-based platform for creating plug-ins for Photoshop. Photoshop 14.1 shipped with two plug-ins, one to automatically generate image assets based on an extension in the layer name, and another to automatically generate assets for Adobe Edge Reflow.