Greenwood Film Society
PAST NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS -- 2004-2005 Academic Year

-Posted by Tara, March 29th, 1:05 AM-
Hello fellow Greenwood members! ^_^ Hope you all had a relaxing and fun-filled spring break. Now that class is back in session, just want to let everyone know that this quarter's meetings will once again take place every Friday from 6:30-10:00 PM in Watkins 2240. For a breakdown of the weekly episode screenings, be sure to look at the schedule page for info later this week. We will be watching the Aim for the Ace movie this Friday, and start up a new series the week following. And no grumbling about our movie choice either, or face beheading!!! (Really. *evil grin*)

And I'd like to reassure everyone that YES, we will be having a meeting this Friday. No cruel April Fool's Day jokes will take place here. Depriving otaku of their weekly anime fix at Greenwood seems a little bit too cruel... :p Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

PS. Remember to check out the forums for more frequent updates. I've just updated the forum link on the nav bar to reflect the new addy. Thanks. :)

-Posted by Tara, January 13th, 7:20 PM-
Hey everyone! A belated Happy New year to all! Hope everyone had a nice, relaxing, fun-filled winter break. Now that class is back in session, just wanted to let everyone know that this quarter's meetings will take place every Friday from 6:30-9:30 PM in Watkins 2240 For a breakdown of the weekly episode screenings, be sure to look at the schedule page for info.

I apologize for the late update (we actually had a meeting last week - sent everyone an e-mail about it). Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

EDIT: Whoo hoo! Completely updated the web page! The "About Us," "Series," "Schedule," "Activities," and "Archives" pages are now 100% up-to-date. ^_^ Please take a look if you're interested, and don't forget about using our wonderful library!

PS. Remember to check out the forums for more frequent updates. Thanks. :)

-Posted by Tara, November 30th, 8:15 PM-
As the quarter is winding down this week, we're having our Final Meeting Potluck at this week's meeting to celebrate! We ask everyone attending to bring a small (or large ^_^) food item. Party supplies are already taken care of, so we just need to concentrate on items of the edible variety. :)

If you could let everyone else know what you're bringing so they know what has already been taken care of, please post in this thread:

Final Meeting Potluck! 12/3

We'll also be running some gaming systems after the episodes are over if you'd like to stick around and play with your fellow club members. Thanks for attending Greenwood this quarter everyone! Look forward to seeing you in Winter 2005!

-Posted by Tara, November 16th, 1:45 PM-
Just a reminder that the anime shopping trip to LA is this Saturday, November 20th. We'll be meeting at the front of parking lot 6 at 9:30 AM, and then leave together from there. If anyone else needs a ride or more information, be sure to let us know at this week's meeting or via the forums here.

-Posted by Tara, October 18th, 1:45 AM-
We have information for our two big events of the quarter available on the forums, so please check out those threads!

Our 3rd Annual Halloween Cosplay Contest will take place next Friday, October 29th, so be sure to attend! And bring friends if you can. Everyone is welcome to participate in the contest! ^_^ For info on our contest rules and prizes, read this thread here:
GFS' 3rd Annual Halloween Cosplay Contest!

We also have tentative shopping trip info posted on the boards as well. For information on the shops we'll visit and how the trip is arranged, read this thread:
Fall '04 Anime Shopping Trip to LA!

If you intend on attending the trip, please vote for the trip's exact date by the end of the month here:
Fall '04 Anime Shopping Trip Date?

Lastly, I've also updated the "Schedule" page to accurately reflect what will be shown for the rest of the quarter. We will be starting the series Here is Greenwood, our club namesake, this week! And we will also be watching the first two episodes of Requiem from the Darkness at next week's meeting for Halloween. Hope you enjoy them! ^_^

-Posted by Tara, September 26th, 4:41 PM-
Whoo hoo! Another school year has begun, and that means it's time to get together at Greenwood once more! ^_^ I've just updated the schedule page with our tentative schedule for this quarter along with the activities section. We will be meeting weekly on Friday from 6:30 to 10:00 PM in Sproul 1340. As for what we're showing, we're excited about watching the rest of Planetes and R.O.D. TV along with beginning Midori no Hibi, Maria-sama ga Miteru, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, and Full Metal Alchemist!

I still have to update the "Library," "Series," and "About Us" sections of the website, but this should be enough to start the quarter with. In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please let us know via our online web forum.

On behalf of Greenwood Film Society's officers, I hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing summer and will have a rewarding new school year. We look forward to seeing new and old club members and friends alike. See you Friday! ^_^

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