Greenwood Film Society
NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS -- Spring 2004

-Posted by Tara, May 18th, 1:00 AM-
Quick announcement: since we got the final s-CRY-ed DVD early, we'll begin showing it again this week (episode 23).

To celebrate the end of the year, we will be having a costume party and potluck during the final meeting on June 3rd! So we encourage everyone to dress up in their favorite anime/manga/video game/j-pop/etc. costume or even club t-shirts for those of you that have them. :) We'll have potluck sign-ups next week, so be sure to attend!

-Posted by Tara, May 6th, 3:00 AM-
The date for Greenwood and VideoBurn's Quarterly Anime Shopping Trip has been decided: Saturday, May 22nd. For information about the trip (transportation, shops to visit etc.) please read this post on our forum:

Anime Shopping Trip: May 22nd!

For those of you that can give or need a ride to come along for the shopping trip, please post in that thread so we can coordinate seating for you. Thanks!

-Posted by Tara, April 22nd, 3:00 AM-
As Haibane Renmei ended last week (quite beautifully I might add), we will begin a new series today: Giant Robo! For links and general information on Giant Robo, please check out our new "Series" page listed in the menu bar. We hope that this new addition to our site will give people unfamiliar with our screenings some general information on the series that we showcase. ^_^

For those of you that use our library, I would like to let you all know that there are now 100+ more VHS tapes, some DVD's, and new manga anthology issues (Animerica Extra up-to-date, Manga Vizion, Pulp, Super Manga Blast!) for members to check out! As I haven't been able to update the the library lists located on this website quite yet, I do have the list in spreadsheet format downloadable here:

More updates will be listed on the forum in our "News and Activities" section. If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the library, please feel free to ask us via e-mail or on the forums. We hope that you enjoy these new additions!

-Posted by Tara, March 28th, 10:00 PM-
Hey everyone! As spring quarter starts up tomorrow, I'd like to announce our new weekly meeting schedule. Meetings will be held every Thursday night from 6:15 to 9:30 PM in Watkins 2240. Check the schedule page on this website for information on what anime episodes we'll be showing each week, as well as directions to the new room.

I'd like to announce that we have a new club president starting this spring quarter and hopefully for the next couple of years: Brandon Kahler. As Loven is graduating in June, he has decided to pass the mantle his final quarter at UCR. On behalf of the club, I'd like to thank Loven for keeping the club going these past two years and doing a great job! And to Brandon, that we look forward to his work and input in this and future quarters to come. :)

Hope everyone had a relaxing spring break, and we're looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces this week!

NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS -- Winter 2004

-Posted by Tara, March 8th, 7:00 PM-
The final week of the quarter is upon us! The last winter quarter meeting will take place this week on Friday in Watkins 1101 from 6:00-9:30 PM. To celebrate the end of the quarter, we will also be holding a potluck this week. We encourage everyone to bring a little something! For more info, visit this forum thread:

Final Meeting (3/12): Potluck!

We'd also like to let you all know that we have a room tentatively scheduled for spring quarter, and happily meetings will be returning to Thursday nights! If we don't get kicked out to make space for a class, we will be meeting next quarter weekly on Thursdays in Watkins 2240 from 6:00-9:30 PM.

Good luck on finals, and hope everyone has a great spring break! See you next quarter. :)

-Posted by Tara, February 10th, 4:00 AM-
For the next 4 weeks, we'll be back in Terrace Room D from 6:00 to 9:15 PM on Fridays. We'll announce the meeting room for 10th week hopefully in the near future.

For those of you that will be purchasing tapes from the CPM sale, the deadline to submit your order along with payment to me will be at next week's meeting, February 20th. I'll be sending out the order on February 23rd.

Since this week's meeting is the day before Valentine's Day, we'll be showing some special Valentine's Day episodes at the end of the meeting. So be sure to stick around for the extra treat! :)

-Posted by Tara, February 1st, 10:00 PM-
A reminder: this week's meeting (2/6) will take place in Terrace Room A from 7:40 to 10:15 PM.

The club officers would like to know if any members would like to go on an anime shopping trip to LA this quarter. To find out more information on the tentative trip and vote on whether you'd like to go or not, visit this thread on our forum and feel free to e-mail us or post any comments there:

Anime shopping trip this quarter?

If you'd like to buy some older anime series at very inexpensive prices, check out this thread in our forum as well:

Central Park Media VHS clearance sale!

-Posted by Tara, January 13th, 1:30 PM-
Anyone interested in seeing an anime movie in theaters this weekend? Starting this Friday, Tokyo Godfathers, the new movie by Satoshi Kon (of Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress fame), will begin its limited run in theaters. A group of us are already planning on going, and we are in the process of choosing a theater and coordinating rides. If you're interested in joining us, please visit the following thread and let us know. Thanks!

