Kiss the sky...
...dont need no thought control...


a glimpse




the book


A bit of my photography...for more click here.
If you want to see pics of me and my friends...
December 01
Semi Formal 01
January 02
Prom 2002
A few photos of my room here

....and this is what this site WAS about, but i changed it...

Sunsets...{click thumbnails to see a larger image}



ALL photos here were taken with a 35mm Pentax SLR camera.
The rest were taken with a Nikon F65 SLR.

We don't need no education, We don't need no thought control, No dark sarcasim in the classroom. Teachers leave them kids alone Hey teacher, leave them kids alone All in all your just another brick in the wall. All in all your just another brick in the wall. We don't need no education. We dont need no thought control. No dark sarcasim in the classroom. Teachers leave them kids alone Hey teacher leave them kids alone All in all your just another brick in the wall. All in all your just another brick in the wall. All in all your just another brick in the wall All in all your just another brick in the wall.

:home::a glimpse::photography::prom/semi::bored?::the book::contact:

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