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"Seek and Ye Shall Find..."
but only if you know how to look!

Please read these helpful hints on searching:

  • Be as specific as possible in your search. A single word will bring back millions of pages. Try using several words related to your search separated by a space.

  • Always use lower case -- always.

  • Putting quotes around two or more words will find those particular words in that order. Use this technique when you want to be very specific.
    • Example: A search for rusty nail will retrieve documents with the words rusty and nail but not necessarily in that order. Searching for "rusty nail" will retrieve documents with both words in that order.

  • You can eliminate unwanted words in some searches by putting a minus sign in front of words you don't want appearing in the documents. Likewise, a plus sign will ensure the documents contain that word or phrase. Using the rusty nail example, if you didn't want the word drink to appear in the documents, but you wanted all references to hammers, you could enter "rusty nail" -drink +hammer as the search. Using AND and AND NOT instead of + and - is also possible in some search engines. Experiment!

Not all webpages can be found on all search engines!

Here's a drop down list of the search engines I use the most. The single search engines are a bit faster but search a single database of information only.

Choose from this list of single and multi-search engines.

The internet is full of inappropriate and offensive information. A huge misconception is that if it is posted on the net, it must be true... Here's a site that offers advice on authentication of information found on the internet.

Web Awareness

Net Library Here's a great site with links to all kinds of on-line texts - books, plays, novels etc. It's a bit slow, but it's FREE... (You may have to sign up for a membership - also free)

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This site last updated 99/12/21
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