Tokyo Godfathers in theaters this weekend!

-Posted by Tara, January 7th, 2:30 PM-
Whoo hoo! We finally have a room! Meetings are now on Fridays in Terrace Room D from 6:00-9:15 PM. There are a couple of dates where we start later, and one date where we are in Terrace Room A instead. Our weekly schedule is as follows:

Date Start End Room
1/9/04 6:00 PM 9:15 PM Terrace Room D
1/16/04 6:00 PM 9:15 PM Terrace Room D
1/23/04 7:40 PM ??? Terrace Room D
1/30/04 6:00 PM 9:15 PM Terrace Room D
2/6/04 7:40 PM ??? Terrace Room A
2/13/04 6:00 PM 9:15 PM Terrace Room D
2/20/04 6:00 PM 9:15 PM Terrace Room D
2/27/04 6:00 PM 9:15 PM Terrace Room D
3/5/04 6:00 PM 9:15 PM Terrace Room D
3/12/04 TBA TBA TBA

Hope to see many of you on Friday!

-Posted by Tara, January 5th, 3:25 AM-
UPDATED 10:30 AM Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!

As for this quarter's schedule, we're STILL having room problems. I'll post another message in this section as soon as we get a room finalized... In the meantime, read this thread on our forum for info on our progress (or lack thereof):

On a brighter note, we will be starting two new series this week (if we can get a room and projector): The Read or Die 3-part OVA series (followed by the TV series after its conclusion) and Haibane Renmei. GTO will also be ending this quarter.

Finally, I would like to announce that I have retired from the position of librarian. Monette and Brigitte Bunyapanasarn are the new club librarians, so if you are interested in borrowing from the library, talk to either of them at the meetings or e-mail your library requests & questions to this new address: [email protected]. The library page has been updated to reflect these changes. Thanks you two! ^_^

Looking forward to seeing everyone again this week!


-Posted by Tara, December 1st, 3:25 AM-
Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! The quarter's finally winding down, and the last anime meeting for Fall '03 is this week. To celebrate, we will be having our End of the Quarter Potluck this Thursday! We ask that everyone please bring one food item for the event. For more info and to see what other people are already bringing, visit this thread on our forums: Final meeting potluck this week! Thanks. :)

This week's meeting will also feature the finale to Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, so be sure not to miss it!


The projector issue has (hopefully) been solved... VICTORY!!! ^_^ A number of members attended the ASUCR Senate hearing last Thursday, and found out that the projector temporarily went missing because ASUCR wanted to check and see if the quality of the projector was failing. As a result, they are considering purchase of a new projector for free club use! In the meantime, we can still use the old projector like always. Our clubs have been saved! *whew* ~_^

-Posted by Tara, November 17th, 3:30 PM-
The Greenwood and VideoBurn Anime Shopping Trip is coming up this weekend, on Sunday, November 23rd! If you are interested in coming along, you MUST come to this week's meeting, as we still need to hammer out some details. Most urgently, we still NEED DRIVERS! So if any of you club members are driving, we would really appreciate it if you could volunteer any extra space to those members that would like to come along but need a ride. For more info, please visit the forum threads listed under the October 27th update below.

As you all know, Thanksgiving break is coming up next week, so there will be no meeting November 27th. But for those of you that borrow from the library, the club will be allowing checkout like usual at this week's meeting despite the break. Tapes borrowed this week must be returned at the final club meeting on December 4th. So feel free to make a request and enjoy more anime over the holiday! The club wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! ^_^

-Posted by Tara, November 10th, 5:30 AM-
MAJOR LIBRARY UPDATE! After hours upon hours of labor over the past few weeks, I have added over 60 NEW TAPES to the library! I have also overhauled the content of the library lists. They've been divided into sections, by licensed or unlicensed anime titles, and print media. I have also made the item entries a bit more specific by adding a "genre" listing for each anime series, a "featured titles" listing for the manga anthologies, and a "cover story" listing for the magazines. I hope that this will give you all a better idea of what we have in the library, and make choosing items a little easier. Please stop by the library page to check out the new format and titles! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me. Thanks. :)

-Posted by Tara, November 9th, 11:45 PM-
A big congratulations to all of our Halloween Cosplay Contest winners! In 1st place was Edward Scissorhands, in 2nd place was Gene Starwind, and in 3rd place was Domo-kun. It was a difficult vote, with 14 members participating in the contest... Thanks go out to all of you that participated, and we hope you enjoy the prizes. Looking forward to the next contest to see what you all come up with! ^_^


Due to a recent ASUCR policy change, both VideoBurn and Greenwood no longer have access to the free projector provided for club use. As you may or may not know, both clubs depend on the use of the free projector to maintain a weekly meeting schedule. Otherwise, we would have to pay very costly fees per week through media resources to continue screenings. Even with a budget, this is something we cannot afford.

