FranzKafka's thoughts on SC 3, chapter 17

To Summer Camp, Book 3, "Kendall", chapter 17

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This is an ad-hoc-critique. If you want to know more about how I did these unique way of feedback and what are the differences between the original forum messages and this HTML versions, follow this link.

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Begun: 7-02-2005,
17:45 CET.
Ended: 7-02-2005,
20:52 CET.

As it is tradition since some chapters ago (in our country they say, what happens the second time has a tradition, so doing this for the 5th time I can talk of a long tradition ;-) I am doing this critique as I read the chapter, switching the windows, so my thoughts are written down without longer consideration, impulsive and without knowlege of any messages, which perhaps already appeared at Scipio's Forum. So some thoughts will turn out in different way, when in two or three days I am posting the one or other SWAG.

"Welcome back," Joska said.

So said Nick, thank you. Good beginning, maybe the most originally of all chapters. ;-)

I bet he's talking to me, I fumed silently.

Paul has to gain some self-consciousness. He doubts so much on himself, that it is already pathetic. Of course, Paul has still problems with Gina and Kendall, and it is sure, these problems will xcontinue in SC3,17.

Professor Joska started speaking again, but I wasn't listening. Instead, I tried to suppress my growing panic. What if I flunked the final? Would I still be able to take architecture courses? Would I ever get a job as an architect?

I perhaps will start a wild discussion here, but IMO Paul's reaction is unrealistic. I don't think, that a freshman really will panic about final exams and job perspectives after some months of his first year. So would consider ... Nick Scipio for giving the Paul - Joska relationship more dramatic. In reality a 18 yo. would perhaps consider about changing classes (if possible) or university if problems with an asshole prof would occur. (I would not consider Josaka as an asshole prof anyway).

I'll keep coming back for more.

... what seems to get the leading motive for SC3. Let us hope, that he will keep coming back even for resolve his relationship problems.

"...and forty percent of your project grade is based upon in-team competition," Joska was saying.
I scowled in irritation. We knew how the grading worked; he'd explained it a half-dozen times, at least. Did he think we were idiots?

No, he doesn't. But Joska has the feeling, that it is necessary to point it out to some of the students. I only not know, if he is thinking of Paul or he is in a subtle way pointing out Trip's group as an instance for the other students. (Should be worth a more detailed examination.)

He followed it with a quote by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, "God is in the details."

Oh, I thought it was invented by Ledbetter. (This guys name is derivated from: 'let [them be] better' or 'le[a]d [them to] better [results]'?) Nevertheless, he (Mies van der Rohe) was one of the leading architects in the 20th century and the Bauhaus in Dessau, about 100 km south of Berlin is worth a journey for architecture enthusiasts. Today it is reconstructed, it is part of the World Heritage of the Unesco, btw.)

Oh, I see Paul has the same thought about the creator of the phrase than I had (and probably 99,9 percent of the readers)

You'll have to do better than this, Mr. Hughes.

I guess, we even will read this sentence in a exam, in which Paul will get 99/100.

Before I could commiserate, Samantha shrieked.
"Is there something you'd like to tell us, Miss Poole?" (...)

We already know about Trip being 3rd in design — at this point I bet Sam is 2nd.

"No, sir," she said quickly, her cheeks rosy. "Sorry." (...) Samantha, however, whirled in her seat and practically lunged over my desk.(...) She kissed my cheek and then pulled back.

I double bets.

Joska had written, (...) Design: 2nd place, 20/40. 60 points overall, D-. A definite improvement, Miss Poole.

I won my bet, but what we learned from this? Maybe Joska was saying this "team-competition" thing because Paul (and others) have to learn, that one has to be the best in the team?

"If you're quite finished with the hugging and kissing, Miss Poole," Joska said, "we have an exam to review for."

Even Joska has a sense for humour...

In any event, Siobhan didn't need models for the last two weeks of the quarter. So the Wednesday before Thanksgiving had been the last time I went to her class.

Damn. Nick is cheating on us. In SC3,16 there wasn't any Christy/Wren stuff and for the last 3 weeks of the term won't have any teasing Wren in modelling hours? And we want to know about Christy? And about rabbits (maybe one should post some good links about rabbits to the forum ;-)

In addition, I finished my English paper, "Realism in Nineteenth Century American Literature." I had done an analysis of three authors' work: William Dean Howells, Henry James, and Mark Twain.

