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December 1, 2003
The start of the 25 Days of Christmas...also the start of a new week.  Not much going on here.

December 2, 2003
Congratulations to Amy and her big NEWS...she got another A (96%) on her test tonight, which gives her an A average going into the final, which means she doesn't have to take the final.  Woo Hoo!!!  So now that she is done with school, our Tuesdays will return to normal.

December 3, 2003
Not much going on today so let's get a quick kid update going.  Ian is starting to get more and more words out and express himself so we don't have to guess what he wants anymore.  Jordan is entertaining to listen to...she plays so nicely that sometimes we forget she is in the next room, but she does have a tendency to yell at her imaginary friends so that we quickly remember where she is again.  Coral is really getting good at reading...this is her first year with homework and it is usually a reading assignment, so she is reading at a pretty good level now.

December 4, 2003
Our garage door opener went kaploee on Saturday night when we were trying to go to Jim's party, so we had a repair man come to look at it and tell us it's not fixable.  We will now start to price garage door openers for a Christmas gift for the Florida Remberts.

December 5, 2003
Amy and Dan enjoyed their contract's holiday luncheon at the new facility that KSC built for our contract called the Space Life Science Lab.

December 6, 2003
The day started off with getting Coral to the parade at 8:30 with the rest of her Brownie Troop.  Then Dan got back to pick up the rest of the Remberts.  We met Shannah and enjoyed the parade and the chilly weather that Floridians think is a deep freeze (upper 50s/lower 60s).  Amy did some more shopping while the kids napped, Coral watched TV, and Dan did the laundry.  Later that night, Dan and Amy went out to celebrate Amy's 34th Birthday with John, Krista, Shannah, David and a few of David's friends joined us for dinner and drinks.

December 7, 2003
Happy 34th Birthday to Amy!!!
God wanted to wish Amy a happy birthday, so her and Coral went to his (or her) house to visit.  Coral then went to CCD and Amy did some food shopping and a quick stop to Wal-Mart.  After they got back, Dan took Coral to a classmate's birthday party, which started at a park and then continued at the movie theater.  Dan and Jordan joined the party in the movies and we all saw "The Cat in the Hat".  The movie was pretty good, but doesn't live up to the hype (in Dan's humble opinion)...the kids sure did enjoy it.  On the way home, Dan, Coral and Jordan stopped by Publix to get a cake, flowers, and chocolates for the birthday girl and dinner for the kids.  After singing "Happy Birthday", eating some ice cream cake, and getting tubbies, it was time for bed for the kids and time for dinner for Dan and Amy.  We enjoyed a late, quiet meal from Chili's to cap off the Birthday Day for everyone's favorite 34-year old female Rembert!

December 8, 2003
Amy went to Gardendale for lunch with Coral today, Dan could not go because he had a few things going on at work.  Not much else to report today.

December 9, 2003
Amy was excited today to be able to ride with the rest of the family to and from work and not have to go to school and learn something...woo hoo!

December 10, 2003
Dan went in late to work, so that he could greet the new garage door opener and its installers.  After school, Coral and the rest of her Brownie Troop went on a field trip to the Humane Society to see all the little puppies, kittens and bunnies and then cry all the way home...just kidding, only half of the little girls in the troop cried and it was only to the pick-up point.

December 11, 2003
Dan and Amy had some work-happenings...first, today was KSC's holiday coffee, which is basically a meet-and-greet for all employees.  The exciting thing that happened during this was Dan got to meet the new Center Director, Jim Kennedy (yes, I said Kennedy is in charge of Kennedy) and also got to see his office, which was pretty cool.  Later, Dan and Amy had lunch together to celebrate the RehabWorks' Intern's last week and Amy's Birthday.

December 12, 2003
Well, the sickness showed its ugly face again in our house...Jordan woke up in the middle of the night after getting sick in bed.  Amy, did the morning duties and Dan had the afternoon shift.

December 13, 2003
Amy and Coral left to do some errands and some gymnastics in the morning.  In the afternoon, Dan prepared the Caravan for the trip back north by cleaning the entire inside.  Man the thing was a mess!  We had more crayons and dried-up french fries hiden in the crevasses of that car.  Later, Dan and Amy watched "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl".  This was a very entertaining movie (plenty of action and comedy), but a little too scary for the kids, so we waited until the kids were in bed.  Amy gives it 1 1/2 "long winks".

