Gran Turismo Results Forms

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Here are some forms you can print out and use to help record your [Gran Turismo] achievements.

Feel free to download the source for these forms, for future convenience, and make modifications if you wish. Because of the vagiaries of mapping HTML to printed output, I have included PostScript versions which you might be able to print directly if you can manage to download them.

gt3.html - for Gran Turismo 3 A-spec (also as PostScript)
Gran Turismo 3 is not really series-oriented, so I created a form based on the one I made for Gran Turismo 2.
gt2.html - for Gran Turismo 2 (also as PostScript)
Since Gran Turismo 2 is not really series-oriented, I created a form more like the old Arcade mode form.
allcities.html - For the Gran Turismo 2 Manufacturers' Races (also as PostScript)
One page has forms for all Manufacturers' Races, or use...
northcity.html - North City Races (UK, Germany) (PostScript)
eastcity.html - East City Races (Japan) (PostScript)
westcity.html - West City Races (France, Italy) (PostScript)
southcity.html - South City Races (USA) (PostScript)
special.html - for 3 race series (also as PostScript)
for the Specialized Series (FF, etc.) but also others, such as the Sunday Cup.
series6.html - for longer series (also as PostScript)
Has room for the Gran Turismo World Cup, but for shorter series, just leave one or two lines blank...
international.html - for USvsJP, etc. (also as PostScript)
This conveniently has the race names filled in, since the races are the same for three series.
enduro.html - for Endurance Races (also as PostScript)
for the Grand Valley 300, and All-Night I and All-Night II Races.
arcade.html - for Arcade Mode results (GT1) (also as PostScript)
keep track of your Arcade Mode records as they are made and broken
fogelhund.html - for tournament results
Originally for a GT2 tournament organized by Fogelhund, but could keep track of your personal results in any race tournament

Here are some plain ASCII text forms which are very good for keeping results on a computer, e.g. for mailing to others. Each file contains on blank form, and another with letters where the filled in statistics should go. Depending upon your text-editing environment you may prefer one or the other. I'll fill in the missing series as I need them. 8-)

gt2gtw.txt - for the Grand Turismo World Series of Gran Turismo 2
I had a need for a text form for this series.
sunday.txt - for the Sunday Cup
ff.txt - for the FF Challenge
lwt.txt - for the Lightweight Battle Stage
gti.txt - for the Gran Turismo World Cup
international.txt - for the International Series (USvsJP, etc)
normal.txt - for the Normal Series
tuned.txt - for the Tuned Series

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