Greenwood Film Society
Membership Rates and Policies

Admission to our weekly screenings is always FREE!! However, if you would like to check out anime (subtitled VHS tapes, DVD's & CD's), manga anthologies, and anime and manga-related magazines from the club library, there is a $5 yearly fee for access to its contents. If you are interested in borrowing items from the GFS library, there are two requirements you must fulfill:
  • You must print and fill out the library membership form (readable under Microsoft Word) and hand it to the president or librarian at any club meeting.
  • You must also turn in the $5 fee along with your membership form. This is used solely to purchase items to add to the club library.
Please note that there is no library membership deadline; the form and fee can be submitted at any club meeting. Membership lasts three quarters (excluding the summer sessions) from the date membership is approved.

Personal information submitted via the the membership form will be held strictly confidential and only be used at the club's discretion (i.e. only club officers administering the library will have access to this information).

For additional membership privileges (that in all honesty will rarely, if ever, be used), please reference the club constitution (readable under Microsoft Word).

Library Policies
  • Only members who have turned in a membership form and paid the library fee may check out items from the club library.
  • Members may only borrow items for themselves; they may not borrow them for other people.
  • Members must make a deposit per item borrowed. The deposit amounts are as follows:
    • $1 per tape or CD
    • $5 per manga anthology, magazine or DVD
    The deposit will be collected on the same day the item(s) is/are checked out from the library. The deposit will be returned when the item(s) is/are returned. Or, if the member immediately wishes to borrow more items upon returning the previously borrowed ones, the deposit will be held each week until the member chooses not to check out more items.
  • All items may be borrowed for a one-week time period. Items may be borrowed for an additional week at the librarian's discretion.
  • Items may be checked out weekly. If a member has items checked out from the previous week, those items must be returned before said member may check out more library items.
  • When the member receives the library item(s), the member holds complete and absolute responsibility for the condition of the item(s) until the member returns the item(s) to the librarian. If an item is damaged or compromised in any manner (as found upon that item's return), the member WILL BE CHARGED to replace the compromised item.
  • Failure to follow these policies, especially when library items have not been returned, may result in the suspension of a member's library privileges. The minimum penalty for failing to return a library item is the suspension of library privileges for an entire quarter (10 full weeks when classes are in session). Length of suspension may be determined on a case by case basis.
Submitting Library Requests

All library items are in the librarian's possession. To borrow anything from the library, a member must contact the librarian directly (which is me, Tara, again :p). Arrangements to borrow a title can be made in either of these two ways: via e-mail at [ greenwoodfilmsociety (a) lycos . com ] or personal notification at any club meeting.
  • To submit a library request via e-mail, include the following information:
    1. Subject line/purpose of e-mail: "Library Request"
    2. Member's name
    3. Magazine(s) and/or series/movie title(s) requested
    4. Volume(s)/episode number(s), if applicable
    5. Alternate title(s) with respective volume(s)/episode number(s), if applicable
    • The club librarian will then reply with information regarding when and where to receive the item(s). The time and place will usually be during the next club meeting. If the title(s) in question is/are not available for any reason, the member will be informed that the title(s) is/are currently unavailable and given an estimated date as to when the item(s) will again become available for checkout.
    • Please submit library requests by Thursday at 6PM in order to receive the requested items the next day at the meeting.
  • To make a library request in person at any club meeting, supply the librarian with the following information:
    1. Member's name
    2. Magazine(s) and/or series/movie title(s) requested
    3. Volume(s)/episode number(s), if applicable
    4. Alternate title(s) with respective volume(s)/episode number(s), if applicable
    • The club librarian will take note of your information, and bring the requested items to the next scheduled meeting. If the title(s) in question is/are not available for any reason, the member will be informed that the title(s) is/are currently unavailable and given an estimated date as to when the item(s) will again become available for checkout.
    Additional Notes:
    • Please bring the exact amount to cover the membership and deposit fees. It is highly unlikely that any of the club officers will be able to make change for large bills.
    • There will also be a checkout form for members to fill out when borrowing library items.
    • To find out what is available in the club library, visit the library page on this website. Greenwood will also have a list to reference at the club meetings.
    • If you have any questions or suggestions concerning these policies, please e-mail us at [ greenwoodfilmsociety (a) lycos . com]

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