There will be an ASUCR senate hearing this Thursday, November 13th, at 6:30 in the International Lounge in the Commons. VideoBurn and Greenwood officers will be attending in order to bring forward our grievance to the Senate, and hopefully resolve the issue so that we may again have access to the free projector.

To show them how strongly we feel about this, we ask that you members also accompany us to this hearing. Your support is GREATLY NEEDED, and will be much appreciated. As the hearing will be held at the same time as this week's anime meeting, we ask those of you that can attend to meet in front of our regular meeting room, Olmstead 1136, at 6:00-6:15 PM. A number of us are gathering at this place and time with the intention of heading to the Senate hearing as a group, and we encourage you to join us. Both clubs need all the member support they can get! If you have a bit of spare time this Thursday night, please join us and help keep our club meetings intact! Thank you.

-Posted by Tara, October 27th, 12:00 AM-
Lots of updates this time 'round! First off, the Greenwood Halloween Cosplay Contest will take place at this week's meeting on October 30th. We're looking forward to having many of our members participate! For detailed information on the event, please visit this forum thread: GFS Halloween Cosplay Contest Info!

The Greenwood and VideoBurn Quarterly Anime Shopping Trip will be taking place in a few weeks, on either November 22nd or 23rd. Please stop by our forum and vote for the date you would be able to attend: Shopping Trip Fall '03, 8th week. What day?

If you would like to come along but need a ride from a fellow club member, please let us know via club e-mail or by posting in this thread: Shopping Trip Fall '03, 8th week. Transportation.

Finally, for shopping trip details, visit this forum thread: Anime Shopping Trip Fall '03 - Tentative Details. Feel free to leave suggestions, as we always appreciate feedback!

Also, please participate in our AX poll here. If you would like to volunteer for the coming Anime Expo, please e-mail the club to let us know so we can pass on your e-mail to our AX contact. They will subsequently send you information on how volunteering works. Thanks!

-Posted by Tara, October 11th, 11:35 PM-
Just wanted to give a couple of friendly reminders about the library. Requests are open for the quarter, so if you'd like to borrow some tapes this week, please e-mail me by tomorrow night to let me know what you'd like to borrow! If you're new to the library, you can check out tapes this week so long as you bring in your completed membership form and membership due in addition to the deposit at Thursday's meeting. Be sure to read all of the membership and library policies before asking about borrowing tapes, thanks!

Due to time constraints, we weren't able to start Here is Greenwood (our club namesake) last week. So we'll be showing the first OVA at the end of this week's meeting. Be sure to stick around for it, as it's now out of print domestically. =) And for those that stay for the close of the meeting, we will be doing a few more announcements... as well as giving out some more goodies (thanks to some very generous club members - thanks Nommie, Nick, Don! ^_^)

-Posted by Tara, September 29th, 1:30 AM-
Whoo hoo! The first meeting of the quarter is this week!!! Can't wait to see everybody again. ^_^ Just wanted to let you all know that the schedule is set, and we'll be starting 4 new series this first meeting (also listed below): Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, S-cry-ed, Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety, and Here is Greenwood. We will be continuing on with Kodomo no Omocha until we run out of subbed episodes, and will finish GTO and Maison Ikkoku this school year. :)

Please stick around at the end of this week's meeting, as that is when we will give announcements for the quarter which will include: general club and membership information, library access, club activities (cosplay contest and shopping trip!), field questions and give feedback, as well as an introduction to the officers and VIP members for the newcomers!

-Posted by Tara, September 17th, 3:00 AM-
Hey everyone! Hope the summer treated all of you well. ^_^ Now that school is almost upon us, thought maybe I should update the web page... ;) I have updated the schedule page with our tentative weekly anime schedule and the location/time of the meetings for the first 5 weeks:

Location: Olmsted Hall, Room 1136 (same as Spring Quarter)
Date/Time: Every Thursday from 6:30 to 9:45 PM
Tentative Schedule:
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
Kodomo no Omocha
Maison Ikkoku
Omishi Magical Theater: Risky/Safety
GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka)
Here is Greenwood

I have also drawn up a tentative activities schedule listed on the activities page and added/removed items from the library. More tapes will be added soon.

Anyhow, please check for updates on the forum and here on the web page as the first meeting approaches, and if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us or drop us a line in the forums. We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces at our first meeting on October 2nd! =)

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