So you've got some ducklings? Need to know what to do next?
Ok, so you have ducks now. Want to know some good housing Ideas?
Are your ducks hungry? Have a look here to find out what ducks love to eat.
Hmm, does you duck have purple spots? Find out what it could be here!
Water off a duck's back? Don't be fooled.. sometimes water can prove a problem.
Go here to find some really good information about ducks.
Visit the gallery of other peoples well loved ducks and ducklings. In Memory of Charley
Hello! Welcome to my duck pond! This is a page created by myself for people who would like to know a thing or two about ducks. This site if full of basic information about care and more for your duck, If you need answer's to advanced questions try my links page! Enjoy!
If while viewing this page you have spotted any in-correct information, would like to add some pictures of your own duck(s) under "ducks we know", add another link to my "links" section, or even want to add a piece of information that I haven't mentioned, please feel free to e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. Also feel free to sign my Guest Book and leave a comment about my site on your way out.

It has now been some time since I last owned a duck, I may not get the chance again until I finish schooling, leave home and get a permanent house. Unless you've got a question that's reallllyyy easy I'm not sure I'm going to be able to answer it simply because I'm totally out of practise! Do not fear though. In my LINKS section there is a fantastic link, titled "Duck Chat' that can help you. It leads to a forum full of helpful duck owners who most probably can answer your question for you.
I do like getting e-mails from the great people who visit here (Thank you !) and I'm sorry I can't help more!
The best of luck on your semi-aquatic avian adventures!
A bit about me and this webpage!
My school project!
<~~ FULL UP!! (Cheers all!)
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