Okay, so you know where I'm from.  You know what I look like. You may even have an idea of my musical tastes.  But you still may not know much about me.  So below is a little more in-depth info on me.   Do take the time to read, especially if you're interested in knowing me, because it will help for you to understand where I'm coming from.  If there's anything else you'd like to know about me, definitely email me.
RELIGION: Because the room on this page is so limited, and because it takes more than a couple lines to fully explain, you must click the link to learn about my religious beliefs and how I came to believe in them.
EDUCATION AND PROFESSION: As I said, I graduated from The Evergreen State College.  My college is one that has been enrolled by the likes of Michael Richards, Matt Groening, and members of such indie bands as Bratmobile, Sleater-Kinney, and many others.  If you'd like to know more about the college go here.  I currently work at Mission Medical Technologies, my brother's business.  To learn more about it and its products, go here. Otherwise, I'm looking for a job that I can use to pay my way through a couple college business classes and save money to start my own comic book shop.
MORALS:  I will say that honesty comes naturally to me; it's difficult for me to lie.  Now that's not to say that I don't tell lies at all, b/c I'm sure I do once in a while.  But they are typically quite inconsequential and so I try not to lie about the most consequential of actions.  For example, I would never lie to a significant other.  I believe in suffering the consequences of your actions and that honesty can be the biggest liberator. 
   I also believe that there's
very little that justifies anger and especially hatred, so I try not to get angry easily.  Unfortunately, I am still able to get aggravated or irritated (especially with the irrational or selfish drivers), but even that can be difficult sometimes.  One thing that I stand reasonably firm on, which can make me come off as uptight, is I don't find it the least bit humorous to make fun of someone for who they are, how they dress or act, or for their every day behavior.  I truly believe in accepting people for who they are (fat, skinny, short, tall) and their cultures (Asian, American, African, what have you).  It is outright ludicrous and arrogant to think that everybody should talk, walk, and act like you.  Nobody is any better than anybody else. 
   Also, I don't believe in a lot of social conventions such as the traditional male/female gender roles in American society.  I don't believe much in the guy stuff/girl stuff, "Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars" philosophy.  I'm pretty accepting of others, except when they're ignorant, narrow-minded, or bigoted and refuse to consider any perspective other than their own, or do anything that brings physical harm to others.  So I'll
accept or consider almost any belief or idea other than mine, but I won't necessarily believe in them.  I'm also a hypocrite occasionally, but that's because I'm a man of contradictions.
TURN-ONS: Kindness and compassion for others. open-mindedness and a willingness to open oneself to new tastes. Artistry of any kind, and intelligence.  A love and true appreciation for music and other arts (not just for what's trendy) is also a big plus to me. Nature, Australian accents.
TURN-OFFS: Other than smoking...the obvious: racism, bigotry, closed/narrow-mindedness, pessimism and complete stubbornness (although I think we're all stubborn on some level). Also: disinterest in learning, superficiality, self-centeredness, self-righteousness, and smoking.
POLITICAL BELIEFS: I am a registered Democrat and am mortified that Bush is STILL our president. I look forward to the day his ass is kicked from office.  I never supported the war in Iraq.  I think all efforts must be made to preserve the world's environment, for it reaps more benefits and (in the end) is far more important than anything else economic.  I also feel all efforts must be made to strengthen our education system (I disagree with testing), and educators should be paid at least half the wage of the average celebrity, for they deserve it far more than any actor or the like. "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."  Can you say the same about a celebrity?  I know it's idealistic, but so what.  I also believe this country has gone to hell in a handbasket the past few years and it's gonna take a long-ass time for it to recover -- if it ever does.
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