While In Jail

During my time in jail I was visited by Jefferson County Department of Social Services caseworkers Maureen Gilligan and Sarah Hoistion. I wasn't sure who they were, and spoke with them freely because I thought they were there to help.

I proceeded to tell them what happened at the Police Station and they asked me a lot of questions about the kids. I told them that I was upset that DSS left a house full of teenagers with my 4-year-old son. I was not comfortable with my child being left there without an adult present.  Maureen Gilligan told me that a 16-year-old is considered responsible, but she did not know who this 16-year-old was.  My girlfriend's two children were 15 and 12 at the time. The 16-year-old she is talking about is a neighbor boy who has been in trouble before and is not allowed at our house without adult supervision. 

While I was talking to caseworker Maureen Gilligan, I didn't realize she was the one that left the children at the home. I don't think she even cared.  They had one objective in mind, and one only, and that was to get my girlfriend out of the house, no matter what the circumstances.  My father lives next door, but they never checked to see if there was anyone home.  I don't know why if 16-year-olds are so responsible, why DSS keeps them in the system until they're 18.

In the meantime, my family was seeking what to do next. Former Sheriff Donald Newberry, who is my Uncle, had contacted the attorney, Gary Miles, who was Jefferson County District Attorney at the time of the accident. Gary, at this time had come into his own private practice and was a criminal defense attorney. After my family met with Mr. Miles, we decided to ask him to defend me. He said that he would and told them the first thing we need to do is get me out of jail.

Gary met with me in jail and asked me what happened; and, of course, I told him and then he told me that we need to get me out of there.

On January 3, 2001, was my preliminary hearing. The Sheriff's department picked me up at the jail and took me to the Pamelia Town Barn where the town court is. The cameras and reporters were there to watch me walk from the car to the town barn. Once inside, Gary Miles informed us that the current Jefferson County District Attorney, Cindy Intschert, had a problem with Gary representing me.

She told Gary that if he represents me that she could bring charges against him arguing that "he had a conflict," due to the fact that he was the district attorney at the time and was at the scene. Gary didn't want to take the chance of being barred or charged with a misdemeanor; but more importantly, he did not want to do anything that could jeopardize my case, so the preliminary hearing was waived. 

The part that bothers my family and me is that Mr. Miles left Ms. Intschert in charge of the investigation in 1991, so she was also at the scene and she agreed with Mr. Miles that it was an accident.

I wondered if this mess was ever going to get any better. State Police picked my statement, DSS picked my baby sitter, and now the district attorney wants to pick my lawyer. Now all I need is a judge who can pick the time I can see my kids! 

Mr. Miles did, later on, ask for an opinion from the state Bar Association Committee on Professional Ethics. As I recall, they told him that it might be best if he didn't represent me.

I was released from jail on January 8th 2001 on $50,000 bail.

Just before I was released, I had met the Great Child Protector.      



People vs Frank.htm   Nine_Years_Later1.htm  Interrogation.htm  While_In_Jail.htm   Protector_Of_Children.htm   HuntleyHearing.htm

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