Summary Reports
Email Records
Skype Records
Current Status



For those who are searching or investigation the credit status of this company:
TM Group in Turkey, website: www.grptm.com, pls stop for a while to take a look at this site which contains the record of our transaction process with them and the lesson we learned from it.


Current Status:
In Oct, 2015, we accidentally found he had already withdrawn his website and thought his company was really closed due to the financial difficulty he claimed.
We convinced ourselves to believe his excuses and decided not to push this poor person again as he was in such bad situation.
We were still hoping someday he would pay us when he raised enough funds like he repeatedly said before.

We were totally wrong when we discovered his website was active again for quite a while during our web surfing one day in Jan. 2017.
Upon discovering this fact, we contacted him again urgently by sending him emails in different addresses at the same time, one week in a row.
None of our message was responded.
To hide from us, he closed his website again......

All his phones were not answered.....
Updated in Feb.,2017





















