First thing to be said is that Redfang is a large, circular island, being half a mile wide. There's the land bridge, a narrow strip of land connecting the island to the mainland. Careful, it's submerged when the tide is high. Then there's the beach which circles the island. The center of the island is dominated by thick trees and forests, though eight trails wind throughout, leading from the beach to a large clearing at the island's center. This clearing is home to Redfang dojo.

Most people seem to underestimate Redfang Island's size, so allow me to put it in perspective. Half a mile is 2140 feet ... that's 713 yards, a bit more than the length of 7 football fields end to end. That's how wide Redfang is in diameter. Redfang is 128 acres large. An acre is approximately the size of a professional football field, so imagine 128 football fields all put together in a giant circle. It would take 7.5 minutes to cross Redfang island at a walk, and 2 minutes at a dead run. Get the idea? Redfang is no small island. Please play it that way.

From the mainland


Approximately 150 feet off the coast is a tiny island known to the locals as Redfang Island. No more than half a mile across at it's widest, it is thickly forested, with two rocky spires poking up above the tree line, tall cone-shaped columns of volcanic rock that are easily seen from the mainland. The setting sun bathes these rocky pillars in a crimson glow ... hence how the island gets its name.

Crossing the landbridge


The only means of land access to the island is to walk across a narrow, 150 foot long ocean shelf that connects the island to a small peninsula on the coast of the mainland. This rocky land bridge is submerged during high tide, visible only during low tide. Of course, those who have means to swim or fly would have no problem reaching the island regardless of the tide.

Back to the Mainland | Onto the island


Nothing spectacular or out of the ordinary about Redfang's beaches. Rolling surf, driftwood, and jagged sea-washed rocks. However, evenly spaced in a ring around the island are eight trail markers, standing sentinel at the beginnings of the paths that lead deeper into the interior of Redfang Island. These markers are simple wooden tripods which hold up metal brassiers containing eight everburning flames of various colors. The flames are magical in nature, putting out plenty of light but no heat, and never requiring any fuel. They can be seen from the nearby ocean at night. Since the colors are all different, it's possible to tell what part of the island you're on just by the color of the flames.

To the landbridge | A wooded path


Tall trees and thick brush dominates much of Redfang Island, being a sort of temperate/tropical forest thanks to an abundance of rainfall. Not much is there to break up the overgrowth, save the pair of volcanic pillars on either side of the island and the eight trails that lead from the beaches to a large central clearing. Wanderers in these woods may find all kinds of things, including a natural spring and bathing pool, a small opening in the ground which leads to a maze of caves beneath the island, a meadow or two, and a small grove where the rare and delicious starfruits grow.

To the Beaches | To the Clearing | To the Forest Pool | To the Volcanic Pillars | To the Starfruit Grove | To the Coastal Cliff | To the Cave Mouth | To the Peaceful Meadow


A small and shallow depression in the ground here is fed by a natural spring of some kind, creating a pool of clean water hidden amidst the thicket. Since the foliage around the spring is so tall, it makes for a natural bathing pool as well as bearing fresh water to drink. A tiny creek feeds out from the pool to dissipate amongst the mossy rocks nearby, ensuring that the pool's water is continually fresh and cool.

Back to the woods


A large pillar of basalt erupts from the ground here, towering up above the small clearing that surrounds it and rivalling the tall trees for supremacy of the landscape. Indeed, these pillars are where the island gets its name, slightly curved at the top like fangs, and emitting a curious reddish reflection when struck by the rays of the setting sun. Indeed, if one were to climb either of these small and narrow peaks, they would get a tremendous overview of the entire island and the ocean beyond ... provided they can stand the risk of the climb.

Back to the woods


The large spruce and maple give way to a tiny grove of smaller trees here, each of which bears many sweetly fragrant flowers. These bloom all through spring and summer, bearing fruits that are nectar sweet and refreshing, very juicy, and shaped curiously like starfish. They are an incredibly rare delicacy, as the trees only seem to grow under the conditions of their choosing. These particular trees prefer the rich volcanic soil and profuse amounts of rainfall found here on Redfang.

