In 1991, just before the death was ruled an accident, Senior Investigator Robert S. Cook, of the state police Bureau of Criminal Investigation at Watertown, said, in the Watertown Daily Times, he hopes the findings will end some of the rumors and innuendo that have been going around about the death.

Capt. Joseph F. Loszynski, Oneida Troop Headquarters, said "There are two very grieving individuals there."

The trauma that the mother, the children, and myself went through in 1991 was tremendous. It took years to come to terms with her death. Although, one will never get over it.

But, to bring it all back up again is just plain greed and sick!

Not once have there ever been any reports of child abuse in this family of myself or of the mother within the nine year period (or before this or after this.) So this could not be the reason why.

Dr. William Hannan, the emergency room doctor, claims that this case bothered him. So why did he wait nine years? Why didn't he talk to medical examiner Dr. Germaniuk before now? Maybe Dr. Germaniuk would have explained why he ruled it an accident.

Dr. Mary I. Jumbelic. I just don't get it. Does she see herself as some kind of hero? Does she make a practice of bringing up old cases? She almost ruined my life and my loved ones life just because of her "theory" and "opinions." She never even saw the body!

Further more, why didn't the DA, Cindy Inschert, contact Dr. Germaniuk in the beginning instead of waiting until the trial? Maybe she could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money if she did. Instead she chose to go with an "opinion."

The investigators. They were on a mission. Their mission was to get a statement. From either my girlfriend or me. Didn't matter to them. And they were prepared to do anything. Lie, isolation from loved ones and the outside world, keep me guessing of where they have my girlfriend.

The television stations went around interviewing some of the people in Antwerp right after I got arrested. One of them summed it up perfectly. 

"It seems that the only ones that think Frank did this, are the authorities." 


DSS caseworkers. Sad part is that it almost seems like they enjoyed their job! I don't know if it was because they thought they had a really bad man here, or they just really like controlling families. They claim that their job is to put families together, but their actions were just the opposite. They would completely ignore anything that the mother would say. They would completely ignore anything the children would say. And they would completely ignore anything that the psychologist would say.

What did they think? That I brainwashed everyone into thinking I'm a good guy? That I fooled everyone, BUT the investigators? Did they actually think that I walked into the police station and "cleared my conscience." Are they really that stupid?

Judge Richard V. Hunt. When I first got arrested, he said, "Due to the seriousness of the charges, I'm going to have to issue an order of protection." After the trial, I went in to have the OOP lifted, and he said "what happened in criminal court has no bearing in my court."

Does he make up the rules as he goes along?

I continued to have visitations, with my son, at Dr. Douglas H. Ort's office until July 2002. At one point, Dr. Ort even wrote DSS a letter stating "Mr. Pickert has no current mental health issues that require counseling intervention" and "I do not deem Mr. Pickert to be a risk or harm to his son."

He went on to state that I no longer need supervised visitations with my son. Judge Hunt said that he didn't "understand" what Dr. Ort meant. Of course, the law guardian agreed. 

I hired an attorney for a while. But wasn't really getting anywhere. So I just kept going back until they slowly gave in. From visitations with a friend of the family from July 2002 until everything was dropped in December 2003.

Judge Hunt may address the legal issues of the family. But protecting the children? That's really stretching it.



People vs Frank.htm   Nine_Years_Later1.htm  Interrogation.htm  While_In_Jail.htm   Protector_Of_Children.htm   HuntleyHearing.htm

Trial.htm  Verdict.htm  Looking_Back.htm    The_Present.htm


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