
Donated Money To:
Brentwood Police Department
Baseball Teams
Soccer Teams
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Sea Scouts
Girl Scouts
Dolphin's Swim Team
FFA Brentwood 4-H
Liberty Football
Liberty Wrestling
Liberty Cheerleaders to compete in Florida
Liberty students studying in other countries as exchange students
Boys State at Liberty High School
Boys State at Freedom High School
Freedom High Football
Freedom High Wrestling
Eight Grade School Awards (four local schools)
Edna Hill School Band Uniforms ($35,000)

Hometown Salute (Salute to Operation Desert Storm)
American Legion Emergency Relief Fund
Power and Light High School Tour
K.C. Puppets Tour
Thanksgiving Dinner for the needy in Brentwood (9 years) and Bethel Island (2 Years) with the Golden Hills Community Church
Byron School celebrating Veteran's Day
East Diablo Football League
Adopt-A-Family Program
Wheelchairs and clothes to senior citizens and needy
Various churches for services and events
Fundraiser for orphanage in Mexico
Battered Women's Shelter
Pregnancy Center
Donated and helped set up the foulball poles at Dominguez Field
Donated flagpole at Dominguez Field
Paid for and built Memorial and Wall of Honor at Brentwood Union Cemetery

Donated Hall At Discount To:

Men's Club
Comite Patricio
Comite Civico
Liberty Althletic Boosters (Hall Of Fame)
Bristow School
O'Hara Park School
Garin School
Edna Hill School
Fire Department

Donated Hall For Free:
Blood Bank
Delta Express Dancers' Fundraiser (for man with cancer)
Robin Torres's Fundraiser (for man with AIDS)
Denise Freitas's Fundraiser (for boy with leukemia)
Fundraiser for Chelsey
Fundraisers for Soroptomists
Fundraisers for Brentwood 4-H
Guadalupe Society for Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
FFA Fundraisers
Delta Wrestling Team Fundraiser
Delta Scout Meetings & Socials
Cub Scouts Meetings & Social
Girls Scouts Meetings & Socials
Annual Thanksgiving Dinners

Donated Items For:
Shade tarps for dugouts at Brentwood Dominguez and Gonzales Baseball Fields
Parks and Recreation Program
Memorial at Union Cemetery
Memorial at Hall
Avenue of Flags at Union Cemetery
Flags that flew over the White House to all local schools and Christian Center and Kings Valley Christian Schools
Float for Holiday Parade
Tables and chairs for Cornfest, Ceremony at Sunset Park and Brentwood Fountain Barbecues
Numerous bags of rice, beans, and potatoes for the community
(Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Basket Program) for nine years
Co-hosted Chamber of Commerce mixers
Various ethnic dance practices

Helped With:
Neighborhood Clean-up
Cornfest set-up and take-down
"Cans for Kids"
Holiday Parade

The Lord has blessed our Post 202 with three veterans who have become:

Brentwood Citizen of the Year!
John Becerra 1997
Gil Dominquez 2000
John Johnson 2001

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