HealthyWize Vital Greens multiple vitamins and minerals pro line sports nutritional supplements
Power Packed Vital Greens with Natures most Complete Foods, Spirulina and Chlorella.

HealthyWizeTM Vital Greens
HealthyWize Vital Greens multiple vitamins and minerals pro line sports nutritional supplements
HealthyWize Vital Greens
What separates the HealthyWize Vital Greens multiple vitamins and minerals supplement from all the rest is the natural green plant nutrients derived from 1200 MG of Spirulina, one of natures most complete foods along with Chlorella and large amounts of organically grown barley, alfalfa, and trace minerals and nutrients from North Atlantic Kelp.

Spirulina: the food of the future! Spirulina is a one-celled blue-green algae that thrives in fresh water tropical climates. Spirulina is concentrated with more nutrients than any other food, plant, grain or herb. Spirulina is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids. Many of the health benefits people experience from using the HealthyWize products may be due to this amazing food source.

Chlorella, barley and alfalfa are excellent liver cleansers and blood builders.

The HealthyWize Vital Greens multiple vitamins and minerals supplement also contains the very best of antioxidants like Grape Seed Extract (95% OPC's) effective in killing free radicals that may cause premature aging and degenerative diseases.

The HealthyWize Vital Greens multiple vitamins and minerals supplement is a power packed non-heat processed nutrients of organic vegetables, fruits, vitamins, minerals in their best forms, digestive enzymes, fiber, essential oils and fats, essential amino acids and most importantly, a probiotic formula that helps restore friendly bacteria that is often destroyed when anyone has taken antibiotics.

Best of all is the fact that the HealthyWize Vital Greens multiple vitamins and minerals supplement is available in a good tasting, easily mixed powder that can be converted to liquid. This makes absorbing all these important ingredients into the cells of your body much better than in almost any other form.

Improve your immune system, improve metabolism, get more energy and protection against cancer including colon cancer and degenerative diseases, and build a Vibrant Healthy body by including the HealthyWize Vital Greens multiple vitamins and minerals supplement in your daily diet.

This link will take you to our HealthyWize web site where you can view the ingredients that go into the HealthyWize all natural nutritional supplements for anti aging nutrition and high performance sports nutrition.
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Distributor ID # 4309368

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