
Patrol boat SHS Flodsturmjar

Coastguard Friland
The Saihod (Naval Enforcement), not to be confused with the Saihar (Navy), is both coastguard and rescue brigade. Organisationally she is part of the police, but she cooperates with all emergency services, the military and other organizations with which her tasks overlap. The Saihod employs both police and civilian personnel, depending on the position they hold. The rescue brigades and lifeguards consist largely of volunteers and are partly funded by donations.
        Duties of the Saihod include: assisting in emergencies at sea, border control, enforcement of maritime law, fisheries supervision, enforcement of environmental laws, pollution control, maintenance of sea marks, scientific research, search and rescue (SAR), lifeguard and lighthouse management.

The Frilandic coastguard uses the prefix SHS, which stands for "Saihodskip" (Coastguard ship). It has the following equipment:

Patrol Boats (Kenning class, 8x)
  • SHS Flodsturmjar (Flood Stormer)
  • SHS Lauganhwal (Flame Whale)
  • SHS Saiþuris (Sea Giant)
  • SHS Segþrumjagar (Horizon Hunter)
  • SHS Skumkleubar (Foam Cleaver)
  • SHS Stahlfisk (Steel Fish)
  • SHS Welanridar (Wave Rider)
  • SHS Wendresar (Wind Rager)

    Tugboats (Mammal class, 6x)
  • SHS Asil (Donkey)
  • SHS E (Horse)
  • SHS Elpand (Elephant)
  • SHS Hrend (Bovine)
  • SHS Nashurn (Rhinoceros)
  • SHS Wisund (Wisent)

    Buoy tenders (River class, 10x)
  • SHS Aigar
  • SHS Alb
  • SHS Edruns
  • SHS Flautar
  • SHS Isal
  • SHS Rinnar
  • SHS Skaiþar
  • SHS Tanap
  • SHS Wisal
  • SHS Wosar

    Environmental protection vessels (Insect class, 3x)
  • SHS Frofugal (Ladybird)
  • SHS Gulþaugil (Lacewing)
  • SHS Humal (Bumblebee)

    Research vessels (Scientist class, 3x)
  • SHS Arnhild Godmansduhter (descent Mariana Trench 1993)
  • SHS Audgisal Haimrikssun (leader Antarctica expedition 1925)
  • SHS Kunhar Alwinssun (descent Mariana Trench 1993)

    Icebreaker (Siege class, 1x)
  • SHS Rambuk (Battering Ram)

    The Coastguard also has an unspecified number of small patrol boats, rescue lifeboats, ambulance vessels, training vessels, diving support vessels, RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boat) and other support vessels.
            In addition, there is flying equipment, consisting of a few planes, helicopters and drones. These are usually of the same type as the military has in use, so that maintenance can take place together.

    Coastguard Hiveria
    The Garde côtière hiverienne (Hiverian Coastguard) is a stand-alone organization that falls directly under the Ministry of Justice. She frequently cooperates with the police and other emergency services. During wartime, the coastguard may be placed under the direct authority of the military. The tasks of the Hiverian coastguard correspond to those of the Frilandic, but the rescue work is mainly done by the Société de Sauvetage en Mer (Sea Rescue Society), a separate voluntary organization that is largely financed by donations.
            Despite the hostile relationship between the two countries, the Hiverian and Frilandic coastguards regularly work together. Especially in the Innansai (Hiv: Mer Dedans) and the Haringferþ (Hiv: Grand Canal) they sometimes both come to the aid of a ship in distress or jointly combat pollution, whereby coastguard ships of one country are temporarily allowed to enter the territorial waters of the other. Nevertheless, there are also occasional skirmishes between the two coastguards, especially in fishing conflicts or when entering each other's jurisdiction without permission. Sometimes this involves casualties or damage to each other's ships, but usually it's only warning shots or harassment with the water cannon.

    The Hiverian coastguard uses the prefix NGCH, which stands for "navire de la Garde côtière hiverienne" (ship of the Hiverian coastguard). It has the following equipment:

    Patrol Boats (Characteristic class, 3x)
  • NGCH Éclatant (Dazzling)
  • NGCH Puissant (Powerful)
  • NGCH Téméraire (Bold)

    Tugboats (Person class, 3x)
  • NGCH Duquesne (Jeanne Duquesne, rescue diver 1984-2012)
  • NGCH Garnier (Alexandre Garnier, lifeboat crew member 1960-2003)
  • NGCH Tourville (Jean-Baptiste de Tourville, founder Hiverian coastguard)

    Buoy tenders (Wind class, 4x)
  • NGCH Borée (Northwind)
  • NGCH Euros (Eastwind)
  • NGCH Notos (Southwind)
  • NGCH Zéphyr (Westwind)

    Environmental protection vessel (Nature class, 1x)
  • NGCH Arc-en-Ciel (Rainbow)

    Research vessel (Philosopher class, 1x)
  • NGCH Aristote (Aristotle)

    The Coastguard also has an unspecified number of small patrol boats, rescue lifeboats, ambulance vessels, training vessels, diving support vessels, RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boat) and other support vessels.
            In addition, there is flying equipment, consisting of a few planes, helicopters and drones. These are usually of the same type as the military has in use, so that maintenance can take place together.