December 14, 2003
Happy Saddam-is-captured Day!!!
Amy did the Church and CCD thing with Coral, so she could fit in some Christmas Shopping in the meantime.  Later, Amy got out to do even more Christmas Shopping, but isn't done yet.  This is the only time of the year when Dan is happy to stay home with the screaming kids.

December 15, 2003
After work, daycare and school, we got home to find our Christmas cards have finally arrived.  So after the kids were in bed, Dan and Amy worked on getting those sealed and sent out.

December 16, 2003
Jordan had a quick check-up with her dermatologist to look at her birth-mark and everything was just fine and dandy, so it was back to school and work for her and Amy.

December 17, 2003
Both Amy and Ian stayed home sick today.  Dan went to work early so that he could leave early to take Coral to Brownies.  Amy went to pick her up and also get Jordan and do a few errands.  By the time they all got back, it was tubby-time and then bed-time, so there was no time to celebrate Dan's birthday..."that's all I got to say 'bout that" (with Forrest Gump voice).

December 18, 2003
We got our CD player fixed in the Caravan, it was having some problems and was still under warranty...woo hoo!  After we got home, we finally celebrated Dan's birthday with gifts, ice-cream cake, and Carrabba's food and all is good with the world again.

December 19, 2003
After work, Amy and Coral joined some young ladies from her Brownie Troop to go to see the Nutcracker Ballet in Orlando.  They had a great time and Coral was enthralled by the performance and they didn't get home until midnight.

December 20, 2003
Happy Birthday to Madi!!!
Gymnastics were followed by another round of never ends!

December 21, 2003
Dan finally got to get out of the house and do some shopping, which was then followed by another round by Amy...we think this is the last time, but you never know.

December 22, 2003
After finishing the first of only two days of work and daycare this week, we stopped to get some shoes for the kids and some food for all.  Now that all the shopping is done, Dan and Amy went into the second round of wrapping (not to be confused with rappin'...we make better DJs).

December 23, 2003
Last day of work for Dan and Amy, so this means it is also the last day of daycare for the kids.  To celebrate Dan had a few drinks after work with some friends.

December 24, 2003
We got up and went to the mall to visit Santa and get our picture taken on his lap (hope to have that up on the site soon).  After that fun, we came home, wrapped presents, got ready for the big day, and the big trip back to Pittsburgh.

December 25, 2003
Merry Christmas to all!!!
We spent the day in our usual fasion...opening presents and relaxing all day.  This year we also packed up the sleigh for the day-after Christmas trip.

December 26, 2003
On the Road Again, I Just Can't Wait to get on the Road Again...we spent 17 hours (5:30 AM to 10:30 PM) in our Caravan to get from Florida to Pittsburgh and now we know the inside very well.

December 27, 2003
Today was Party Day at the Remberts!  First we met the soon-to-be-in-laws (Dwain's Parents) and later we saw just about everyone else in Dan's family, all the while trading gifts.

December 28, 2003
Today was Chirstmas Part III: Christmas with the Manions.  On our way to visit Amy's Grandma, the kids got to see our old house in Pittsburgh and the city from the overlook on Mt. Washington.  While we were driving up the side of Mt. Washington, Coral exclaimed, "Mom, they built homes on the side of that mountain!"...this must mean they are all Florida kids now.

December 29, 2003
After a quick visit to Marie's work, Amy and Marie took a long trip to, Dwain, close your eyes...Marie's wedding dress and do some general girly-stuff.  Later that night, Tim and Marcy had a little party to help welcome us home and celebrate the season.  A good turn-out of our friends showed-up and we toasted the season and caught-up on gossip.

December 30, 2003
While Dan was having lunch with some friends from his old workplace, Amy and the kids went to visit some of her friends from her school daze.  The evening was spent recooping from the frantic visiting schedule and to catch our collective breathes.

December 31, 2003
While Amy and the kids had a lunch date to say "fair-well" at her mom's, Dan took a trip up to Cranberry for a long visit with his best friend and cousin, Rich.  Later, we partied like it was 2003...Marie and Dwain through a New Year's Eve Party.  A great time was had by all and we got to catch-up with some more friends.  It was not as rowdy as some of the "Heights" Parties, but it seems that those days are long gone.
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
December 2003
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