November 2105, UT at Knoxville, one student will have a English paper, "Realism in 21st Century American Adult Stories." The guy will do analysis about Frank Downey, Ann Douglas and Nick Scipio.

"What're you doing over the Christmas break?" I asked as he used the bench press machine.
"Same old, same old," he grunted, finishing his set.

Paul and Trip are at the training and I feel, that some darker themes are getting closer.

"What're you up to?" he asked.
I told him about my family's ski trip with the Coulters, and how (...)
"But what about Kendall?" he asked.
"I wanna invite her to come skiing," I said, taking a break between sets. "But I don't think Gina'd be very happy if I did."

I hope Paul knows, that the ski trip could be the last opportunity for getting the G-P-K relationship fixed. But I fear, he doesn't know.

Sidenote: While most of the forum contributors use for their relationship P-G-K in fucking order I am using willingly a different order, with Paul as the connecting element in the middle.

"I mean, I wish I could go back to how things were in high school," (...)
"No you don't," (...) "That's what memories are for. You know?"
"I guess," I said.
"Think about it," Trip insisted. "The past is... well... past.
I know that sounds cliché, but it makes sense. You can never go back, you know?"

You know? What happened iN SC1 and SC2 with G, P and K are memories. It is past. (Is this a big clue or again Nick fogging us in?) Nevertheless, Trip started a serious and worthy discussion with Paul, but will this discussion lead to any results?

"You were thinking with the little head," he accused. In reality, I hadn't been thinking with the little head (much).

Actually, it seems, Paul isn't thinking nothing about his girlsfriends.

"You can make a decision, that's what. I mean, why do you have two girlfriends?"

Huh? Before, Trip saw Paul's two girlfriends positive (think back on the drunken night), but now... from where is coming this change of mind? (Or should I ask: Who changed Trip's mind? Does Trip want Paul dump any of the girls? If so, why? He is interested in one of them for himself? We know about the "wild" thing and both of them are.)

"The three of you have a relationship that used to be pretty good," he said, "but none of you have been happy for a while. Right?"
"Yeah," I admitted heavily.
"So do something about it. If you can't fix things, you're only hurting everyone involved. You're gonna have to make a choice. You know it," he said, "but you don't wanna admit it."

At least we know now, that Trip is reading the forum. Following Paul considers about the relation with Gina and Kendall went on college.

... I'm still jealous that you've got both of them, but I wouldn't trade places with you for all the tea in China,"

He might be interested in one of them — hey, dude, set one of them free...

"(...) I'm ready to start calling my right hand 'mon chèr,' like Luke does."

... so I can get on of them — I am horny and ready for a new girlfriend. And, BTW, I would help you? you know, I am a friend!

I loved them both; how could I hurt one of them?
I couldn't.
But I'd have to.

Folks, Paul got it. But he is still reluctant to the thought, for a while.

Christy and Wren are making their first appearance since we learned about the rabbit and Christy's engagement (and the fact that we won't like the fiancé). (Sidenote: Will we get to know the fiancé? Or will the engaement broken 'offline'? — I expect Christy to be the wife)

Nevertheless, Nick is sharing a lot of new information with us: we learn further details about the girls' families.

(Added to HTML version)
Is Simon an
Unseen Character?

I'd picked up snippets of information about them, but I still didn't know much except their names: Harry, James, Danny, and Rich.

Hell, so do we! (Sidenote: Seems that Christy's parents are rabbits as well — five children!)

Interesting, that Wren's parents are owning a condo in Florida: And we know, that Paul's father likes to fly down (IIRC: doesn't Paul's Grandparents live in Florida) Is this purely coincidence or a new clue, that the other couple with which the Hughes went out (maybe are swinging with) are Wren's parents?

Unlike Christy, Wren was an only child.

Thank you, Nick, not to much persons to think about.

Since the Art History exam was our final class together, we wished each other happy holidays (...)

Short appearance! TERB!

"Whatcha listenin' to?" I asked Trip as I pushed his door open.
"The Beach Boys," he said.
"Really? It sounds like some weird hippy music."
"Yeah," he said, laughing. "It's 'Pet Sounds.'"
"Is that the name of the song, or the album?"
"In this case, both," he said. "But here, you'll recognize this," he added, lifting the needle and flipping the album.
When the music started, I immediately recognized "Wouldn't It Be Nice."
"This is their best album," he said. "And it's one of the best albums of all time, as far as I'm concerned. I guess it's a toss-up between 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' and 'Pet Sounds,' although I think 'Pet Sounds' edges out the Beatles.

