Mr. Hat says:

Check out one
of the courses

- Group Study of
Crime & Punishment

- Assignments
- Student pages

- Ideological

- Group seminars
on Macbeth

- Student-made
biographies of

Welcome to
Mr. Flood's Website
featuring classes in English & Music.
Mr. Mackey Hey people. Don't get lost mmmmkay?
This page was created using HTML only (no web composers)
This page serves several purposes:
  • It showcases student's work in an accessible format
  • It provides links to my classes, search engines, an MLA style guide and an online e-zine Writer's Digest
  • Students have 24-hour access to a "published" version of their work that can be shared with friends and family anytime. 
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, students had a chance to enhance skills in research, computer use, team work and creativity. It was a lot of fun putting together a website, in addition to the educational benefits...
Thank you to all my students for their hard work. Well done, guys!

Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Thanks for visiting. 

This site created and maintained by Mr. G. Flood, A.R.C.T., B.Mus, B. Ed
Last updated February 22, 2002

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws