Being essentially the threads of conversation that involved Flavel

Rewritten in the first person, past tense perspective.  This allows

For the interjection of thoughts, feelings, and memories that the

Character was experiencing at the time.


Diary part 1      Mother interrupts my research.  Travels to Shadow Earth.  Meeting with Random and Kit.        

Diary part 2      Breakfast with Kit. 

Diary part 3      Travelling with Kit, Random, and Fiona to Amber.  A little library research.

Diary part 4      Inspecting the Pattern, A not so pleasant discussion with Random.  Tea with Fiona.  Festival of Fire.  Salome & Daniel.

Diary part 5      Touching a Sacred Flame.  Kit learns a painful lesson about hugs.  Encounter with a Vortex.     

Diary part 6      Salome in recovery.  Visiting Bleys & Matt.

Diary part 7      Meeting Falkner & Lisa. 

Diary part 8      Deactivating Matt.  Encounter with Dworkin.  Meeting Prince Fyerghus, Shadoania, and Julia.  Bleys worried about Lisa.

Diary part 9      Lisa walks the Fire Pattern and is taken to the infirmirary.  No headway with Matt.

Diary part 10    Dinner with  Richard, Brand, Fiona, Clovis, Emma, Winter, Jaiveri        

Diary part 11    Dinner Aftermath.  Benedict divulges.  Bad news about Kit.

Diary part 12    Hanging out in Castle spires.  Meeting with Shado. 

Diary part 13    More library research.  Meeting Faile oddly.  Considerations of intents.  Walking the pattern.  Meeting Anthony. 

Diary part 14    Talking with Anthony.  Tour of Chaos.  Meeting Suhuy and the Logrus.

Diary part 15    A trump reading.  A ball in Tintagel.  Real bad intro with Ryoden.  Garden dreams.  Scaring Shado.  Irritating Clovis.
Diary part 16    Clovis and I.  Talking with Andrew, Judas.  Making a bomb with Ryoden.

Diary part 17    Life of a party.  Dancing with Shado.  A wordsmithing breakfast.  Irritating Zeta.  A gift horse.  Shadow in Tintagel.  Collision with Gwen.

Diary part 18    Parade to Amber.  Talk with Anthony.  Chat with some demons.  Ryoden makes an offer.  Meeting Be.  Another chat with Shado.

Diary part 19    Duncan’s funeral.  End Book I.  Politicking at a Wake.  Visiting Random.  Hello to my Brother.  Talking with myself. 

Diary part 20    Fiona suspicious.  Visit to Rebma.  Meeting Milo.  Lunch with Corwin.  Pagan & Logan at archery.  Visiting Tir.  Love to Shado. Shapeshifting.

Diary part 21    Breakfasting in Amber.  Anthony worries.  Shapeshifting #2.  Shado has cancer.

Diary Part 22    Research in Sawall.  Cancer is cured.  Tough recovery.  Taking the Logrus.  Offer of Marriage.  Logrus Recovery.  Lots of Romance.

Diary Part 23    Back in Amber. A dinner party.

Diary Part 24    Preparations for a wedding day.

Diary Part 25    The Wedding and parts thereafter.

Diary Part 26  Suspicious musings and other conjectures.

Diary Part 27  Draconic ramblings.  Go-betweens Minobee & Sawall.  A Roman battle. 

Diary Part 28  Melorian Weddings.

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