Was Nick in contact with Frank Downey?

Following is a passage, which again introduces me to the fact, that Gina will fading out of the G-P-K relationship, what can be seen on the following sentences:

Then we met Kendall and Abby at the Morrill dining hall. I tried calling Gina, to see if she wanted to have lunch with me, but she was out with Regan. I left a message and then called Kendall. We had lunch together — with Trip and Abby — and then headed to the library to study some more.

I don't remember Gina studying seriously (except for the library fuck evening). Is she seriously learning? Or only pulling from party to party with Regan?

After the weekend is coming the exam in Joska's class. And since the midterm scene was funny, here comes the sequel:

"I brought more McDonald's job applications," Professor Joska said as he entered the classroom. "Mr. Hughes, would you like one?"
"Yeah," I said, in an exhausted fit of pique. "I think my graduation speech might run long."
The rest of the class tittered nervously.
"Would you like an exam as well?" Joska asked.
"Sure, what the heck," I said flippantly.
"You're feeling punchy," he observed.
"I can't flip burgers anyway," I said with a shrug.

First though: Cool.
Second thought: Isn't Paul too much curious?
Third thought: What the heck!

The exam has an essay question and I remember to have read an anecdote about such a thing with a winning student writing something like nothing or so, but I cannot recall it ...

It read, Why do you want to be an architect? (250 words or less.) In a flash, I knew what I wanted to write. But then I hesitated. (...) I wrote six words.

Nick doesn't tell at this point.

What if Joska doesn't Get It? What if he...?

I guess, Joska will Get It and Paul is getting the best result for the essay. He gets 40/40. Overall 96/100. An A.

My answer?
Because God is in the details.

That sentence must have a real important meaning. Not for Paul, but ... am I right, Nick?

* * *

(A text seperator was here, so I thought I put one also). The telephone is ringing in Paul's suite, T.J. is constating/asking: "Another girlfriend?" You remarked? It wasn't the obvious "Loverboy" comment, but "Another Girlfriend?". He probably knows more about Gina, and he knows that Kendall is Paul's girlfriend.

Calling is Wren, she has a problem with travel. There was a discussion, why Paul at Thanksgiving gave a lift for Kendall (which is from Chattanooga) but not to Wren (who also lives in Atlanta). We read, that Wren's mother would have come for her daughter, but due to a traffic accident, she cannot pick up her. So Wren asks for the lift.

Interesting perspectives at this point:

First: Paul is giving a lift also for Kendall (as for Thanksgiving), so Wren and Kendall will get into contact (remember her attraction to Wren).

Second: Wren comes home and is introducing Paul to her parents: 'This is Paul Hughes.' — 'Hughes? — Your father pilot?' — 'Yes, Ma'm' — 'Oh, we're just screwing with them sometimes.'

Third: How will Gina react to the Wren lift? Will she know?

The lift will be at Wednesday (the call was made at Monday), and some lines after we learn, that she leaves at Tuesday already. (Another discussion about the Kendall lift is avoided and so is not spoken about Wren!)

Though, Gina and Paul are getting their fight and it is about Paul not getting a bid from Sigma Chi. Paul says to Gina, angrily, that she was the reason, but she does not believe. Gina says that Regan and Haley-slut are bitching her for Paul being a non-Greek.

"I don't know why I even came to UT," she said spitefully.
"Me either," I muttered as she stalked away.

Who? Paul or Gina? Paul might still have doubts on his successful study ("against" Joska), but he rather thought about Gina's decision.

IMO, it isn't clear who Paul is referring to with "Me either." (Added to HTML.)

Maybe Trip was right. Maybe it was time to make a choice.

And it seems, that the upcoming choice will not be for Gina. A split off with Kendall would not solve the 'Greek' problem. But if he broke with Gina, he could fix his relationship with Kendall.

At breakfast, the next morning, Paul is telling Kendall the news with Wren, and Kendall is delighted. (Folks, that is another plus for her — Paul's member would prefer to have to girlfriends after a break off and Gina would not be interested in Wren, not with Regan and Hayley-slut in her back!)