Back to the woods


High above the northeastern shores of the island, a solitary rocky outcropping rises from the trees, lined with a grassy path and sizable stones worn smooth by countless ocean storms, large enough to serve as a seat for the weary wanderer. At the very height of this rise is a small seedling, growing patiently up out of the soil and stretching up towards the heavens. The tree is incredible to say the least, its rich and cocoa colored bark branching out and giving way to leaves that start as a potent greenish blue at the stem, green in the center of the leaf, and slowly blending across rainbow hues to reach a vibrant shade of red at the tips. These colors are held year round, not losing its leaves even in the chill of winter, and standing against the mightiest of storms. Indeed, those who find themselves gazing at this tree cannot help but be overwhelmed by its delicate beauty and subtle strength. A peaceful aura surrounds it, projecting an air of serenity to this place, fresh and new, and filled with joy.

Back to the woods


Hidden amidst the woods of the island, shrouded by a thick tangle of overgrowth, is a gaping hole in the earth which leads almost straight down, its rocky walls jagged and scorched. As Redfang is a volcanic island, there are many empty lava tubes that snake their way through the earth beneath the island's surface, and this would be the entrance to that underground volcanic labyrinth. The passages are dangerous to explore, but may contain all manner of wondrous things. More recently, one such passage shows signs that it has been collapsed and sealed off on purpose.

Back to the woods


The trees give way here to a peaceful meadow, full of blossoming flowers and tall grasses. The animal denizens of the island often seem to frequent this grove on their way about the island.

Back to the woods


At the heart of the forests is a wide open circular expanse of grass-covered ground, 500 feet across ... that's about five acres. A single building dominates the northern end of this clearing, built in oriental style and some 200 feet across, with four smaller wings surrounding a larger central chamber of some kind. A covered wooden walkway connects all the outer wings in a circle. On the south side of the clearing, a new building has been erected, homey and inviting. It is small in comparison to the main dojo proper, some 80 feet wide in the shape of a cross, and three stories high.

To the wooded trails | To the dojo entrance | To the house entrance | A circle of stone


Just outside the main entrance into the south wing of the dojo, a short stone juts up out of the ground, with a brassy plaque on its side, words turned up to the reader's eye: "Here rests the Dojo of Redfang, a place of learning and sanctuary for all who can embrace the ideals of tolerance, honor, enlightenment, and sanctuary. This dojo belongs to all, but most especially to the following people who so freely gave their time and energy to this project. May they always find a resting place here within these walls.

"Aislinn, Alison, Anwyn, ClaudiusBlue, Blank, Cannon, Devaine_Hawk, Flash_Guardian, Glyniss_McMasters, Jaia-Asumoto, Kade, Kalakr, Kitari, Lafiel, Omenis, PhorenNarqu, Tiny, and Triad.

"And to anyone else who has contributed of their resources to make this dream a possibility, you have the thanks of the students and denizens of Redfang, so long as there are those who seek greater things and wish to learn and practice the art of noble combat."

Back to the clearing | Enter the dojo


Outside of the dojo, on the front lawn, a curious sort of obsidian formation rests in an out of the way location, out in the yard just south of the dojo's south entrance by approximately 50 feet, a small stone circle with obsidian spires rising up at regular intervals. Each spire has a specific symbol carved into it. "It uses an enhanced version of the same principles on which both sundials and stone circles are made. It has the dual function of indicating not only the time, based on either the position of the sun or moons at any time, but one can also determine the date from it, as it doubles as a lunar calender if you learn how to use it correctly. At noon every day, and midnight every night, it should reflect a brief and concentrated flash in a northerly direction, precisely into what should be the entrance to the dojo." (Cannon, Nov. 14, 2004)

Back to the clearing


The foundation for the dojo was actually created using artificial volcanic processes, granting the Dojo a firm basalt/obsidian foundation that is fused directly to the large underground batholith upon which the island sits.

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