Morning Calm

need: Ever find yourself wishing you had a place where you can rant and yell to your heart's desire? Never mind Xanga (although I have one of those too... ^_^), or diaryland (been there, dont that) and stuff like that. I decided to make a site where that would happen. And remember Myst Isle? I also needed a place for tutorials. So whaala! Half tutorials (when I have the time: right now, 0) and half blogger (scream! yell! whisper! wutever!!):: Welcome to Morning Calm
Name: Morning Calm. Heard something familiar? I also try to relate to myself and Morning Calm is my homeland, Korea. It's actually Land of the Morning Calm, but why have a long one when you can't just have Morning Calm? Sounds better too. n_n
Present: Morning Calm went through a premade layout as the V1. Then as V2, I created my own. Good idea, but things in paper dont' do as well as real life. (English: it sucked) So I shut down Morning Calm, left a note saying it would be back and searched premade layouts as I felt extremely lazy. I found one and also lots of cool images from Aethereality.Net (my new hero~). lol. But without even reopening, I went through another layout change into an original one made by me: the first one that i've liked so far. And that's the one right now: Scent of Nature >> V3. Hehe. Sounded like Sweetie Pie>>Version 2>>Elegant? But no.. it's new, different, and fresh-looking. Quite nice. Quite nice...
Future: I hope to add more tutorials, web design, HTML, and Photoshop. I wish to add Paintshop Pro, but don't have it, so can't use it. I'm really confused about giving downloads of brushes and fonts (zips, aack! gotta learn) so if any1 knows anything: 'mail me.

?0ero | ?1ne | ?2wo | ?3hree

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