They end in fucking the whole morning, waiting for Wren's exam. (I just wondered why Kendall not already fucked the night before with Paul, Paul would have a better mood. Though, he wouldn't had the time to figure some things out, which was good.)

Then Paul is picking up Wren in her room, and viewing Christy's side of the room we're learning about Christy's background in a much more elegant way than in a stupid question answer conversation.

Curiously, the other wall over her bed was covered with traditional Asian art. (...). I couldn't explain it, but the pictures "felt" Asian.

We know, that Paul has a Taiwanese still partner in his company (at the time of the prologues), so this could be a hint, that Christy is the wife: Her father was stationated in Asia, and she spent some times in — Japan. (sic!)

There are pictures showing one of her brothers, and one is showing Simon. Wren really does not like him: We're not surprised that Wren and Paul also made up to Christy's wall. And she has sketched him in poses he did not model. Wren says, that Christy is good in doing sketches frome her memory. (Sidenote: Does she use the sketches for masturbating? ;-)

I wish I could find someone like Siobhan, I silently lamented, someone who'd nurture and fuel my creativity. Instead, I've got Joska, who seems bent on testing the limits of my self-control.

Paul is slow on the uptake, we know since SC1,1, he still did not Got It.

Eventually they are leaving Knoxville and on the journey, Kendall is serious about Wren. Well, the scene is turning out to be a Hard Flirting. Kendall is damned attracted to Wren. She tells about Paul's dick (Wren saw that at modelling class), but also about her shaved pussy. Wren and Kendall are talking a while about shawing, and Paul's Treacherous Organ gets hard and I would not wonder, if after Christmas break Wren is starting to model totally shaved.

Kendall got in sexually overdrive, she even tells Wren about losing her virginity a the hiking. Wren is reporting about her and Paul is thinking two words.

Treacherous organ.

Kendall and Wren are teasing Paul, he is hard. Wren is confessing she likes cum on her breasts. (Who would not like to spurt over such nice tits, according to the pictures of "her" at!)

"If we're done talking about my Johnson...,"
"But we like your Johnson,"

Since when Paul is saying Johnson to his cock?

"You should give me your phone number at school, Kendall,"
(..) [Wren] added. "I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about."

And we would like to get tapes from it. Further on, that after modelling she uses her vibrator. Aha, that's the reason why on 'Christy's side' of the room are so many sketches from Paul. (Wren has no boyfriend at this time).

It was a real surprise, that Kendall was getting off so much on talking about sex stuff with Wren, and now we know that Wren does also like girls. What is good, since we know she is Trip's wife and we believe the Whitmans swinging with Paul and the Wife.

Kendall and Paul are getting horny, Paul is getting a blowjob in Kendall's room and Melissa standing outside I hoped for a remake of the Winnebago, but Nick only, but very successfull, was teasing.

God is in the details, we learned, but Wren also is very looking on details: She remarked, that Paul lost his virginity to a woman, not a girl who shaved.

Ladies and Gentlemen, will you remark the following sentence:

Do I want her to? I wondered. Yes. No. Yes! No! No, no, no! I already have one wild girl in my life — two, judging by Kendall's recent behavior. But Kendall and Wren, together... lips... breasts... asses — Stop it!

There will be a discussion about who is meant with 'one wild girl' — most readers will agree, that Gina has been a wild girl and here is this 'Kendall's recent behaviour' ... but look to following words: Kendall and Wren, together ...

He does not consider about Gina and Wren, it's Kendall! And Kendall is shaving totally! Wren maybe will, but Gina not!

Things defintely are playing against Gina!

Paul is getting another hard-on and I the thought in my mind if — yet — another blowjob.

I don't really remember the fifteen-minute drive to my house.
Instead, Kendall and Wren cavorted through my imagination.
They were both nude.
They were both eager.
They were both beckoning to me.

Nick has droven the story a great part forwards, some new details have been revealed, and it seems, that some predetermined decisions are laying just before. Paul is already cheating on Gina in his mind, and, at this point, he does not mind about. As it seems at the end of the chapter, Gina is out, but Kendall is still in the game. Though, during the Christmas break, Gina is (talking of place) nearer to Paul than Kendall.

For the readers, the next +/- 3 weeks will be very long, and we have been told by Nick, that the following two chapters will include very much plot development. Nick, great work, maybe this chapter is for us a bigger cliffhanger, than you are including in chapter 18/19. At least for the Wren/Christy fans.

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