Some of My JavaScript Pages
[home] [index] [about] [photo albums] [results forms] [GT pages and links] [diary] [logs] [scripts]

To contact the author by email.

Here are a few JavaScript pages I have written. If you have a reasonably powerful computer, with JavaScript enabled in your browser, they should do let you do neat things.

  • Translate Code Device Codes for the GT2 Simulation Disk.
  • Search for GT1 cars, new and used, based on their statistics.
  • Query details of all the GT1 used car stock. (600 days, 60 line-ups)
  • Query information about the cars available in GT1 Arcade Mode.

  • [home] [index] [about] [photo albums] [results forms] [GT pages and links] [diary] [logs] [scripts]
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